Both embedding ( e.g., Word2Vec) and encoding (e.g., Bag of words) is about representing data in a different space. Embedding isually talks about continous vector spaces (aka sequences), usually capturing semantic relationships, where encoding also includes compressing and dimensional reduction. The following embeddings shall be integrated from [Candle]( | Type | From where | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Embedding | Integrated - Standard layer | | Timestep Embedding | Not Integrated so far - [here]( for relative (aka local) positional encoding | | Positional Embedding | Not Integrated so far - [here]( for absolute positional encoding | | Falcon Rotary Positional Embedding | Not Integrated so far - [here]( for absolute and relative positional encoding | | Sinusoidal Positional Embedding | Not Integrated so far - [here]( for absolute and relative positional encoding | Notes: - Dimensional reduction such as PCA tend to perform poorly. Check e.g., [here]( - Next steps will be * [here](, by just using randomly n dimensions. * Quantization via - Converting to binary quatization (aka **hemming distance** ). Speedup is roughly a factor 3 (compare [here]( - Converting to scalar quantization (aka **integer** mapping). Speedup is roughly a factor 24 (compare [here](