#!/usr/bin/env python3 __license__ = 'MIT' import json from urllib.parse import urlparse, ParseResult, parse_qs import os import glob import subprocess import argparse import logging import hashlib import asyncio import aiohttp import toml CRATES_IO = 'https://static.crates.io/crates' CARGO_HOME = 'cargo' CARGO_CRATES = f'{CARGO_HOME}/vendor' VENDORED_SOURCES = 'vendored-sources' GIT_CACHE = 'flatpak-cargo/git' COMMIT_LEN = 7 def canonical_url(url): 'Converts a string to a Cargo Canonical URL, as per https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/blob/35c55a93200c84a4de4627f1770f76a8ad268a39/src/cargo/util/canonical_url.rs#L19' # Hrm. The upstream cargo does not replace those URLs, but if we don't then it doesn't work too well :( url = url.replace('git+https://', 'https://') u = urlparse(url) # It seems cargo drops query and fragment u = ParseResult(u.scheme, u.netloc, u.path, None, None, None) u = u._replace(path = u.path.rstrip('/')) if u.netloc == 'github.com': u = u._replace(scheme = 'https') u = u._replace(path = u.path.lower()) if u.path.endswith('.git'): u = u._replace(path = u.path[:-len('.git')]) return u def get_git_tarball(repo_url, commit): url = canonical_url(repo_url) path = url.path.split('/')[1:] assert len(path) == 2 owner = path[0] if path[1].endswith('.git'): repo = path[1].replace('.git', '') else: repo = path[1] if url.hostname == 'github.com': return f'https://codeload.{url.hostname}/{owner}/{repo}/tar.gz/{commit}' elif url.hostname.split('.')[0] == 'gitlab': return f'https://{url.hostname}/{owner}/{repo}/-/archive/{commit}/{repo}-{commit}.tar.gz' elif url.hostname == 'bitbucket.org': return f'https://{url.hostname}/{owner}/{repo}/get/{commit}.tar.gz' else: raise ValueError(f'Don\'t know how to get tarball for {repo_url}') async def get_remote_sha256(url): logging.info(f"started sha256({url})") sha256 = hashlib.sha256() async with aiohttp.ClientSession(raise_for_status=True) as http_session: async with http_session.get(url) as response: while True: data = await response.content.read(4096) if not data: break sha256.update(data) logging.info(f"done sha256({url})") return sha256.hexdigest() def find_cargo_toml(git_repo_dir): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(git_repo_dir, 'Cargo.toml')): return load_toml(os.path.join(git_repo_dir, 'Cargo.toml')), '.' # If Cargo.toml isn't found in repository root, scan subdirectories toml_list = [] for entry in os.scandir(git_repo_dir): if entry.is_dir(): toml_path = os.path.join(entry.path, 'Cargo.toml') if os.path.isfile(toml_path): toml_list.append((toml_path, os.path.relpath(entry.path, git_repo_dir))) if len(toml_list) == 1: return load_toml(toml_list[0][0]), toml_list[0][1] if len(toml_list) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( f'Multiple Cargo.toml files found in {git_repo_dir}\n' 'Please report this error and the link to the affected repisitory here:\n' 'https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak-builder-tools/issues' ) raise Exception(f'No Cargo.toml found in {git_repo_dir}') def load_toml(tomlfile='Cargo.lock'): with open(tomlfile, 'r') as f: toml_data = toml.load(f) return toml_data def git_repo_name(git_url, commit): name = canonical_url(git_url).path.split('/')[-1] return f'{name}-{commit[:COMMIT_LEN]}' def fetch_git_repo(git_url, commit): repo_dir = git_url.replace('://', '_').replace('/', '_') cache_dir = os.environ.get('XDG_CACHE_HOME', os.path.expanduser('~/.cache')) clone_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, 'flatpak-cargo', repo_dir) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(clone_dir, '.git')): subprocess.run(['git', 