use std::{ path::Path, process::{Command, Stdio}, }; use tempfile::{tempdir, TempDir}; use super::gpg::GpgHandle; /// A temporary, isolated `pass` environment. #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) struct PassHandle { dir: TempDir, } impl PassHandle { /// Construct a [`PassHandle`] env using the GPG environment and key from /// [`GpgHandle`]. pub(crate) fn new(gpg: &GpgHandle) -> Self { let dir = tempdir().expect("failed to create tempdir"); let _out = gpg .set_scope( Command::new("pass") .env("PASSWORD_STORE_DIR", dir.path()) .arg("init") .arg("") .stdout(Stdio::inherit()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .stdin(Stdio::piped()), ) .output() .expect("pass init failed - is pass installed?"); eprintln!("pass init complete: {}", dir.path().display()); Self { dir } } pub(crate) fn dir(&self) -> &Path { self.dir.path() } }