use cargo_cite::{keys_to_citations, load_bib, load_style, scan_for_key, Block, BlockType, File}; #[test] fn parse_no_cites() { let lines = r#" /// This is a comment /// that spans multiple lines fn main() { color = v_color; }; "#; let lines = lines.lines().skip(1).map(|l| l.to_string()); let file = File::open_from_lines(lines, "".into()); let blocks = file.blocks(); assert_eq!(blocks.len(), 2); assert_eq!(blocks[0].len(), 2); assert_eq!(blocks[1].len(), 3); if let Block::Comment(comment) = &blocks[0] { assert_eq!(comment.keys().len(), 0); } else { panic!("First block is not a comment"); } if let Block::Comment(_) = &blocks[1] { panic!("Second block is not a code block"); } } #[test] fn parse_basic_cite() { let raw_lines = r#" /// This is a comment /// that spans multiple lines /// And has a citation [^@simple] /// And another citation [^@another] that's not in the bib file /// And another footnote [^footnote] that's not a citation /// /// [^@simple]: Doe, John, and Jane Smith. “A Very Simple Title.” The Journal of Rust, May 2013 fn main() { color = v_color; }; "#; let lines = raw_lines.lines().skip(1).map(|l| l.to_string()); let bib = load_bib("tests/ref.bib").unwrap(); let style = load_style("ieee").unwrap(); let keys = scan_for_key(raw_lines); let citations = keys_to_citations(keys, &bib, &style); let mut file = File::open_from_lines(lines, "".into()); file.cite(&citations); if let Block::Comment(comment) = &file.blocks()[0] { println!("{}", comment); assert_eq!(comment.keys().len(), 2); assert_eq!(comment.len(), 7); } } #[test] fn parse_extra_line() { let raw_lines = r#" /// This is a comment /// that spans multiple lines /// And has a citation [^@simple] /// And another footnote [^footnote] that's not a citation /// /// [^footnote]: This is a footnote /// [^@simple]: Doe, John, and Jane Smith. “A Very Simple Title.” The Journal of Rust, May 2013 fn main() { color = v_color; }; "#; let lines = raw_lines.lines().skip(1).map(|l| l.to_string()); let bib = load_bib("tests/ref.bib").unwrap(); let style = load_style("ieee").unwrap(); let keys = scan_for_key(raw_lines); let citations = keys_to_citations(keys, &bib, &style); let mut file = File::open_from_lines(lines, "".into()); file.cite(&citations); if let Block::Comment(comment) = &file.blocks()[0] { println!("{}", comment); assert_eq!(comment.keys().len(), 1); assert_eq!(comment.len(), 7); } }