Automatically fix lint warnings reported by rustc Usage: cargo[EXE] fix [OPTIONS] Options: --edition Fix in preparation for the next edition --edition-idioms Fix warnings to migrate to the idioms of an edition --broken-code Fix code even if it already has compiler errors --allow-no-vcs Fix code even if a VCS was not detected --allow-dirty Fix code even if the working directory is dirty --allow-staged Fix code even if the working directory has staged changes --message-format <FMT> Error format -v, --verbose... Use verbose output (-vv very verbose/ output) -q, --quiet Do not print cargo log messages --color <WHEN> Coloring: auto, always, never --config <KEY=VALUE|PATH> Override a configuration value -Z <FLAG> Unstable (nightly-only) flags to Cargo, see 'cargo -Z help' for details -h, --help Print help Package Selection: -p, --package [<SPEC>] Package(s) to fix --workspace Fix all packages in the workspace --exclude <SPEC> Exclude packages from the fixes --all Alias for --workspace (deprecated) Target Selection: --lib Fix only this package's library --bins Fix all binaries --bin [<NAME>] Fix only the specified binary --examples Fix all examples --example [<NAME>] Fix only the specified example --tests Fix all test targets --test [<NAME>] Fix only the specified test target --benches Fix all bench targets --bench [<NAME>] Fix only the specified bench target --all-targets Fix all targets (default) Feature Selection: -F, --features <FEATURES> Space or comma separated list of features to activate --all-features Activate all available features --no-default-features Do not activate the `default` feature Compilation Options: -j, --jobs <N> Number of parallel jobs, defaults to # of CPUs. --keep-going Do not abort the build as soon as there is an error -r, --release Fix artifacts in release mode, with optimizations --profile <PROFILE-NAME> Build artifacts with the specified profile --target [<TRIPLE>] Fix for the target triple --target-dir <DIRECTORY> Directory for all generated artifacts --timings[=<FMTS>] Timing output formats (unstable) (comma separated): html, json Manifest Options: --manifest-path <PATH> Path to Cargo.toml --lockfile-path <PATH> Path to Cargo.lock (unstable) --ignore-rust-version Ignore `rust-version` specification in packages --locked Assert that `Cargo.lock` will remain unchanged --offline Run without accessing the network --frozen Equivalent to specifying both --locked and --offline Run `cargo help fix` for more detailed information.