'clone', git_url, clone_dir], check=True) rev_parse_proc = subprocess.run(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=clone_dir, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) head = rev_parse_proc.stdout.decode().strip() if head[:COMMIT_LEN] != commit[:COMMIT_LEN]: subprocess.run(['git', 'fetch', 'origin', commit], cwd=clone_dir, check=True) subprocess.run(['git', 'checkout', commit], cwd=clone_dir, check=True) return clone_dir async def get_git_repo_packages(git_url, commit): logging.info('Loading packages from %s', git_url) git_repo_dir = fetch_git_repo(git_url, commit) root_toml, toml_dir = find_cargo_toml(git_repo_dir) assert 'package' in root_toml or 'workspace' in root_toml packages = {} async def get_dep_packages(entry, toml_dir): # https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/specifying-dependencies.html if 'dependencies' in entry: for dep_name, dep in entry['dependencies'].items(): if 'package' in dep: dep_name = dep['package'] if 'path' not in dep: continue if dep_name in packages: continue dep_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(toml_dir, dep['path'])) logging.debug("Loading dependency %s from %s in %s", dep_name, dep_dir, git_url) dep_toml = load_toml(os.path.join(git_repo_dir, dep_dir, 'Cargo.toml')) assert dep_toml['package']['name'] == dep_name, (git_url, toml_dir) await get_dep_packages(dep_toml, dep_dir) packages[dep_name] = dep_dir if 'target' in entry: for _, target in entry['target'].items(): await get_dep_packages(target, toml_dir) if 'package' in root_toml: await get_dep_packages(root_toml, toml_dir) packages[root_toml['package']['name']] = '.' if 'workspace' in root_toml: for member in root_toml['workspace']['members']: for subpkg_toml in glob.glob(os.path.join(git_repo_dir, member, 'Cargo.toml')): subpkg = os.path.relpath(os.path.dirname(subpkg_toml), git_repo_dir) logging.debug("Loading workspace member %s in %s", member, git_url) pkg_toml = load_toml(subpkg_toml) await get_dep_packages(pkg_toml, subpkg) packages[pkg_toml['package']['name']] = subpkg logging.debug('Packages in %s:\n%s', git_url, json.dumps(packages, indent=4)) return packages async def get_git_repo_sources(url, commit, tarball=False): name = git_repo_name(url, commit) if tarball: tarball_url = get_git_tarball(url, commit) git_repo_sources = [{ 'type': 'archive', 'archive-type': 'tar-gzip', 'url': tarball_url, 'sha256': await get_remote_sha256(tarball_url), 'dest': f'{GIT_CACHE}/{name}', }] else: git_repo_sources = [{ 'type': 'git', 'url': url, 'commit': commit, 'dest': f'{GIT_CACHE}/{name}', }] return git_repo_sources async def get_git_package_sources(package, git_repos): name = package['name'] source = package['source'] commit = urlparse(source).fragment assert commit, 'The commit needs to be indicated in the fragement part' canonical = canonical_url(source) repo_url = canonical.geturl() git_repo = git_repos.setdefault(repo_url, { 'commits': {}, 'lock': asyncio.Lock(), }) async with git_repo['lock']: if commit not in git_repo['commits']: git_repo['commits'][commit] = await get_git_repo_packages(repo_url, commit) cargo_vendored_entry = { repo_url: { 'git': repo_url, 'replace-with': VENDORED_SOURCES, } } rev = parse_qs(urlparse(source).query).get('rev') tag = parse_qs(urlparse(source).query).get('tag') branch = parse_qs(urlparse(source).query).get('branch') if rev: assert len(rev) == 1 cargo_vendored_entry[repo_url]['rev'] = rev[0] elif tag: assert len(tag) == 1 cargo_vendored_entry[repo_url]['tag'] = tag[0] elif branch: assert len(branch) == 1 