"""# Crate Universe Crate Universe is a set of Bazel rule for generating Rust targets using Cargo. This doc describes using crate_universe from a WORKSPACE file. If you're using bzlmod, please see [the bzlmod equivalent of this doc](crate_universe_bzlmod.html). ## Setup After loading `rules_rust` in your workspace, set the following to begin using `crate_universe`: ```python load("@rules_rust//crate_universe:repositories.bzl", "crate_universe_dependencies") crate_universe_dependencies() ``` Note that if the current version of `rules_rust` is not a release artifact, you may need to set additional flags such as [`bootstrap = True`](#crate_universe_dependencies-bootstrap) on the `crate_universe_dependencies` call above or [crates_repository::generator_urls](#crates_repository-generator_urls) in uses of `crates_repository`. ## Rules - [crates_repository](#crates_repository) - [crates_vendor](#crates_vendor) ## Utility Macros - [crate_universe_dependencies](#crate_universe_dependencies) - [crate.annotation](#crateannotation) - [crate.select](#crateselect) - [crate.spec](#cratespec) - [crate.workspace_member](#crateworkspace_member) - [render_config](#render_config) - [splicing_config](#splicing_config) ## Workflows The [`crates_repository`](#crates_repository) rule (the primary repository rule of `rules_rust`'s cargo support) supports a number of different ways users can express and organize their dependencies. The most common are listed below though there are more to be found in the [./examples/crate_universe](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_rust/tree/main/examples/crate_universe) directory. ### Cargo Workspaces One of the simpler ways to wire up dependencies would be to first structure your project into a [Cargo workspace][cw]. The `crates_repository` rule can ingest a root `Cargo.toml` file and generate dependencies from there. ```python load("@rules_rust//crate_universe:defs.bzl", "crates_repository") crates_repository( name = "crate_index", cargo_lockfile = "//:Cargo.lock", lockfile = "//:Cargo.Bazel.lock", manifests = ["//:Cargo.toml"], ) load("@crate_index//:defs.bzl", "crate_repositories") crate_repositories() ``` The generated `crates_repository` contains helper macros which make collecting dependencies for Bazel targets simpler. Notably, the `all_crate_deps` and `aliases` macros (see [Dependencies API](#dependencies-api)) commonly allow the `Cargo.toml` files to be the single source of truth for dependencies. Since these macros come from the generated repository, the dependencies and alias definitions they return will automatically update BUILD targets. ```python load("@crate_index//:defs.bzl", "aliases", "all_crate_deps") load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library", "rust_test") rust_library( name = "lib", aliases = aliases(), deps = all_crate_deps( normal = True, ), proc_macro_deps = all_crate_deps( proc_macro = True, ), ) rust_test( name = "unit_test", crate = ":lib", aliases = aliases( normal_dev = True, proc_macro_dev = True, ), deps = all_crate_deps( normal_dev = True, ), proc_macro_deps = all_crate_deps( proc_macro_dev = True, ), ) ``` ### Direct Packages In cases where Rust targets have heavy interractions with other Bazel targests ([Cc][cc], [Proto][proto], etc.), maintaining `Cargo.toml` files may have deminishing returns as things like [rust-analyzer][ra] begin to be confused about missing targets or environment variables defined only in Bazel. In workspaces like this, it may be desirable to have a "Cargo free" setup. `crates_repository` supports this through the `packages` attribute. ```python load("@rules_rust//crate_universe:defs.bzl", "crate", "crates_repository", "render_config") crates_repository( name = "crate_index", cargo_lockfile = "//:Cargo.lock", lockfile = "//:Cargo.Bazel.lock", packages = { "async-trait": crate.spec( version = "0.1.51", ), "mockall": crate.spec( version = "0.10.2", ), "tokio": crate.spec( version = "1.12.0", ), }, # Setting the default package name to `""` forces the use of the macros defined in this repository # to always use the root package when looking for dependencies or aliases. This should be considered # optional as the repository also exposes alises for easy access to all dependencies. render_config = render_config( default_package_name = "" ), ) load("@crate_index//:defs.bzl", "crate_repositories") crate_repositories() ``` Consuming dependencies may be more ergonomic in this case through the aliases defined in the new repository. ```python load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_library", "rust_test") rust_library( name = "lib", deps = [ "@crate_index//:tokio", ], proc_macro_deps = [ "@crate_index//:async-trait", ], ) rust_test( name = "unit_test", crate = ":lib", deps = [ "@crate_index//:mockall", ], ) ``` ### Binary dependencies Neither of the above approaches supports depending on binary-only packages. In order to depend on a Cargo package that contains binaries and no library, you will need to do one of the following: - Fork the package to add an empty lib.rs, which makes the package visible to Cargo metadata and compatible with the above approaches; - Or handwrite your own build target for the binary, use `http_archive` to import its source code, and use `crates_repository` to make build targets for its dependencies. This is demonstrated below using the `rustfilt` crate as an example. ```python # in WORKSPACE.bazel load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") http_archive( name = "rustfilt", build_file = "//rustfilt:BUILD.rustfilt.bazel", sha256 = "c8d748b182c8f95224336d20dcc5609598af612581ce60cfb29da4dc8d0091f2", strip_prefix = "rustfilt-0.2.1", type = "tar.gz", urls = ["https://static.crates.io/crates/rustfilt/rustfilt-0.2.1.crate"], ) load("@rules_rust//crate_universe:defs.bzl", "crates_repository") crates_repository( name = "rustfilt_deps", cargo_lockfile = "//rustfilt:Cargo.lock", manifests = ["@rustfilt//:Cargo.toml"], ) load("@rustfilt_deps//:defs.bzl", rustfilt_deps = "crate_repositories") rustfilt_deps() ``` ```python # in rustfilt/BUILD.rustfilt.bazel load("@rules_rust//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_binary") rust_binary( name = "rustfilt", srcs = glob(["src/**/*.rs"]), edition = "2018", deps = [ "@rustfilt_deps//:clap", "@rustfilt_deps//:lazy_static", "@rustfilt_deps//:regex", "@rustfilt_deps//:rustc-demangle", ], ) ``` If you use either `crates_repository` or `crates_vendor` to depend on a Cargo package that contains _both_ a library crate _and_ binaries, by default only the library gets made available to Bazel. To generate Bazel targets for the binary crates as well, you must opt in to it with an annotation on the package: ```python load("@rules_rust//crate_universe:defs.bzl", "crates_repository", "crate") crates_repository( name = "crate_index", annotations = { "thepackage": [crate.annotation( gen_binaries = True, # Or, to expose just a subset of the package's binaries by name: gen_binaries = ["rustfilt"], )], }, # Or, to expose every binary of every package: generate_binaries = True, ... ) ``` ## Dependencies API After rendering dependencies, convenience macros may also be generated to provide convenient accessors to larger sections of the dependency graph. - [aliases](#aliases) - [crate_deps](#crate_deps) - [all_crate_deps](#all_crate_deps) - [crate_repositories](#crate_repositories) ## Building crates with complicated dependencies Some crates have build.rs scripts which are complicated to run. Typically these build C++ (or other languages), or attempt to find pre-installed libraries on the build machine. There are a few approaches to making sure these run: ### Some things work without intervention Some build scripts will happily run without any support needed. rules_rust already supplies a configured C++ toolchain as input to build script execution, and sets variables like `CC`, `CXX`, `LD`, `LDFLAGS`, etc as needed. Many crates which invoke a compiler with the default environment, or forward these env vars, will Just Work (e.g. if using [`cc-rs`][cc-rs]). rules_rust is open to PRs which make build scripts more likely to work by default with intervention assuming they're broadly applicable (e.g. setting extra widely-known env vars is probably fine, wiring up additional toolchains like `cmake` that aren't present by default for most Bazel users probably isn't). ### Supplying extra tools to build Some build scripts can be made to work by pulling in some extra files and making them available to the build script. Commonly this is done by passing the file to the `build_script_data` annotation for the crate, and using `build_script_env` to tell the build script where the file is. That env var may often use `$(execroot)` to get the path to the label, or `$${pwd}/` as a prefix if the path given is relative to the execroot (as will frequently happen when using a toolchain).A There is an example of this in the "complicated dependencies" section of https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_rust/blob/main/examples/crate_universe/WORKSPACE.bazel which builds libz-ng-sys. ### Building with Bazel and supplying via an override Some build scripts have hooks to allow replacing parts that are complicated to build with output prepared by Bazel. We can use those hooks by specifying paths (generally using the `build_script_data` and `build_script_env` annotations) and pointing them at labels which Bazel will then build. These env vars may often use `$(execroot)` to get the path to the label, or `$${pwd}/` as a prefix if the path given is relative to the execroot (as will frequently happen when using a toolchain). There is an example of this in the "complicated dependencies" section of https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_rust/blob/main/examples/crate_universe/WORKSPACE.bazel which builds boring-sys. --- --- [cw]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch14-03-cargo-workspaces.html [cc]: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/be/c-cpp.html [proto]: https://rules-proto-grpc.com/en/latest/lang/rust.html [ra]: https://rust-analyzer.github.io/ [cc-rs]: https://github.com/rust-lang/cc-rs """ load( "//crate_universe:defs.bzl", _crate = "crate", _crates_repository = "crates_repository", _crates_vendor = "crates_vendor", _render_config = "render_config", _splicing_config = "splicing_config", ) load( "//crate_universe:repositories.bzl", _crate_universe_dependencies = "crate_universe_dependencies", ) load( "//crate_universe/3rdparty/crates:defs.bzl", _aliases = "aliases", _all_crate_deps = "all_crate_deps", _crate_deps = "crate_deps", _crate_repositories = "crate_repositories", ) # Rules crates_repository = _crates_repository crates_vendor = _crates_vendor # Utility Macros crate_universe_dependencies = _crate_universe_dependencies crate = _crate render_config = _render_config splicing_config = _splicing_config # Dependencies API aliases = _aliases all_crate_deps = _all_crate_deps crate_deps = _crate_deps crate_repositories = _crate_repositories