This crate provides the CAMINOS simulator as a library. This is the Cantabrian Adaptable and Modular Interconnection Open Simulator.
# Usage
This crate is `caminos-lib`. To use it add `caminos-lib` to your dependencies in your project's `Cargo.toml`.
caminos-lib = "0.6"
Alternatively, consider whether the binary crate `caminos` fits your intended use.
# Breaking changes
## [0.6.0] to ...
* All cycles are now represented by a `Time` alias of `u64`; instead of `usize`.
* Removed methods `pending_events`, `add_pending_event`, and `clear_pending_events` from the Eventful trait in favor of the `schedule` method.
* Router methods insert and acknowledge now return `Vec` and are responsible for their scheduling.
* Renamed in Traffic nomenclature servers into tasks. This includes ServerTrafficState renamed into TaskTrafficState, and `server_state` into `task_state`. Old configuration names are still supported.
* Added method `number_tasks`required for trait Traffic.
## [0.5.0] to [0.6.0]
* Removed unnecessary generic parameter TM from routers Basic and InputOutput. They now may select [TransmissionMechanisms](router::TransmissionMechanism) to employ.
* Renamed TransmissionFromServer into TransmissionFromOblivious.
* Some changes in the Dragonfly struct, to allow for more global arrangements.
* `Event::process` now receives SimulationShared and SimulationMut for better encapsulation.
* Replaced every `&RefCell` by `&mut StdRng` everywhere.
## [0.4.0] to [0.5.0]
* Added the function `server_state` to the `Traffic` trait.
* Functions on the output module now use ExperimentFiles instead of Path.
* Added a server argument to `Traffic::try_consume`.
* Added phit to `RequestInfo`.
* Upgrade from rand-0.4 to rand-0.8.
* Using `&dyn Topology` instead of `&Box` in all interfaces.
* `Topology::coordinated_routing_record` now receives slices.
* `CartesianData::new` now receives an slice.
* SpaceAtReceptor and Stage now uses the Error type in its Result types.
* `config::{evaluate,reevaluate}` now returns a `Result`.
## [0.3.0] to [0.4.0]
* Added `path` argument to `config::{evaluate,reevaluate}`.
* File `create_output` and similar now receive in its `results` argument also the experiment indices.
* routings now return `RoutingNextCandidates`. In addition to the vector of candidates it contains an `idempotent` field to allow some checks and optimizations.
* Added requirement `VirtualChannelPolicy: Debug`.
* The `file_main` function now receives a `free_args` parameter. Free arguments of the form `path=value` are used to override the configuration.
## [0.2.0] to [0.3.0]
* Added parameter `cycle` to `Traffic::should_generate`.
## [0.1.0] to [0.2.0]
* Added methods to `Routing` and `Router` traits to gather statistics.
* Added method `Routing::performed_request` to allow routings to make decisions when the router makes a request to a candidate.
* Added `ConfigurationValue::NamedExperiments(String,Vec)`.
* Removed surrounding quotes from the config `LitStr` and `Literal`.
* Now `neighbour_router_iter` must always be used instead of `` to check ports to other routers. Note that `degree` does not give valid ranges when having non-connected ports, as in the case of some irregular topologies as the mesh.
* `Plugs` now include a `stages` attribute.
* Removed from the `Topology` interfaz the never used methods `num_arcs`, `average_distance`, `distance_distribution`.
# Public Interface
`caminos-lib` provides the functions `directory_main` and `file_main`, intended to use the file version when the final binary calls with a configuration file argument and the directory version when it is called with a directory argument.
The `directory_main` function receives a `&Path` assumed to contain a `main.cfg`, `main.od`, optionally `remote`, plus any generated files and subdirectories.
* `main.cfg` contains the definition of the experiment to perform, expected to unfold into multiple simulations.
* `main.od` contains the definition of what outputs are desired. For example `csv` files or (`pdf`,`latex`)-plots.
* `remote` allows to define a remote from which to pull result files.
* `journal`tracks the actions performed on the experiment. It is specially useful to track what execution are currently launched in what slurm jobs.
* `runs/job/launch` are the scripts launched to slurm. `action_index` is number of the current action. `experiment_index` is expected to be the experiment index of one of the experiments included in the slurm job.
