# cargo-cryptile cargo-cryptile is a CLI tool for encrypting and decrypting files with a password. The file are encrypted using AES256 secure encryption with almost zero overhead. You can securely save your encryption passwords using `set` command to quickly encrypt and decrypt files using them. ## Install ```cargo install cargo-cryptile``` ## Using Cryptile Just run `cargo cryptile --help` for a list of available commands and options. ## Examples - Encrypt a file with a password: ```cargo cryptile encrypt "file.txt" -p ``` - Decrypt a file with a password and remove the encrypted file: ```cargo cryptile decrypt "file.txt.cryptile" -p --replace``` - Set a master password to use: ```cargo cryptile set -m``` - Save a password along with an identifier to use: ```cargo cryptile set -p``` - Encrypt a file using master password: ```cargo cryptile encrypt file.txt -m``` - Decrypt a file using an identifier of a saved password: ```cargo cryptile decrypt file.txt.cryptile -s my_pass``` ### More Features To Be Added...