import { overwriteComparator, initTernaryTreeMap } from "@calcit/ternary-tree"; import { CirruWriterNode, writeCirruCode } from "@cirru/writer.ts"; import { CalcitValue, isLiteral, _$n_compare } from "./js-primes.mjs"; import { CalcitList, CalcitSliceList } from "./js-list.mjs"; import { CalcitRecord } from "./js-record.mjs"; import { CalcitMap, CalcitSliceMap } from "./js-map.mjs"; import { CalcitSet } from "./js-set.mjs"; import { CalcitTag, CalcitSymbol, CalcitRecur, CalcitRef, newTag } from "./calcit-data.mjs"; import { CalcitTuple } from "./js-tuple.mjs"; import { deepEqual } from "@calcit/ternary-tree/lib/utils.mjs"; type CirruEdnFormat = string | CirruEdnFormat[]; export class CalcitCirruQuote { value: CirruWriterNode; constructor(value: CirruWriterNode) { if (value == null) { throw new Error("cirru node cannot be null"); } this.value = value; } toString(): string { return `(&cirru-quote ${JSON.stringify(this.value)})`; } toList(): CalcitValue { return to_calcit_data(this.value, true); } nth(idx: number): CalcitValue { if (Array.isArray(this.value)) { if (idx < this.value.length) { return new CalcitCirruQuote(this.value[idx]); } else { throw new Error(`nth out of range: ${idx}`); } } else { throw new Error(`&cirru-nth does not read into a string: ${this.value}`); } } /** provide a simple text representation in Console or std out, with indentations */ textForm(): string { if (Array.isArray(this.value) && this.value.every((x) => Array.isArray(x))) { return writeCirruCode(this.value); } else { return this.toString(); } } } export let format_cirru = (data: CalcitCirruQuote | CalcitList, useInline: boolean): string => { if (data instanceof CalcitCirruQuote) { return writeCirruCode(data.value, { useInline }); } let chunk = toWriterNode(data); if (!Array.isArray(chunk)) { throw new Error("Expected data of list"); } for (let idx = 0; idx < chunk.length; idx++) { let item = chunk[idx]; if (!Array.isArray(item)) { throw new Error("Expected data in a list of lists"); } } return writeCirruCode(chunk, { useInline }); }; /** better use string version of Cirru EDN in future */ export let to_cirru_edn = (x: CalcitValue): CirruEdnFormat => { if (x == null) { return "nil"; } if (typeof x === "string") { return `|${x}`; } if (typeof x === "number") { return `${x}`; } if (typeof x === "boolean") { return `${x}`; } if (x instanceof CalcitTag) { return x.toString(); } if (x instanceof CalcitSymbol) { return x.toString(); } if (x instanceof CalcitList || x instanceof CalcitSliceList) { let ret: CirruEdnFormat[] = ["[]"]; let arr = x.toArray(); for (let idx = 0; idx < arr.length; idx++) { ret.push(to_cirru_edn(arr[idx])); } return ret; } if (x instanceof CalcitCirruQuote) { return ["quote", x.value]; } if (x instanceof CalcitMap || x instanceof CalcitSliceMap) { let buffer: CirruEdnFormat = ["{}"]; let pairs_buffer: [CalcitValue, CalcitValue][] = []; let pairs = x.pairs(); for (let idx = 0; idx < pairs.length; idx++) { pairs_buffer.push(pairs[idx]); } pairs_buffer.sort((a, b) => { let a0_literal = isLiteral(a[0]); let a1_literal = isLiteral(a[1]); let b0_literal = isLiteral(b[0]); let b1_literal = isLiteral(b[1]); if (a0_literal && b0_literal) { if (a1_literal && !b1_literal) { return -1; } else if (!a1_literal && b1_literal) { return 1; } else { return _$n_compare(a[0], b[0]); } } else if (a0_literal && !b0_literal) { return -1; } else if (!a0_literal && b0_literal) { return 1; } else { return _$n_compare(a[0], b[0]); } }); for (let idx = 0; idx < pairs_buffer.length; idx++) { let k = pairs_buffer[idx][0]; let v = pairs_buffer[idx][1]; buffer.push([to_cirru_edn(k), to_cirru_edn(v)]); } return buffer; } if (x instanceof CalcitRecord) { let buffer: [string, CirruEdnFormat][] = []; for (let idx = 0; idx < x.fields.length; idx++) { buffer.push([x.fields[idx].toString(), to_cirru_edn(x.values[idx])]); } // placed literals first buffer.sort(recordFieldOrder); (buffer as any[]).unshift(; (buffer as any[]).unshift("%{}"); return buffer; } if (x instanceof CalcitSet) { let buffer: CirruEdnFormat = ["#{}"]; let values = x.values(); values.sort((a, b) => { return _$n_compare(a, b); }); for (let idx = 0; idx < values.length; idx++) { let y = values[idx]; buffer.push(to_cirru_edn(y)); } return buffer; } if (x instanceof CalcitTuple) { if (x.tag instanceof CalcitSymbol && x.tag.value === "quote") { // turn `x.snd` with CalcitList into raw Cirru nodes, which is in plain Array return ["quote", toWriterNode(x.get(1) as any)] as CirruEdnFormat; } else if (x.tag instanceof CalcitTag) { return ["::", x.tag.toString(),]; } else if (x.tag instanceof CalcitRecord) { return ["::",,]; } else { throw new Error(`Unsupported tag for EDN: ${x.tag}`); } } console.error(x); throw new Error("Unexpected data to to-cirru-edn"); }; let recordFieldOrder = (a: [string, CirruEdnFormat], b: [string, CirruEdnFormat]) => { let a1_literal = isLiteral(a[1] as CalcitValue); let b1_literal = isLiteral(b[1] as CalcitValue); if (a1_literal && !b1_literal) { return -1; } else if (!a1_literal && b1_literal) { return 1; } else { return _$n_compare(a[0] as CalcitValue, b[0] as CalcitValue); } }; /** makes sure we got string */ let extractFieldTag = (x: string) => { if (x[0] === ":") { return newTag(x.slice(1)); } else { return newTag(x); } }; export let extract_cirru_edn = (x: CirruEdnFormat, options: CalcitValue): CalcitValue => { if (typeof x === "string") { if (x === "nil") { return null; } if (x === "true") { return true; } if (x === "false") { return false; } if (x === "") { throw new Error("cannot be empty"); } if (x[0] === "|" || x[0] === '"') { return x.slice(1); } if (x[0] === ":") { return newTag(x.slice(1)); } if (x[0] === "'") { return new CalcitSymbol(x.slice(1)); } if (x.match(/^(-?)\d+(\.\d*$)?/)) { return parseFloat(x); } // strict behavior as Rust semantics throw new Error(`unknown syntax for EDN: ${x}`); } if (x instanceof Array) { if (x.length === 0) { throw new Error("Cannot be empty form"); } if (x[0] === "{}") { let result: Array = []; x.forEach((pair, idx) => { if (idx === 0) { return; // skip first `{}` symbol } if (pair instanceof Array) { if (pair[0] === ";") return; if (pair.length === 2) { result.push(extract_cirru_edn(pair[0], options), extract_cirru_edn(pair[1], options)); } else { throw new Error(`Expected a pair, got: ${pair}`); } } else { throw new Error(`Expected pairs for map, got: ${pair}`); } }); return new CalcitSliceMap(result); } if (x[0] === "%{}") { let name = x[1]; if (typeof name != "string") { throw new Error(`Expected string for record name, got: ${name}`); } // put to entries first, sort and then... let entries: Array<[CalcitTag, CalcitValue]> = []; x.forEach((pair, idx) => { if (idx <= 1) { return; // skip %{} name } if (pair instanceof Array) { if (pair[0] === ";") return; if (pair.length === 2) { if (typeof pair[0] === "string") { entries.push([extractFieldTag(pair[0]), extract_cirru_edn(pair[1], options)]); } else { throw new Error(`Expected string as field, got: ${pair}`); } } else { throw new Error(`Expected pair of size 2, got: ${pair}`); } } else { throw new Error(`Expected pairs for reocrd, got: ${pair}`); } }); entries.sort((a, b) => { return a[0].cmp(b[0]); }); let fields: Array = []; let values: Array = []; for (let idx = 0; idx < entries.length; idx++) { fields.push(entries[idx][0]); values.push(entries[idx][1]); } if (options instanceof CalcitMap || options instanceof CalcitSliceMap) { let v = options.get(extractFieldTag(name)); if (v != null && v instanceof CalcitRecord) { if (!deepEqual(v.fields, fields)) { throw new Error(`Fields mismatch for ${name}, expected ${fields}, got ${v.fields}`); } return new CalcitRecord(extractFieldTag(name), fields, values, v.klass); } } return new CalcitRecord(extractFieldTag(name), fields, values); } let notComment = (x: any) => { if (x instanceof Array && x[0] === ";") { return false; } return true; }; if (x[0] === "[]") { return new CalcitSliceList( x .slice(1) .filter(notComment) .map((x) => extract_cirru_edn(x, options)) ); } if (x[0] === "#{}") { return new CalcitSet( x .slice(1) .filter(notComment) .map((x) => extract_cirru_edn(x, options)) ); } if (x[0] === "do" && x.length === 2) { return extract_cirru_edn(x[1], options); } if (x[0] === "quote") { if (x.length !== 2) { throw new Error(`quote expects 1 argument, got: ${x}`); } return new CalcitCirruQuote(x[1]); } if (x[0] === "::") { if (x.length < 2) { throw new Error(`tuple expects at least 1 value, got: ${x}`); } return new CalcitTuple( extract_cirru_edn(x[1], options), x .slice(2) .filter(notComment) .map((x) => extract_cirru_edn(x, options)), undefined ); } } console.error(x); throw new Error(`Unexpected data from EDN: ${x}`); }; export let format_cirru_edn = (data: CalcitValue, useInline: boolean = true): string => { if (data == null) { return "\ndo nil" + "\n"; } if (typeof data === "string") { return "\ndo " + to_cirru_edn(data) + "\n"; } if (typeof data === "boolean") { return "\ndo " + to_cirru_edn(data) + "\n"; } if (typeof data === "string") { return "\ndo " + to_cirru_edn(data) + "\n"; } if (data instanceof CalcitSymbol) { return "\ndo " + to_cirru_edn(data) + "\n"; } if (data instanceof CalcitTag) { return "\ndo " + to_cirru_edn(data) + "\n"; } return writeCirruCode([to_cirru_edn(data)], { useInline: useInline }); }; export let to_calcit_data = (x: any, noKeyword: boolean = false): CalcitValue => { if (x == null) return null; if (typeof x === "number") return x; if (typeof x === "string") { if (!noKeyword && x[0] === ":" && x.slice(1).match(/^[\w\d_\?\!\-]+$/)) { return newTag(x.slice(1)); } return x; } if (x === true || x === false) return x; if (typeof x === "function") return x; if (Array.isArray(x)) { var result: any[] = []; x.forEach((v) => { result.push(to_calcit_data(v, noKeyword)); }); return new CalcitSliceList(result); } if (x instanceof Set) { let result: Array = []; x.forEach((v) => { result.push(to_calcit_data(v, noKeyword)); }); return new CalcitSet(result); } if (x instanceof CalcitList || x instanceof CalcitSliceList) return x; if (x instanceof CalcitMap || x instanceof CalcitSliceMap) return x; if (x instanceof CalcitSet) return x; if (x instanceof CalcitRecord) return x; if (x instanceof CalcitRecur) return x; if (x instanceof CalcitRef) return x; if (x instanceof CalcitTag) return x; if (x instanceof CalcitSymbol) return x; if (x instanceof CalcitTuple) return x; // detects object if (x === Object(x)) { let result: Array = []; Object.keys(x).forEach((k) => { result.push(to_calcit_data(k, noKeyword), to_calcit_data(x[k], noKeyword)); }); return new CalcitSliceMap(result); } console.error("Unexpected data for converting", x); return null; }; let toWriterNode = (xs: CalcitList | CalcitSliceList | Array | String): CirruWriterNode => { if (typeof xs === "string") { return xs; } else if (Array.isArray(xs)) { return; } if (xs instanceof CalcitList || xs instanceof CalcitSliceList) { return (xs.toArray() as Array).map(toWriterNode); } else { throw new Error("Unexpected type for CirruWriteNode"); } }; /** deep compare cirru array */ export let cirru_deep_equal = (x: CirruWriterNode, y: CirruWriterNode): boolean => { if (x === y) { return true; } else if (Array.isArray(x) && Array.isArray(y)) { if (x.length !== y.length) { return false; } for (let idx = 0; idx < x.length; idx++) { if (!cirru_deep_equal(x[idx], y[idx])) { return false; } } return true; } else { return false; } };