* `runs/job/launch-.{out,err}` are the outputs from scripts launched to slurm. The `slurm_index` is the job id given by slurm.
* `runs/run/local.cfg` is the configuration exclusive to the simulation number `experiment_index`.
* `runs/run/local.result` will contain the result values of the simulation number `experiment_index` after a successful simulation.
The `directory_main` receives also an `Action`. In the crate `caminos` this is done via its `--action=` falg.
* `local_and_output` runs all the remaining simulations locally and generates the outputs.
* `local` runs all the simulations locally, without processing the results afterwards.
* `output` processes the currently available results and generates the outputs.
* `slurm` launches the remaining simulations onto the slurm system.
* `check` just shows how many results we got and how many are currently in slurm.
* `pull` brings result files from the defined remote host.
* `remote_check` performs a `check` action in the remote host.
* `push` compares the local main.cfg with the host remote.cfg. It reports discrepancies and create the remote path if missing.
* `slurm_cancel` executes a `scancel` with the job ids found in the journal file.
* `shell` creates the experiment folder with default configuration files. Alternatively, when receiving `--source=another_experiment` it copies the configuration of the other experiment into this one.
* `pack` forces the creation of a binary.results file and erases the verbose raw results files. In some extreme cases it can reduce a decent amount of space and sped up computations.
# Configuration Syntax
The configuration files are parsed using the `gramatica` crate. These files are parsed as a `ConfigurationValue` defined as following.
pub enum ConfigurationValue
* An `Object` os typed `Name { key1 : value1, key2 : value2, [...] }`.
* An `Array` is typed `[value1, value2, value3, [...]]`.
* An `Experiments` is typed `![value1, value2, value3, [...]]`. These are used to indicate several simulations in a experiment. This is, the set of simulations to be performed is the product of all lists of this kind.
* A `NamedExperiments`is typed `username![value1, value2, value3, [...]]`. Its size must match other `NamedExperiment`s with the same name. Thus if there is `{firstkey: alpha![value1, value2, value3],secondkey: alpha![other1,other2,other3]}`, then the simulations will include `{firstkey:value1, secondkey:other1}` and `{firstkey:value3,secondkey:other3}` but it will NOT include `{firstkey:value1,secondkey:other3}`.
* A `Number` can be written like 2 or 3.1. Stored as a `f64`.
* A `Literal` is a double-quoted string.
* `True` is written `true`a and `False` is written `false`.
* `Expression` is typed `=expr`, useful in output descriptions.
* The `Where` clause is not yet implemented.
## Experiment example
An example of `main.cfg` file is
random_seed: ![42,43,44],//Simulate each seed
warmup: 20000,//Cycles to warm the network
measured: 10000,//Cycles measured for the results
topology: RandomRegularGraph//The topology is given as a named record
servers_per_router: 5,//Number of host connected to each router
routers: 500,//Total number of routers in the network
degree: 10,//Number of router ports reserved to go to other routers
legend_name: "random 500-regular graph",//Name used on generated outputs
traffic: HomogeneousTraffic//Select a traffic. e.g., traffic repeating a pattern continously.
pattern: ![//We can make a simulation for each of several patterns.
Uniform { legend_name:"uniform" },
RandomPermutation { legend_name:"random server permutation" },
servers: 2500,//Servers involved in the traffic. Typically equal to the total of servers.
//The load offered from the servers. A common case where to include many simulation values.
load: ![0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0],
message_size: 16,//The size in phits of the messages created by the servers.
maximum_packet_size: 16,//Messages of greater length will be broken into several packets.
router: Basic//The router is another object with a large description
//The number of virtual channels. The basic router sets a buffer for each virtual channel in each port, both at input and output.
virtual_channels: 8,
//Policies that filter the candidate routes given by the routing algorithm. They may be used to break deadlock or to give preference to some choices.
