# Contributing to capyCRYPT If you want to learn about rust, cryptography, high-performing software, and formal software design patterns, you're in the right place! This library is an academic excerise in cryptographic algorithm design and is a great place for anyone who is just getting started with their career in software development. NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY to contribute to this library. The assumtption is maybe you took a class on cryptography once and feel like you want to know more about it, or you're at the end of your degree and want to tackle some projects while searching for a job. We gladly welcome anyone who wants to tackle any of the open issues. Cryptography is a dense subject. You might feel like you jumped into the deep end of the pool. And the pool isn't filled with water but gasoline instead. And it's on fire! But what better way is there to learn? Some good things to read about and understand before tackling open issues: - How and why XOR is used for cryptography - Modular math if you want to work with the Elliptic Curve functions - Bitshifting and binary operations - Core cryptographic concepts like hashing, encrypting/decrypting, and the difference between symmetric and asymmetric cryptography. Some things to remember as you go through the code: 1. If you haven't seen rust before, some of the syntax might look a little wild. Don't be intimidated! Rust is a wonderful, logical, and powerful language to have in your toolbox. The maintainers of this repo are here to help you whenever you need it, reach out with any question at any time! 2. Contributing to open-source libraries is a fantastic item to add to your resume and can help give you a competitive advantage in an otherwise difficult job market. 3. Generative AI is your friend. It is extremely adept at explaining code, writing boilerplate, and translating between programming languages. If you're stuck on something, write it in python and then convert it! There's nothing wrong with using sophisticated tools to help you gain experience and understanding. Example prompts: - "Show how to work with arrays in rust" - "Explain the &mut keyword" - "What is a trait and why should I use it?" - "What are effective strategies to reduce memory usage when working with large data?" - "Here's this java function. What would it look like in rust?" 4. Some of the functions, particularly in ```src/ops.rs``` do stuff that that isn't immediately clear. In many cases, we are following conventions defined by NIST or published research. There is sound formal reasoning as to why certain formulas or constant values look the way that they do, but don't be intimated if the code looks dense and confusing at first. Many of the open issues don't require a complete formal understanding of the cryptography in use here, but there is plenty of opportunity for you to engage with the maintainers and learn more about why the things are doing what they do. ## Getting Started Before you begin, ensure you have a **[GitHub](https://github.com/)** account set up. Next, check out the **[issues](https://github.com/drcapybara/capyCRYPT/issues)** page. There are several open issues that are waiting for you to tackle! Issues are labelled according to: - **Anticipated workload**: These labels range from something you could reasonably solve in an afternoon, to large-scale projects that add entirely new functionaltiy to the library. - **Good first issue**: These are issues that require minimal design work. Examples are provided to help you get started and can largely be built off of directly. - **Literature**: These are items that can help you gain experience implementing formal specifications (i.e. from journals) into code. They anticiapte an advanced understanding of cryptographic topics, but are still great for someone without industry experience. - **Feature vs. Fix**: Add new functionality to the library, or help us fix something! These labels are standard in industry and will give you a good sense of how issues are prioritized in large and complex projects. ASK QUESTIONS about topics you don't understand. Don't let your brain scare you away from denser looking issues! We are here to help at every step. When you find something you want to work on, proceed with the following steps: 1. **Fork** the repository by clicking the "Fork" button at the top-right corner of the original repository page. 2. **Clone** your forked version of the repository to your local machine: ```bash git clone https://github.com/your-username/capyCRYPT.git ``` 3. Open the repository in your IDE of choice. Assuming you've selected an issue to tackle, create a new branch by using this format: - Issues labeled "feature" should have the branch named "feature/issue-#" - Issues labeled "fix" should have the branch named "fix/issue-#" - where "#"" is the number of the issue you are working on. - Ex: for issue "fix: Revert a failed decryption #26", the branch should be named fix/issue-26 4. When you have a solution ready for review, make sure all of the tests built into the repo are passing by running: ```bash cargo test ``` This could take awhile to run all of them, but ensure they pass before proceeding. If any fail and you are unsure why or need help troubleshooting, ask for help! This is something you'll be expected to do in your job someday, so practice it here! 6. If all tests are passing, run clippy: ```bash cargo clippy ``` Clippy is a great friend who helps you learn idiomatic rust. It will point you to all of the places in your code needing attention and will provide you with the best solutions to keep everything neat, clean, and readable. 8. If all tests are passing, run the formatter next: ```bash cargo fmt ``` This is crucial to keep the code nice and clean. It fixes spacing and other small housekeeping items automatically. 10. Make a pull request of your branch back into main/master. This step initates review with the maintainers. A review process is often a conversation between a maintainer and a developer. Don't always expect a merge on your first try. Be grateful for the experience to collaborate and learn the best practices to follow. Larger issues can be merged in parts, so long as they are organized in a way that clearly tracks what is completed and what is left to do. 11. Log your progress on the issue page! Use it as a diary to help keep yourself and others organized. Maintainers can join the conversation with you and help move you along towards the finish line. Merged PRs, even small ones, are awesome resume material. You can count it as freelancing job experience and it's always a great conversation piece during interviews (and sometimes on dates, with the right person). That's the end of this guide! You are constantly encouraged to ask questions and engage with the development process. This is a risk-free place to develop those skills early so you don't have to scramble to learn them on the job. Good luck! ## Contact Communicating on the issues page will work fine in most cases. For questions and to learn more about cryptography, the fastest and easiest way to colloborate is with Discord: drcapyvara