# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [Unreleased] ## [0.3.4] - Fixed #34: If the remote gh-pages branch is updated between executions, ghp-upload will now pull the changes instead of overwriting them ## [0.3.2] - Tag builds now publish to `/[tag]/` instead of `/HEAD/` ## [0.3.1] - Fixed builds when `./target/ghp` does not exists and the target repo has a GHP branch ## [0.3.0] [YANKED] - Fixed builds on Travis always being picked up as a tag build instead of a branch build - Added `--publish-tags` to publish docs for tags (GitHub releases) ## [0.2.0] [YANKED] - Change CLI syntax so that it works as a subcommand (yanked broken 0.1) ## [0.1.1] [YANKED] - Removed package.include key from Cargo.toml so more things are in the cargo package - Improvements to CI ## [0.1.0] [YANKED] - Split out of [roblabla/cargo-travis](https://github.com/roblabla/cargo-travis) - Includes rename from `cargo-doc-upload` to `cargo-ghp-upload` - Call as `cargo ghp-upload [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]` - No longer links against `cargo` - CLI changes: - New repeatable `-v`/`--verbose` flag for more logging (modulo #1) - New `--remove-index` flag to opt-out of maintaining `index.html` (It will still be clobbered if an index.html exists in the uploaded folder) - New `--directory ` option to upload from directories other than `./target/doc` - Now can infer much more context from Git if not in Travis-like environment - Default commit message changed [Unreleased]: https://github.com/crate-ci/cargo-ghp-upload/compare/0.3.4...master [0.3.4]: https://github.com/crate-ci/cargo-ghp-upload/compare/0.3.2...0.3.4 [0.3.2]: https://github.com/crate-ci/cargo-ghp-upload/compare/0.3.1...0.3.2 [0.3.1]: https://github.com/crate-ci/cargo-ghp-upload/compare/0.3.0...0.3.1 [0.3.0]: https://github.com/crate-ci/cargo-ghp-upload/compare/0.2.0...0.3.0 [0.2.0]: https://github.com/crate-ci/cargo-ghp-upload/compare/0.1.1...0.2.0 [0.1.1]: https://github.com/crate-ci/cargo-ghp-upload/compare/0.1.0...0.1.1 [0.1.0]: https://github.com/crate-ci/cargo-ghp-upload/tree/0.1.0