cargo_vendored_entry[repo_url]['branch'] = branch[0] logging.info("Adding package %s from %s", name, repo_url) pkg_subpath = git_repo['commits'][commit][name] pkg_repo_dir = os.path.join(GIT_CACHE, git_repo_name(repo_url, commit), pkg_subpath) git_sources = [ { 'type': 'shell', 'commands': [ f'cp -r --reflink=auto "{pkg_repo_dir}" "{CARGO_CRATES}/{name}"' ], }, { 'type': 'inline', 'contents': json.dumps({'package': None, 'files': {}}), 'dest': f'{CARGO_CRATES}/{name}', #-{version}', 'dest-filename': '.cargo-checksum.json', } ] return (git_sources, cargo_vendored_entry) async def get_package_sources(package, cargo_lock, git_repos): metadata = cargo_lock.get('metadata') name = package['name'] version = package['version'] if 'source' not in package: logging.debug('%s has no source', name) return source = package['source'] if source.startswith('git+'): return await get_git_package_sources(package, git_repos) key = f'checksum {name} {version} ({source})' if metadata is not None and key in metadata: checksum = metadata[key] elif 'checksum' in package: checksum = package['checksum'] else: logging.warning(f'{name} doesn\'t have checksum') return crate_sources = [ { 'type': 'archive', 'archive-type': 'tar-gzip', 'url': f'{CRATES_IO}/{name}/{name}-{version}.crate', 'sha256': checksum, 'dest': f'{CARGO_CRATES}/{name}-{version}', }, { 'type': 'inline', 'contents': json.dumps({'package': checksum, 'files': {}}), 'dest': f'{CARGO_CRATES}/{name}-{version}', 'dest-filename': '.cargo-checksum.json', }, ] return (crate_sources, {'crates-io': {'replace-with': VENDORED_SOURCES}}) async def generate_sources(cargo_lock, git_tarballs=False): # { # "git-repo-url": { # "lock": asyncio.Lock(), # "commits": { # "commit-hash": { # "package-name": "./relative/package/path" # } # } # } # } git_repos = {} sources = [] package_sources = [] cargo_vendored_sources = { VENDORED_SOURCES: {'directory': f'{CARGO_CRATES}'}, } pkg_coros = [get_package_sources(p, cargo_lock, git_repos) for p in cargo_lock['package']] for pkg in await asyncio.gather(*pkg_coros): if pkg is None: continue else: pkg_sources, cargo_vendored_entry = pkg package_sources.extend(pkg_sources) cargo_vendored_sources.update(cargo_vendored_entry) logging.debug('Adding collected git repos:\n%s', json.dumps(list(git_repos), indent=4)) git_repo_coros = [] for git_url, git_repo in git_repos.items(): for git_commit in git_repo['commits']: git_repo_coros.append(get_git_repo_sources(git_url, git_commit, git_tarballs)) sources.extend(sum(await asyncio.gather(*git_repo_coros), [])) sources.extend(package_sources) logging.debug('Vendored sources:\n%s', json.dumps(cargo_vendored_sources, indent=4)) sources.append({ 'type': 'inline', 'contents': toml.dumps({ 'source': cargo_vendored_sources, }), 'dest': CARGO_HOME, 'dest-filename': 'config' }) return sources def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('cargo_lock', help='Path to the Cargo.lock file') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', required=False, help='Where to write generated sources') parser.add_argument('-t', '--git-tarballs', action='store_true', help='Download git repos as tarballs') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() if args.output is not None: outfile = args.output else: outfile = 'generated-sources.json' if args.debug: loglevel = logging.DEBUG else: loglevel = logging.INFO logging.basicConfig(level=loglevel) generated_sources = asyncio.run(generate_sources(load_toml(args.cargo_lock), git_tarballs=args.git_tarballs)) with open(outfile, 'w') as out: json.dump(generated_sources, out, indent=4, sort_keys=False) if __name__ == '__main__': main()