ALL_SOURCES = $(shell git ls-files .) RS_SOURCES = $(filter, $(ALL_SOURCES)) TOML_SOURCES = $(filter %.toml, $(ALL_SOURCES)) CARGO_SOURCES = $(RS_SOURCES) $(TOML_SOURCES) TEST_FLAGS = RUST_BACKTRACE=1 TEST_EXTRA_FLAGS = -- --nocapture ifneq ($(wildcard .single-thread-tests),) TEST_EXTRA_FLAGS += --test-threads 1 endif define PRINT_HELP_PYSCRIPT import re, sys for line in sys.stdin: match = re.match(r'^([a-zA-Z_-]+):.*?## (.*)$$', line) if match: target, help = match.groups() print("%-20s %s" % (target, help.replace(' # ALLOW TODOX', ''))) endef export PRINT_HELP_PYSCRIPT help: ## print this error message @python -c "$$PRINT_HELP_PYSCRIPT" < $(MAKEFILE_LIST) ifeq ($(wildcard .no-todo-x),) todo-x: .make.todo-x ## check for leftover TODOX # ALLOW TODOX else todo-x: endif TODO = todo$()x .make.todo-x: $(ALL_SOURCES) cargo $(TODO) touch $@ formatted: .make.formatted ## check code is properly formatted .make.formatted: .cargo/config.toml $(CARGO_SOURCES) cargo fmt --all -- --check touch $@ reformat: .make.reformat ## reformat the code .make.reformat: .cargo/config.toml $(CARGO_SOURCES) cargo fmt --all touch $@ check: .make.check ## check the sources .make.check: .cargo/config.toml $(CARGO_SOURCES) cargo check --tests touch $@ smells: .make.smells ## check for code smells with clippy .make.smells: .cargo/config.toml .make.check cargo clippy -- --no-deps touch $@ build: ## build everything .cargo/config.toml $(CARGO_SOURCES) cargo build cargo test --no-run touch $@ test: .make.test ## run tests .make.test: .cargo/config.toml $(TEST_FLAGS) cargo test $(TEST_EXTRA_FLAGS) touch $@ retest: .cargo/config.toml ## force re-run tests with nocapture $(TEST_FLAGS) cargo test $(TEST_EXTRA_FLAGS) coverage: .make.coverage ## generate coverage report .make.coverage: .make.test rm -f tarpaulin* $(TEST_FLAGS) cargo tarpaulin --skip-clean --out Xml $(TEST_EXTRA_FLAGS) touch $@ ifeq ($(wildcard .no-coverage-annotations),) coverage-annotations: .make.coverage-annotations ## check coverage annotations in code else coverage-annotations: endif .make.coverage-annotations: .cargo/config.toml .make.coverage cargo coverage-annotations touch $@ doc: .make.doc ## generate documentation .make.doc: .cargo/config.toml $(CARGO_SOURCES) cargo doc --no-deps # --workspace touch $@ udeps: .make.udeps ## check for unused dependencies .make.udeps: .cargo/config.toml $(CARGO_SOURCES) cargo +nightly udeps --workspace --all-targets touch $@ outdated: .make.outdated ## check all dependencies are up-to-date .make.outdated: .cargo/config.toml $(TOML_SOURCES) cargo outdated --root-deps-only --exit-code 1 touch $@ audit: .make.audit ## audit dependencies for bugs or security issues .make.audit: .cargo/config.toml $(TOML_SOURCES) cargo audit --ignore RUSTSEC-2022-0048 touch $@ common: todo-x formatted smells udeps coverage-annotations doc dev: reformat tags common outdated audit ## verify during development staged: ## check everything is staged for git commit @if git status . | grep -q 'Changes not staged\|Untracked files'; then git status; false; else true; fi pre-commit: tags common staged outdated audit ## verify everything before commit pre-publish: .make.pre-publish ## publish dry run (post-commit, pre-push) .make.pre-publish: $(ALL_SOURCES) cargo publish --dry-run touch $@ on-push: common pre-publish ## verify a pushed commit in a CI action monthly: outdated audit ## verify dependencies in a monthly CI action publish: on-push monthly ## actually publish cargo publish tags: $(RS_SOURCES) ## tags file for vim or Emacs. ctags --recurse . clobber: ## remove all generated files rm -f .make.* tags rm -rf .cargo target clean: ## remove generated files except for dependencies rm -f .make.* tags tarpaulin* cobertura.xml rm -rf .cargo `find target -name '*clacks*'` .cargo/config.toml: mkdir -p .cargo echo '[build]' > $@ cargo tarpaulin --print-rust-flags | tail -1 | sed 's/RUSTFLAGS/rustflags/' >> $@