* atomic init -- configuration file (atomic file in project dir). - can have user define a template to use for specific language or custom template? - ideal to have it sniff project to detect file type to autodetect. - [ ] checks for existance of atomic.toml in project - [ ] creates file based on template user specifies - [ ] checks for existance of state in appdata/roaming/atomic/ * atomic watch -- user provides optional issue number to help track progress and on `atomic build, test, run or custom command` we would do a local atomic commit with issue name + command name + number - [ ] get git info - [ ] if not present in git branch, prompt user for details needed - [ ] if watch is started without a init file, warn user - [ ] * atomic stop * atomic custom commands K,V pair so long as they dont collide * pre-post hooks - pre: external script to call prior to doing run - post: cleanup - post run script calling depending on run success * state file + sqlite db for good metrics current issue number issue name branch name failure rates in post hooks for build , test, run possibly table for std-out / std-err output "cradle to grave" visable output of what developer goes through