# The graph table configures how the dependency graph is constructed and thus # which crates the checks are performed against [graph] targets = [] all-features = false no-default-features = false # The output table provides options for how/if diagnostics are outputted [output] feature-depth = 1 # This section is considered when running `cargo deny check advisories` # More documentation for the advisories section can be found here: # https://embarkstudios.github.io/cargo-deny/checks/advisories/cfg.html [advisories] ignore = [] # This section is considered when running `cargo deny check licenses` # More documentation for the licenses section can be found here: # https://embarkstudios.github.io/cargo-deny/checks/licenses/cfg.html [licenses] allow = [ "Apache-2.0", "BSD-3-Clause", "ISC", "MIT", "MPL-2.0", "Unicode-DFS-2016", ] confidence-threshold = 0.8 exceptions = [] # This section is considered when running `cargo deny check bans`. # More documentation about the 'bans' section can be found here: # https://embarkstudios.github.io/cargo-deny/checks/bans/cfg.html [bans] multiple-versions = "allow" wildcards = "deny" highlight = "all" workspace-default-features = "allow" external-default-features = "allow" allow = [] deny = [] skip = [] skip-tree = [] # This section is considered when running `cargo deny check sources`. # More documentation about the 'sources' section can be found here: # https://embarkstudios.github.io/cargo-deny/checks/sources/cfg.html [sources] unknown-registry = "deny" unknown-git = "deny" allow-registry = ["https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"]