use std::{ collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, VecDeque}, env, fs::{self, File}, future::Future, io::{BufRead, BufReader, ErrorKind}, path::Path, process::ExitCode, str::FromStr, }; use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Result}; use camino::{Utf8Path, Utf8PathBuf}; use env_logger::{Env, Target}; use tokio::process::Command; use crate::{ base::RUST, cli::exit_code, cratesio::{from_cratesio_input_path, into_stage}, envs::{self, base_image, internal, maybe_log, pass_env, runner, syntax, this}, extensions::{Popped, ShowCmd}, md::{BuildContext, Md}, parse::{self, RustcArgs}, runner::{build, MARK_STDERR, MARK_STDOUT}, stage::Stage, PKG, REPO, VSN, }; const BUILDRS_CRATE_NAME: &str = "build_script_build"; // NOTE: this RUSTC_WRAPPER program only ever gets called by `cargo`, so we save // ourselves some trouble and assume std::path::{Path, PathBuf} are UTF-8. // Or in the words of this crate: pub(crate) async fn do_wrap() -> ExitCode { let arg0 = env::args().nth(1); let args = env::args().skip(1).collect(); let vars = env::vars().collect(); match fallible_main(arg0, args, vars).await { Ok(code) => code, Err(e) => { eprintln!("Wrapped: {e}"); ExitCode::FAILURE } } } async fn fallible_main( arg0: Option, args: VecDeque, vars: BTreeMap, ) -> Result { let argz = args.iter().take(3).map(AsRef::as_ref).collect::>(); let argv = |times| { let mut argv = args.clone(); for _ in 0..times { argv.pop_front(); // shift 1 } argv.into_iter().collect() }; // TODO: find a better heuristic to ensure `rustc` is rustc match &argz[..] { [rustc, "--crate-name", crate_name, ..] if rustc.ends_with("rustc") => wrap_rustc(crate_name, argv(1), call_rustc(rustc, argv(1))).await, [driver, rustc, "-"|"--crate-name", ..] if rustc.ends_with("rustc") => { // TODO: wrap driver? + rustc // driver: e.g. $RUSTUP_HOME/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/clippy-driver // cf. call_rustc(driver, argv(2)).await } [_driver, rustc, ..] if rustc.ends_with("rustc") => call_rustc(rustc, argv(2)).await, [rustc, ..] if rustc.ends_with("rustc") => call_rustc(rustc, argv(1)).await, _ => panic!("RUSTC_WRAPPER={arg0:?}'s input unexpected:\n\targz = {argz:?}\n\targs = {args:?}\n\tenvs = {vars:?}\n"), } } #[test] fn passthrough_getting_rust_target_specific_information() { #[rustfmt::skip] let first_few_args = &[ "$PWD/rustcbuildx/rustcbuildx", "$HOME/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/rustc", "-", "--crate-name", "___", "--print=file-names", "--crate-type", "bin", "--crate-type", "rlib", "--crate-type", "dylib", "--crate-type", "cdylib", "--crate-type", "staticlib", "--crate-type", "proc-macro", "--print=sysroot", "--print=split-debuginfo", "--print=crate-name", "--print=cfg", ] .into_iter() .take(4) .map(ToOwned::to_owned) .collect::>(); let first_few_args = first_few_args.iter().skip(1).take(3).map(String::as_str).collect::>(); assert_eq!( match &first_few_args[..] { [_rustc, "-", ..] | [_rustc, _ /*driver*/, "-", ..] => 1, [_rustc, "--crate-name", _crate_name, ..] => 2, _ => 3, }, 1 ); } async fn call_rustc(rustc: &str, args: Vec) -> Result { // NOTE: not running inside Docker: local install SHOULD match Docker image setup // Meaning: it's up to the user to craft their desired $RUSTCBUILDX_BASE_IMAGE let mut cmd = Command::new(rustc); let cmd = cmd.kill_on_drop(true).args(args); let code = cmd .spawn() .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to spawn {}: {e}", .wait() .await .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to wait {}: {e}", .code(); Ok(exit_code(code)) } async fn wrap_rustc( crate_name: &str, arguments: Vec, fallback: impl Future>, ) -> Result { if this() { panic!