//EnforceFlowControl must be included to actually use flow control restrictions.
virtual_channel_policies: [ EnforceFlowControl, WideHops{width:1}, LowestSinghWeight{extra_congestion:0, extra_distance:0, aggregate_buffers:true, use_internal_space:true}, Random ],
delay: 0,//not actually implemted in the basic router. In the future it may be removed or actually implemented.
buffer_size: 64,//phits available in each input buffer
bubble: false,//to enable bubble mechanism in Cartesian topologies.
flit_size: 16,//set to maximum_packet_size to have Virtual Cut-Through.
intransit_priority: false,//whether to give preference to transit over injection.
allow_request_busy_port: true,//whether to allow input buffer to make requests to ports that are transmitting
output_buffer_size:32,//Available phits in each output_buffer.
output_priorize_lowest_label: true,//whether arbiters give priority to requests with lowest label.
routing: ![//Algorithm to provide candidate exit ports.
Shortest { legend_name: "shortest" },
Valiant {
//The meta-routing by Valiant in which we sent shortest to a random middle router
//And then shortest from the middle to the destination.
first: Shortest,//We can change the sub-routing in either the first or second segment.
second: Shortest,//If we do not have arguments we only put the object name. No need for braces.
legend_name: "generic Valiant",
link_classes: [
//We can set the delays of different class of links. The number of classes depends on the topology.
LinkClass {
//In random regular graphs all router--router links have the same class.
//The last class always correspond to the links between server and router
LinkClass { delay: 1},
//In a dragonfly topology we would have 0=routers from same group, 1=routers from different groups, and 2=from server
launch_configurations: [
//We may put here options to send to the SLURM system.
job_pack_size: 2,//number of simulations to go in each slurm job.
time: "1-11:59:59",//maximum time allocated to each slurm job.
## Example output description
An example of output decription `main.od` is
CSV//To generate a csv with a selection of fields
fields: [=configuration.traffic.pattern.legend_name, =configuration.traffic.load, =result.accepted_load, =result.average_message_delay, =configuration.routing.legend_name, =result.server_consumption_jain_index, =result.server_generation_jain_index, =result.average_packet_hops, =result.average_link_utilization, =result.maximum_link_utilization],
filename: "results.csv",
Plots//To plot curves of data.
selector: =configuration.traffic.pattern.legend_name,//Make a plot for each value of the selector
kind: [
//We may create groups of figures.
//In this example. For each value of pattern we draw three graphics.
//The first one is accepted load for each offered load.
//Simulations with same parameter, here offered load, are averaged together.
parameter: =configuration.traffic.load,
abscissas: =configuration.traffic.load,
label_abscissas: "offered load",
ordinates: =result.accepted_load,
label_ordinates: "accepted load",
min_ordinate: 0.0,
max_ordinate: 1.0,
//In this example we draw message delay against accepted load, but we
//continue to average by offered load. The offered load is also used for
//the order in which points are joined by lines.
parameter: =configuration.traffic.load,
abscissas: =result.accepted_load,
label_abscissas: "accepted load",
ordinates: =result.average_message_delay,
label_ordinates: "average message delay",
min_ordinate: 0.0,
max_ordinate: 200.0,
legend: =configuration.routing.legend_name,
prefix: "loaddelay",
backend: Tikz
//We use tikz to create the figures.
//We generate a tex file easy to embed in latex document.
//We also generate apdf file, using the latex in the system.
tex_filename: "load_and_delay.tex",
pdf_filename: "load_and_delay.pdf",
selector: =configuration.traffic.pattern.legend_name,//Make a plot for each value of the selector
//We can create histograms.
kind: [Plotkind{
label_abscissas: "path length",
label_ordinates: "amount fo packets",
histogram: =result.total_packet_per_hop_count,
min_ordinate: 0.0,
//max_ordinate: 1.0,
legend: =configuration.routing.legend_name,
prefix: "hophistogram",
backend: Tikz
tex_filename: "hop_histogram.tex",
pdf_filename: "hop_histogram.pdf",
Fot the `tikz` backend to work it is necessary to have a working `LaTeX` installation that includes the `pgfplots` package. It is part of the `texlive-pictures` package in some linux distributions. It may also require the `texlive-latexextra` package.
# Plugging
Both entries `directory_main` and `file_main` receive a `&Plugs` argument that may be used to provide the simulator with new implementations. This way, one can make a copy of the `main` in the `caminos` crate and declare plugs for their implemented `Router`, `Topology`, `Routing`, `Traffic`, `Pattern`, and `VirtualChannelPolicy`.