`cargo-example` is an easy-to-use example runner for rust crates. # About `cargo-example` aims to provide a simple interface to running examples of any valid rust crate. Currently there is no short way to do this. In order to run examples you'll always have to manually clone or download the repository of the crate whose examples you wish to run. For newcomers to the rust language the `--example` feature of `cargo run` might even remain completely unknown for quite some time. This crate aims to simplify this process. All the messy cloning is abstracted away from the end user. # Usage 1. Run `cargo install cargo-example` 2. Run any examples with `cargo example ...args` * `` is the target crate whose examples you wish to run * `args` is a list of arguments that will be forwarded to the example ![Example gif](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrandtM/cargo-example/master/images/demo.gif) ## In development Just use `cargo run example ...args`. It has to be done this way due to the way that # Inspiration I wouldn't have made this project if it wasn't for the excellent GitHub Project "request-for-implementation" by dtolnay. Specifically [this](https://github.com/dtolnay/request-for-implementation/issues/30) issue. # Early stages This entire project is still in its infancy. It might not work for you. But you can help. Just open up a new GitHub issue if you find an error or would like to request a feature or a change.