import { Hash } from "@calcit/ternary-tree"; import { CalcitValue } from "./js-primes.mjs"; import { _$n__$e_, newTag, toString } from "./calcit-data.mjs"; import { CalcitRecord } from "./js-record.mjs"; export class CalcitTuple { tag: CalcitValue; extra: CalcitValue[]; klass: CalcitRecord; cachedHash: Hash; constructor(tagName: CalcitValue, extra: CalcitValue[], klass: CalcitRecord) { this.tag = tagName; this.extra = extra; this.klass = klass; this.cachedHash = null; } get(n: number) { if (n === 0) { return this.tag; } else if (n - 1 < this.extra.length) { return this.extra[n - 1]; } else { throw new Error("Tuple only have 2 elements"); } } assoc(n: number, v: CalcitValue) { if (n === 0) { return new CalcitTuple(v, this.extra, this.klass); } else if (n - 1 < this.extra.length) { let next_extra = this.extra.slice(); next_extra[n - 1] = v; return new CalcitTuple(this.tag, next_extra, this.klass); } else { throw new Error(`Tuple only have ${this.extra.length} elements`); } } count() { return 1 + this.extra.length; } eq(y: CalcitTuple): boolean { if (!_$n__$e_(this.tag, y.tag)) { return false; } if (this.extra.length !== y.extra.length) { return false; } for (let idx = 0; idx < this.extra.length; idx++) { if (!_$n__$e_(this.extra[idx], y.extra[idx])) { return false; } } return true; } toString(disableJsDataWarning: boolean = false): string { let args = [this.tag, ...this.extra]; let content = ""; for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { content += " "; } content += toString(args[i], true, disableJsDataWarning); } if (this.klass instanceof CalcitRecord) { return `(%:: ${content} (:class ${}))`; } else { return `(:: ${content})`; } } }