use can_socket::tokio::CanSocket; use canopen_tokio::CanOpenSocket; use canopen_tokio::ObjectIndex; use canopen_tokio::sdo::SdoAddress; use std::time::Duration; #[derive(clap::Parser)] struct Options { /// The CAN interface to use. interface: String, /// The node read from. #[clap(value_parser(parse_number::))] node_id: u8, /// The object index to read from. #[clap(value_parser(parse_number::))] index: u16, /// The object subindex to read from. #[clap(value_parser(parse_number::))] subindex: u8, #[clap(long, short)] #[clap(value_enum)] #[clap(default_value = "hexadecimal")] format: Format, /// Timeout in seconds for receiving the reply. #[clap(long, short)] #[clap(value_parser(parse_timeout))] #[clap(default_value = "1")] timeout: Duration, } #[derive(clap::ValueEnum)] #[derive(Debug, Clone)] enum Format { Raw, #[clap(alias = "oct")] Octal, #[clap(alias = "hex")] Hexadecimal, #[clap(alias = "dec")] Decimal, Utf8, Utf16, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { env_logger::builder() .filter_module(module_path!(), log::LevelFilter::Info) .parse_default_env() .init(); if let Err(()) = do_main(clap::Parser::parse()).await { std::process::exit(1); } } async fn do_main(options: Options) -> Result<(), ()> { let socket = CanSocket::bind(&options.interface) .map_err(|e| log::error!("Failed to create CAN socket for interface {}: {e}", options.interface))?; let mut socket = CanOpenSocket::new(socket); let object = ObjectIndex::new(options.index, options.subindex); let data: Vec = socket.sdo_upload(options.node_id, SdoAddress::standard(), object, options.timeout).await .map_err(|e| log::error!("{e}"))?; display_data(options.format, &data)?; Ok(()) } fn parse_timeout(input: &str) -> Result { let seconds: f64 = input.parse() .map_err(|_| "invalid duration: expected timeout in seconds")?; Ok(Duration::from_secs_f64(seconds)) } fn parse_number>(input: &str) -> Result where T: TryFrom, T::Error: std::fmt::Display, { let value = if let Some(hexadecimal) = input.strip_prefix("0x") { i128::from_str_radix(hexadecimal, 16) .map_err(|e| e.to_string())? } else if let Some(octal) = input.strip_prefix("0o") { i128::from_str_radix(octal, 8) .map_err(|e| e.to_string())? } else if let Some(binary) = input.strip_prefix("0b") { i128::from_str_radix(binary, 2) .map_err(|e| e.to_string())? } else { input.parse::() .map_err(|e| e.to_string())? }; T::try_from(value) .map_err(|e| format!("value out of range: {e}")) } fn display_data(format: Format, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), ()> { use std::io::Write; match format { Format::Raw => { std::io::stdout().write_all(data) .map_err(|e| log::error!("Failed to write to stdout: {e}"))?; }, Format::Octal => { display_bytes(ByteStyle::Octal, data) .map_err(|e| log::error!("Failed to write to stdout: {e}"))?; }, Format::Decimal => { display_bytes(ByteStyle::Decimal, data) .map_err(|e| log::error!("Failed to write to stdout: {e}"))?; }, Format::Hexadecimal => { display_bytes(ByteStyle::Hexadecimal, data) .map_err(|e| log::error!("Failed to write to stdout: {e}"))?; }, Format::Utf8 => { let data = std::str::from_utf8(data) .map_err(|e| log::error!("invalid UTF-8 in string data: {e}"))?; println!("{data}"); }, Format::Utf16 => { let data = std::str::from_utf8(data) .map_err(|e| log::error!("invalid UTF-8 in string data: {e}"))?; println!("{data}"); }, } Ok(()) } enum ByteStyle { Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal, } fn display_bytes(style: ByteStyle, data: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<()> { use std::io::Write; let stdout = std::io::stdout(); let mut stdout = stdout.lock(); let mut bytes = data.iter(); loop { for i in 0..20 { let Some(byte) = else { break; }; if i != 0 { stdout.write_all(b" ")?; } match style { ByteStyle::Octal => write!(stdout, "{byte:03o}")?, ByteStyle::Decimal => write!(stdout, "{byte:3}")?, ByteStyle::Hexadecimal => write!(stdout, "{byte:02X}")?, } } stdout.write_all(b"\n")?; if bytes.len() == 0 { break; } } Ok(()) }