use aes::{ cipher::{generic_array::GenericArray, BlockDecrypt, BlockEncrypt, KeyInit}, Aes256, }; use capycrypt::{ aes::{ aes_functions::{apply_pcks7_padding, remove_pcks7_padding}, encryptable::AesEncryptable, }, sha3::aux_functions::byte_utils::get_random_bytes, Message, }; use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion}; use rand::{distributions::Alphanumeric, Rng}; fn generate_random_data(size: usize) -> Vec { rand::thread_rng() .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(size) .collect() } /// Symmetric encrypt and decrypt roundtrip with aes rust fn sym_enc_rust_aes(key: &[u8], data: &[u8]) -> Vec { let cipher = Aes256::new(GenericArray::from_slice(key)); let mut iv = get_random_bytes(16); let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(data.len()); // XOR function for byte arrays fn xor_blocks(a: &mut [u8], b: &[u8]) { for (a_byte, b_byte) in a.iter_mut().zip(b.iter()) { *a_byte ^= *b_byte; } } let mut data_vec = data.to_vec(); // Padding function apply_pcks7_padding(&mut data_vec); // Encrypt blocks using CBC mode for block_index in ( { let block = &data[block_index..block_index + 16]; let mut temp_block = block.to_vec(); // XOR current block with IV (or the previous cipher text) xor_blocks(&mut temp_block, &iv); // Encrypt the block cipher.encrypt_block(GenericArray::from_mut_slice(&mut temp_block)); // Update IV for the next block iv.copy_from_slice(&temp_block); // Append the encrypted block to the result result.extend_from_slice(&temp_block); } // Save the ciphertext to be decrypted let ciphertext = result.clone(); // Decrypt blocks using CBC mode iv.copy_from_slice(&ciphertext[ciphertext.len() - 16..]); for block_index in (0..ciphertext.len()).step_by(16).skip(16) { let block = &mut result[block_index..block_index + 16]; let prev_block = &ciphertext[block_index - 16..block_index]; // Save the current block for later use let curr_block = block.to_vec(); // Decrypt the block cipher.decrypt_block(GenericArray::from_mut_slice(block)); // XOR decrypted block with IV (or the previous ciphertext block) xor_blocks(block, prev_block); // Update IV for the next block iv.copy_from_slice(&curr_block); } // Remove padding at the end (if needed) remove_pcks7_padding(&mut result); result } /// Symmetric encrypt and decrypt roundtrip fn sym_cbc_enc(key: &[u8], data: &[u8]) { let mut msg = Message::new(data.to_owned()); msg.aes_encrypt_cbc(key); let _ = msg.aes_decrypt_cbc(key); } /// Symmetric encrypt and decrypt roundtrip for AES in CTR mode fn sym_ctr_enc(key: &[u8], data: &[u8]) { let mut msg = Message::new(data.to_owned()); msg.aes_encrypt_ctr(key); let _ = msg.aes_decrypt_ctr(key); } // Benchmark AES encryption and decryption roundtrip fn bench_aes_cbc_enc(c: &mut Criterion) { let data = generate_random_data(5 * 1024 * 1024); let key = get_random_bytes(32); // Generate key if needed c.bench_function("Rust AES-256-CBC Encrypt + Decrypt Roundtrip", |b| { b.iter(|| { sym_enc_rust_aes(black_box(&key), black_box(&data)); }); }); c.bench_function("capyCRYPT AES-256-CBC Encrypt + Decrypt Roundtrip", |b| { b.iter(|| { sym_cbc_enc(&key, black_box(&data)); }); }); } // Benchmark AES encryption and decryption roundtrip fn bench_aes_ctr_enc(c: &mut Criterion) { let data = generate_random_data(5 * 1024 * 1024); let key = get_random_bytes(32); // Generate key if needed c.bench_function("capyCRYPT AES-256-CTR Encrypt + Decrypt Roundtrip", |b| { b.iter(|| { sym_ctr_enc(&key, black_box(&data)); }); }); } criterion_group!(benches, bench_aes_cbc_enc, bench_aes_ctr_enc); criterion_main!(benches);