#[path = "./lib.rs"] mod lib; #[derive(clap::Parser)] #[clap( author, version, about, long_about = None )] pub struct Options { #[clap(long)] /// Show index page to all books all: bool, #[clap(long)] /// List available books list: bool, #[clap(long)] /// Show rustdoc location then exit locate: bool, #[clap(long, env = "HOST", default_value = "")] /// Set host host: String, #[clap(short = 'p', long, env = "PORT", default_value = "8080")] /// Set listening port port: String, #[clap(short = 'r', long, env = "CARGO_BOOK_RANDOM_PORT")] /// Use random port random_port: bool, #[clap(short = 's', long, name = "ITEM")] /// Search for item search: Option, #[clap(short = 'o', long, env = "CARGO_BOOK_OPEN")] /// Open in browser open: bool, /// Book to read, use `--list` to see available books book: Option, } #[derive( Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, clap::Parser, strum::EnumIter, strum::EnumString, strum::Display, strum::EnumMessage, )] enum Book { /// [Learn Rust] The Rust Programming Language #[strum(serialize = "book")] Rust, /// [Learn Rust] Rust By Example #[strum(serialize = "rust-by-example")] RustByExample, /// [Learn Rust] Rustlings #[strum(serialize = "rustlings")] Rustlings, /// [Use Rust] The Standard Library #[strum(serialize = "std")] Std, /// [Use Rust] The Edition Guide #[strum(serialize = "edition-guide")] EditionGuide, /// [Use Rust] The Rustc Book #[strum(serialize = "rustc")] Rustc, /// [Use Rust] The Cargo Book #[strum(serialize = "cargo")] Cargo, /// [Use Rust] The Rustdoc Book #[strum(serialize = "rustdoc")] Rustdoc, /// [Master Rust] The Reference #[strum(serialize = "reference")] Reference, /// [Master Rust] The Rustonomicon #[strum(serialize = "nomicon")] Nomicon, /// [Master Rust] The Unstable Book #[strum(serialize = "unstable-book")] UnstableBook, /// [Master Rust] The Rustc Contribution Guide #[strum(serialize = "rust-dev-guide")] RustDevGuide, /// [Specialize Rust] The Embedded Rust Book #[strum(serialize = "embedded-book")] EmbeddedBook, } struct Row(Book); impl ToString for Row { fn to_string(&self) -> String { use strum::EnumMessage; format!("{: <16} {}", self.0, self.0.get_documentation().unwrap()).into() } } impl Options { fn host(&self) -> String { self.host.clone() } fn port(&self) -> String { self.port.clone() } fn get_port(&self) -> std::io::Result { Ok(port_selector::random_free_tcp_port().expect("Error allocating free port")) } fn hostport(&self) -> String { format!("{}:{}", self.host(), self.port()) } fn url(&self) -> String { format!("http://{}", self.hostport()) } fn book_link(&self) -> String { if let Some(ref book) = self.book { if *book == Book::Rustlings { return "https://github.com/rust-lang/rustlings".to_string(); } if *book == Book::RustDevGuide { return "https://rustc-dev-guide.rust-lang.org".to_string(); } if self.search.is_none() { format!("{}/{book}", self.url()) } else { format!( "{}/{book}/?search={}", self.url(), self.search.as_ref().unwrap() ) } } else { self.link() } } fn link(&self) -> String { if self.search.is_none() { format!("{}", self.url()) } else { format!( "{}/std/?search={}", self.url(), self.search.as_ref().unwrap() ) } } fn addr(&self) -> std::net::SocketAddr { self.hostport().parse().unwrap() } fn open(&self) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { Ok(if self.open { let link = self.book_link(); log::info!("Opening {link}"); self.open_browser(link)? }) } fn open_browser>(&self, path: P) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { Ok(opener::open_browser(path)?) } pub async fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { if self.random_port { self.port = format!("{}", self.get_port()?); } Ok(if self.locate { let dir = lib::find_rustdoc() .unwrap() .into_os_string() .into_string() .unwrap(); println!("{dir}") } else if self.list { use strum::EnumMessage; use strum::IntoEnumIterator; for book in Book::iter() { println!("{: <16} {}", book, book.get_documentation().unwrap()); } } else { if self.book.is_none() && !self.all { use dialoguer::console::Term; use dialoguer::{theme::ColorfulTheme, Select}; use strum::IntoEnumIterator; let books: Vec = Book::iter().map(|x| Row(x)).collect(); let selection = Select::with_theme(&ColorfulTheme::default()) .items(&books) .default(0) .interact_on_opt(&Term::stderr())?; match selection { Some(index) => self.book = Some(books[index].0), None => return Ok(()), } } log::info!("Serving rust doc on {}", &self.url()); self.open()?; lib::serve_rustbook(&self.addr()).await? }) } }