use ansi_term::Color::{self, Cyan, Fixed, Green, Purple}; use anyhow::Result; use can_dbc::{ByteOrder, Signal}; use futures::prelude::*; use futures_util::compat::Stream01CompatExt; use socketcan::CANFrame; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::fmt::Write; use std::path::PathBuf; use structopt::StructOpt; use tokio::fs::File; use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt; use tokio_socketcan; const COLOR_CAN_ID: Color = Color::White; const COLOR_CAN_SFF: Color = Color::Blue; const COLOR_CAN_EFF: Color = Color::Red; const COLOR_NULL: Color = Fixed(242); // grey const COLOR_OFFSET: Color = Fixed(242); // grey const COLOR_ASCII_PRINTABLE: Color = Color::Cyan; const COLOR_ASCII_WHITESPACE: Color = Color::Green; const COLOR_ASCII_OTHER: Color = Color::Purple; const COLOR_NONASCII: Color = Color::Yellow; enum ByteCategory { Null, AsciiPrintable, AsciiWhitespace, AsciiOther, NonAscii, } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] struct Byte(u8); impl Byte { fn category(self) -> ByteCategory { if self.0 == 0x00 { ByteCategory::Null } else if self.0.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || self.0.is_ascii_punctuation() || self.0.is_ascii_graphic() { ByteCategory::AsciiPrintable } else if self.0.is_ascii_whitespace() { ByteCategory::AsciiWhitespace } else if self.0.is_ascii() { ByteCategory::AsciiOther } else { ByteCategory::NonAscii } } fn color(self) -> &'static Color { use ByteCategory::*; match self.category() { Null => &COLOR_NULL, AsciiPrintable => &COLOR_ASCII_PRINTABLE, AsciiWhitespace => &COLOR_ASCII_WHITESPACE, AsciiOther => &COLOR_ASCII_OTHER, NonAscii => &COLOR_NONASCII, } } fn as_char(self) -> char { use ByteCategory::*; match self.category() { Null => '0', AsciiPrintable => self.0 as char, AsciiWhitespace if self.0 == 0x20 => ' ', AsciiWhitespace => '_', AsciiOther => '•', NonAscii => '×', } } } #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] #[structopt( name = "candumprb", about = "Candump Rainbow. A colorful can dump tool with dbc support." )] struct Opt { /// DBC file path, if not passed frame signals are not decoded #[structopt(short = "i", long = "input", parse(from_os_str))] input: Option, /// Set can interface #[structopt(help = "socketcan CAN interface e.g. vcan0")] can_interface: String, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { let opt = Opt::from_args(); let mut socket_rx = tokio_socketcan::CANSocket::open(&opt.can_interface) .unwrap() .compat(); let byte_hex_table: Vec = (0u8..=u8::max_value()) .map(|i| { let byte_hex = format!("{:02x} ", i); Byte(i).color().paint(byte_hex).to_string() }) .collect(); // Read DBC and turn it into a hashmap for lookup let signal_lookup = if let Some(dbc_input) = opt.input.as_ref() { let mut f = File::open(dbc_input).await?; let mut buffer = Vec::new(); f.read_to_end(&mut buffer).await?; let dbc = can_dbc::DBC::from_slice(&buffer).expect("Failed to parse DBC"); let mut signal_lookup = HashMap::new(); for msg in dbc.messages() { signal_lookup.insert( msg.message_id().0 & !socketcan::EFF_FLAG, (msg.message_name().clone(), msg.signals().clone()), ); } Some(signal_lookup) } else { None }; while let Some(socket_result) = { match socket_result { Ok(frame) => { if let Some(signal_lookup) = signal_lookup.as_ref() { print_dbc_signals(signal_lookup, &frame); } let mut buffer: String = String::new(); if frame.is_extended() { write!(buffer, "{}", COLOR_CAN_EFF.paint("EFF ")).unwrap(); } else { write!(buffer, "{}", COLOR_CAN_SFF.paint("SFF ")).unwrap(); } write!( buffer, "{}", COLOR_CAN_ID.paint(format!("{:08x} ", )?; for b in { write!(buffer, "{}", byte_hex_table[*b as usize]).unwrap(); } println!("{}", buffer); } Err(err) => { eprintln!("IO error: {}", err); } } } Ok(()) } // Given a CAN Frame, lookup the can signals and print the signal values fn print_dbc_signals(signal_lookup: &HashMap)>, frame: &CANFrame) { let id = & !socketcan::EFF_FLAG; let (message_name, signals) = signal_lookup.get(&id).expect("Unknown message id"); println!("\n{}", Purple.paint(message_name)); for signal in signals.iter() { let frame_data: [u8; 8] = frame .data() .try_into() .expect("slice with incorrect length"); let signal_value: u64 = if *signal.byte_order() == ByteOrder::LittleEndian { u64::from_le_bytes(frame_data) } else { u64::from_be_bytes(frame_data) }; // Calculate signal value let bit_mask: u64 = 2u64.pow(*signal.signal_size() as u32) - 1; let signal_value = ((signal_value >> signal.start_bit()) & bit_mask) as f32 * *signal.factor() as f32 + *signal.offset() as f32; let signal_value_s = format!("{:6.4}", signal_value); println!( "{} → value {}", Green.paint(, Cyan.paint(signal_value_s) ); } }