("It's turtles all the way down!") } env::set_var(internal::RUSTCBUILDX, "1"); if let Some(log_file) = maybe_log() { env_logger::Builder::from_env( Env::default() .filter_or(internal::RUSTCBUILDX_LOG, "debug") .write_style(internal::RUSTCBUILDX_LOG_STYLE), ) .target(Target::Pipe(Box::new(log_file().expect("Installing logfile")))) .init(); } let pwd = env::current_dir().expect("Getting $PWD"); let pwd: Utf8PathBuf = pwd.try_into().expect("Encoding $PWD in UTF-8"); let krate = format!("{PKG}:{crate_name}"); log::info!(target: &krate, "{PKG}@{VSN} original args: {arguments:?} pwd={pwd}"); do_wrap_rustc(crate_name, arguments, fallback, &krate, pwd) .await .inspect_err(|e| log::error!(target: &krate, "Error: {e}")) } async fn do_wrap_rustc( crate_name: &str, arguments: Vec, fallback: impl Future>, krate: &str, pwd: Utf8PathBuf, ) -> Result { let debug = maybe_log(); let out_dir_var = env::var("OUT_DIR").ok(); let (st, args) = parse::as_rustc(&pwd, arguments, out_dir_var.as_deref())?; log::info!(target: &krate, "{st:?}"); let RustcArgs { crate_type, emit, externs, metadata, incremental, input, out_dir, target_path } = st; let incremental = envs::incremental().then_some(incremental).flatten(); let full_krate_id = { let krate_version = env::var("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").ok().unwrap_or_default(); let krate_name = env::var("CARGO_PKG_NAME").ok().unwrap_or_default(); if crate_name == BUILDRS_CRATE_NAME { if crate_type != "bin" { bail!("BUG: expected build script to be of crate_type bin, got: {crate_type}") } format!("buildrs|{krate_name}|{krate_version}|{metadata}") } else { format!("{crate_type}|{krate_name}|{krate_version}|{metadata}") } }; let krate = full_krate_id.as_str(); let crate_id = full_krate_id.replace('|', "-"); // NOTE: not `out_dir` let crate_out = if let Some(crate_out) = out_dir_var { if crate_out.ends_with("/out") { log::info!(target: &krate, "listing (RO) crate_out contents {crate_out}"); let listing = fs::read_dir(&crate_out) .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed reading crate_out dir {crate_out}: {e}"))?; let listing = listing .map_while(Result::ok) .inspect(|x| log::info!(target: &krate, "contains {x:?}")) .count(); // crate_out dir empty => mount can be dropped if listing != 0 { let ignore = Utf8PathBuf::from(&crate_out).popped(1).join(".dockerignore"); fs::write(&ignore, "") .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed creating crate_out dockerignore {ignore}: {e}"))?; Some(crate_out) } else { None } } else { None } } else { None }; // // : Tracking issue for -Z binary-dep-depinfo let mut all_externs = BTreeSet::new(); let externs_prefix = |part: &str| Utf8Path::new(&target_path).join(format!("externs_{part}")); let crate_externs = externs_prefix(&format!("{crate_name}-{metadata}")); let mut md = Md::new(&metadata); // A woodlegged way of passing around work cargo-green already did // TODO: merge both binaries into a single one // * so both versions always match // * so passing data from cargo-green to wrapper cannot be interrupted/manipulated // * so RUSTCBUILDX_ envs turn into only CARGOGREEN_ envs? // * so config is driven only by cargo-green md.push_block( &Stage::try_new(RUST).expect("rust stage"), if let Ok(base_block) = env::var("RUSTCBUILDX_BASE_IMAGE_BLOCK_") { base_block } else { base_image().await.block() }, ); let ext = match crate_type.as_str() { "lib" => "rmeta".to_owned(), "bin" | "rlib" | "test" | "proc-macro" => "rlib".to_owned(), _ => bail!("BUG: unexpected crate-type: '{crate_type}'"), }; // // > [rmeta] is created if the --emit=metadata CLI option is used. let ext = if emit.contains("metadata") { "rmeta".to_owned() } else { ext }; if crate_type == "proc-macro" { // This way crates that depend on this know they must require it as .so let guard = format!("{crate_externs}_proc-macro"); // FIXME: store this bit of info in md file log::info!(target: &krate, "opening (RW) {guard}"); fs::write(&guard, "").map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to `touch {guard}`: {e}"))?; }; let mut short_externs = BTreeSet::new(); for xtern in &externs { all_externs.insert(xtern.clone()); if !xtern.starts_with("lib") { bail!