# Rust Target Specifications for feL4 cargo-fel4 ships with support for the following targets: * [armv7-sel4-fel4](armv7-sel4-fel4.json) * [aarch64-sel4-fel4](aarch64-sel4-fel4.json) * [x86_64-sel4-fel4](x86_64-sel4-fel4.json) ## Using custom target specifications cargo-fel4 uses standard Rust target specification files, a JSON description of the target provided to the Rust compiler. More information about target specifications can be found on the [rust-cross](https://github.com/japaric/rust-cross#target-specification-files) page. You can use existing target specifications for your target or modify the ones provided here. Rust will search for target specifications in the directory specified by the environment variable `RUST_TARGET_PATH`. cargo-fel4 will construct `RUST_TARGET_PATH` from the `target-specs-path` property in a project's `fel4.toml` manifest, relative to the project's root directory. See the [rust-cross](https://github.com/japaric/rust-cross) page for more information on cross compiling Rust programs.