use std::{ io::Write, path::Path, process::{Command, Stdio}, }; use tempfile::{tempdir, TempDir}; /// A handle to a temporary, isolated GPG keychain containing a single GPG key /// for ``. /// /// When dropped the GPG env is deleted. #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct GpgHandle { dir: TempDir, } impl GpgHandle { /// Set the appropriate env config to cause the test GPG env to be used by /// `c`. pub(crate) fn set_scope<'a>( &self, c: &'a mut std::process::Command, ) -> &'a mut std::process::Command { c.env("GNUPGHOME", self.home_dir()) } pub(crate) fn home_dir(&self) -> &Path { self.dir.path() } } impl Default for GpgHandle { fn default() -> Self { let dir = tempdir().expect("cannot create temp directory"); let mut child = Command::new("gpg") .env("GNUPGHOME", dir.path()) .arg("--gen-key") .arg("--batch") .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .expect("failed to spawn pass init command"); let mut stdin = child.stdin.take().expect("no stdin"); std::thread::spawn(move || { stdin.write_all( "%no-protection Key-Type: eddsa Key-Curve: Ed25519 Key-Usage: sign Subkey-Type: ecdh Subkey-Curve: Curve25519 Subkey-Usage: encrypt Name-Real: Cargo Test Key Name-Email: Expire-Date: 0" .as_bytes(), ) }); let out = child.wait_with_output().expect("pass init exec failure"); assert!( out.status.success(), "generating test gpg key failed - is gpg installed?" ); eprintln!("gpg init complete: {}", dir.path().display()); Self { dir } } }