# Version 0.8.0 * Ignores cargo:rustc-check-cfg= build script directives. # Version 0.7.0 * Fixes for recent changes in rustc nightly * `std::env` no longer included in `fs` API. It shouldn't be needed and was causing some false positives. * Added `--output-format` flag to `summary` subcommand. Thanks teromene@ # Version 0.6.0 * Fixed a bug where API usages by dependencies of proc-macros were not properly checked. * Pass environment variables set by build scripts to sandboxed rustc. * Allow passing of arbitrary environment variables to sandboxed processes. * Fixed repeated running of tests when a test failed. * Fixed `cargo acl run` (`--all-targets` was being passed causing it to error). * Cargo features can now be specified via `--features` flag. # Version 0.5.0 * Bypass rustup when running rustc - fixes problem where rustup fails due to running in a sandbox. # Version 0.4.0 * Now sandboxes rustc (and thus proc macros) * Config version bumped to 2 (enables sandboxing of rustc) * Fixed passing arguments via `cargo acl run` * Minimum supported Rust version bumped to 1.70 # Version 0.3.0 * Renamed to cargo-acl * UI now only activates when necessary. * `check` and `ui` subcommands removed - now just run with no subcommand and turn the UI off with `--no-ui` or `-n`. * `cargo` subcommand removed. Instead of `cackle cargo test`, now you run `cargo acl test`. * Now available as a github action. * Allow APIs based on what kind of binary is being built (test, build script or other) * `sandbox.make_writable` can be used to create directories that need to be writable * Automatic edits now use dotted notation within `pkg.x` rather than defining a separate `pkg.x.build` etc. * Backtraces can now display sources from the rust standard library. * Various other bug fixes # Version 0.2.0 * Fixed a few false-attribution problems. * Syntax highlight code snippets. * Optimised Cackle's analysis speed ~4x faster. * Added `cargo` subcommand. e.g. `cackle cargo test`. * Supports running tests in sandbox. * Sandbox config now supports making select directories writable. * Support showing a backtrace of how an API usage location is reachable. * Output from `cargo build` is now shown when running `cackle check`. * Added automated config edit to exclude a path from an API. * Binary releases now available on github.