# Cargo-cntrlr Cargo-cntrlr provides wrappers for a few common Cargo subcommands that enable tighter integration with [Cntrlr](https://crates.io/crates/cntrlr). ## Subcommands ### cargo cntrlr build --board [Additional Arguments] Builds exactly like `cargo build` except that it additionally sets up the appropriate target and rustc configuration for the selected board. ### cargo cntrlr flash --board [--port ] [Additional Arguments] As `cargo cntrlr build`, but also attempts to flash the built binary to the board using an appropriate flashing utility. `--port` is required for some boards. If more than one binary is selected, they will all be built but flashing will not take place. ### cargo cntrlr new [Additional Arguments] Creates a new project just like `cargo new`, but modifies `Cargo.toml`, `build.rs` and `main.rs` for a Cntrlr application. ### cargo cntrlr init [Additional Arguments] Creates a new project just like `cargo init`, but modifies `Cargo.toml`, `build.rs` and `main.rs` for a Cntrlr application.