# `cargo-action-fmt` Takes JSON-formatted `cargo check` (and `cargo clippy`) output and formats it for GitHub actions. ## Examples This tool can be used with a variety of `cargo` commands: ```shell :; cargo check -q --message-format=json | cargo-action-fmt ``` ```shell :; cargo clippy -q --message-format=json | cargo-action-fmt ``` ```shell :; cargo doc --message-format=json | cargo-action-fmt ``` Note that this tool does **not** currently support `cargo fmt` or `cargo test` output. However, you can invoke `cargo test` so that test compilation errors are annotated properly: ```shell :; cargo test --no-run --message-format=json | cargo-action-fmt ``` ### GitHub Action It's primarily intended to be used in a GitHub Actions workflow: ```yaml docs: runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: rust:slim steps: - uses: olix0r/cargo-action-fmt/setup@v2 - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - run: cargo doc --no-deps --message-format=json | cargo-action-fmt ``` ![Example annotation](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/240738/153767390-66f859d4-da3f-4e1e-846b-02605e8be628.png)