("BUG: expected extern to match ^lib: {xtern}") } let xtern = xtern.strip_prefix("lib").expect("PROOF: ~ ^lib"); let xtern = if xtern.ends_with(".rlib") { xtern.strip_suffix(".rlib") } else if xtern.ends_with(".rmeta") { xtern.strip_suffix(".rmeta") } else if xtern.ends_with(".so") { xtern.strip_suffix(".so") } else { bail!("CONTRACT: cargo gave unexpected extern: {xtern:?}") } .expect("PROOF: all cases match"); short_externs.insert(xtern.to_owned()); let xtern_crate_externs = externs_prefix(xtern); log::info!(target: &krate, "checking (RO) extern's externs {xtern_crate_externs}"); if file_exists_and_is_not_empty(&xtern_crate_externs)? { log::info!(target: &krate, "opening (RO) crate externs {xtern_crate_externs}"); let errf = |e| anyhow!("Failed to `cat {xtern_crate_externs}`: {e}"); let fd = File::open(&xtern_crate_externs).map_err(errf)?; for transitive in BufReader::new(fd).lines().map_while(Result::ok) { let guard = externs_prefix(&format!("{transitive}_proc-macro")); log::info!(target: &krate, "checking (RO) extern's guard {guard}"); let ext = if file_exists(&guard)? { "so" } else { &ext }; let actual_extern = format!("lib{transitive}.{ext}"); all_externs.insert(actual_extern.clone()); // ^ this algo tried to "keep track" of actual paths to transitive deps artifacts // however some edge cases (at least 1) go through. That fix seems to bust cache on 2nd builds though v if debug.is_some() { let deps_dir = Utf8Path::new(&target_path).join("deps"); log::info!(target: &krate, "extern crate's extern matches {deps_dir}/lib*.*"); let listing = fs::read_dir(&deps_dir) .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed reading directory {deps_dir}: {e}"))? .filter_map(Result::ok) .filter_map(|p| { let p = p.path(); p.file_name().map(|p| p.to_string_lossy().to_string()) }) .filter(|p| p.contains(&transitive)) .filter(|p| !p.ends_with(&format!("{transitive}.d"))) .map(|p| p.to_string()) .collect::>(); if listing != vec![actual_extern.clone()] { log::warn!(target: &krate,"instead of [{actual_extern}], listing found {listing:?}"); } //all_externs.extend(listing.into_iter()); // TODO: move to after for loop } short_externs.insert(transitive); } } } log::info!(target: &krate, "checking (RO) externs {crate_externs}"); if !file_exists_and_is_not_empty(&crate_externs)? { let mut shorts = String::new(); for short_extern in &short_externs { shorts.push_str(&format!("{short_extern}\n")); } log::info!(target: &krate, "writing (RW) externs to {crate_externs}"); let errf = |e| anyhow!("Failed creating crate externs {crate_externs}: {e}"); fs::write(&crate_externs, shorts).map_err(errf)?; } let all_externs = all_externs; log::info!(target: &krate, "crate_externs: {crate_externs}"); if debug.is_some() { match fs::read_to_string(&crate_externs) { Ok(data) => data, Err(e) => e.to_string(), } .lines() .filter(|x| !x.is_empty()) .for_each(|line| log::debug!(target: &krate, "❯ {line}")); } fs::create_dir_all(&out_dir).map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to `mkdir -p {out_dir}`: {e}"))?; if let Some(ref incremental) = incremental { fs::create_dir_all(incremental) .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed to `mkdir -p {incremental}`: {e}"))?; } let cargo_home: Utf8PathBuf = home::cargo_home() .map_err(|e| anyhow!("bad $CARGO_HOME or something: {e}"))? .try_into() .map_err(|e| anyhow!("corrupted $CARGO_HOME path: {e}"))?; // TODO: allow opt-out of cratesio_stage => to support offline builds // TODO: or, allow a `cargo fetch` alike: create+pre-build all cratesio stages from lockfile let (input_mount, rustc_stage) = if input.starts_with(cargo_home.join("registry/src")) { // Input is of a crate dep (hosted at // Let's optimize this case by fetching & caching crate tarball let (name, version, cratesio_index) = from_cratesio_input_path(&input)?; let (cratesio_stage, src, dst, block) = into_stage(krate, cargo_home.as_path(), &name, &version, &cratesio_index).await?; md.push_block(&cratesio_stage, block); let rustc_stage = Stage::try_new(format!