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A Compiler Infrastructure for Accelerator Generators

Calyx is an intermediate language and infrastructure for building compilers that generate custom hardware accelerators. See the [Calyx website][site], [language documentation][docs] and the [documentation for the source code][source-docs] for more information. Calyx's design is based on [our paper][paper]. ## Installation ### Quick If you want to try out the compiler, install it using `cargo`: ``` cargo install calyx ``` This will install the `calyx` binary can optimize and compile Calyx programs to Verilog or [CIRCT][]. ### Recommended Follow the [getting started][docs] instructions. ## Organization This repository contains the source code for the following: * [`calyx-utils`][]: Utilities for the Calyx compiler * [`calyx-frontend`][]: Parser and frontend AST for the Calyx language. * [`calyx-ir`][]: The Calyx intermediate language. * [`calyx-opt`][]: Optimizations for the Calyx intermediate language. * [`calyx`][]: The Calyx compiler driver. You can also use the Calyx compiler as a library and implement your own optimizations. To do this, [check out the example][opt-example] provided by the [`calyx-opt`][] crate. [site]: https://calyxir.org [docs]: https://docs.calyxir.org [source-docs]: https://docs.rs/releases/search?query=calyx [paper]: https://rachitnigam.com/files/pubs/calyx.pdf [`calyx-utils`]: https://crates.io/crates/calyx-utils [`calyx-frontend`]: https://crates.io/crates/calyx-frontend [`calyx-ir`]: https://crates.io/crates/calyx-ir [`calyx-opt`]: https://crates.io/crates/calyx-opt [`calyx`]: https://crates.io/crates/calyx [circt]: https://docs.calyxir.org/running-calyx/fud/circt.html [opt-example]: https://docs.rs/calyx-opt/0.2.1/calyx_opt/