("dep-{crate_id}-{cratesio_index}"))?; (Some((cratesio_stage, Some(src), dst)), rustc_stage) } else { // Input is local code let rustc_stage = if input.is_relative() { &input } else { // e.g. $CARGO_HOME/git/checkouts/rustc-version-rs-de99f49481c38c43/48cf99e/src/ // TODO: create a stage from sources where able (public repos) use --secret mounts for private deps (and secret direct artifacts) // TODO=> make sense of git origin file://$CARGO_HOME/git/db/rustc-version-rs-de99f49481c38c43 // env is set: CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR="$CARGO_HOME/git/checkouts/rustc-version-rs-de99f49481c38c43/48cf99e" // => commit // env is set: CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY="" // => url // copying all git files under $CARGO_HOME/git/checkouts/rustc-version-rs-de99f49481c38c43/48cf99e to /tmp/cargo-green_0.7.0/CWD2ee709abf3a7f0b4 // loading "cwd-2ee709abf3a7f0b4": /tmp/cargo-green_0.7.0/CWD2ee709abf3a7f0b4 input .strip_prefix(&pwd) .map_err(|e| anyhow!("BUG: unexpected input {input:?} ({e})"))? } .to_string() .replace(['/', '.'], "-"); let rustc_stage = Stage::try_new(format!("cwd-{crate_id}-{rustc_stage}"))?; (None, rustc_stage) }; log::info!(target: &krate, "picked {rustc_stage} for {input}"); let incremental_stage = Stage::try_new(format!("inc-{metadata}"))?; let out_stage = Stage::try_new(format!("out-{metadata}"))?; let mut rustc_block = String::new(); rustc_block.push_str(&format!("FROM {RUST} AS {rustc_stage}\n")); rustc_block.push_str(&format!("SHELL {:?}\n", ["/bin/bash", "-eux", "-c"])); rustc_block.push_str(&format!("WORKDIR {out_dir}\n")); if let Some(ref incremental) = incremental { rustc_block.push_str(&format!("WORKDIR {incremental}\n")); } let cwd = if let Some((name, src, target)) = input_mount.as_ref() { rustc_block.push_str("RUN \\\n"); let source =|src| format!(",source={src}")).unwrap_or_default(); rustc_block.push_str(&format!(" --mount=from={name}{source},target={target} \\\n")); None } else { // NOTE: we don't `rm -rf cwd_root` let cwd_root = env::temp_dir().join(format!("{PKG}_{VSN}")); fs::create_dir_all(&cwd_root) .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed `mkdir -p {cwd_root:?}`: {e}"))?; let ignore = cwd_root.join(".dockerignore"); fs::write(&ignore, "") .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed creating cwd dockerignore {ignore:?}: {e}"))?; let cwd = cwd_root.join(format!("CWD{metadata}")); let cwd_path: Utf8PathBuf = cwd .clone() .try_into() .map_err(|e| anyhow!("cwd's {cwd:?} UTF-8 encoding is corrupted: {e}"))?; // TODO: --build-arg BUILDKIT_CONTEXT_KEEP_GIT_DIR=0 // in Git case: do that ^ IFF remote URL + branch/tag/rev can be decided (a la cratesio optimization) // log::info!(target: &krate, "copying all {}files under {pwd} to {cwd_path}", if pwd.join(".git").is_dir() { "git " } else { "" }); copy_dir_all(&pwd, &cwd_path)?; // TODO: --mount=bind each file one by one => drop temp dir ctx (needs [multiple] `mkdir -p`[s] first though) // This doesn't work: rustc_block.push_str(&format!(" --mount=from=cwd,target={pwd} \\\n")); // ✖ 0.040 runc run failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: // error mounting "/var/lib/docker/tmp/buildkit-mount1189821268/libaho_corasick-b99b6e1b4f09cbff.rlib" // to rootfs at "/home/runner/work/rustcbuildx/rustcbuildx/target/debug/deps/libaho_corasick-b99b6e1b4f09cbff.rlib": // mkdir /var/lib/docker/buildkit/executor/m7p2ehjfewlxfi5zjupw23oo7/rootfs/home/runner/work/rustcbuildx/rustcbuildx/target: // read-only file system // Meaning: tried to mount overlapping paths // TODO: try mounting each individual file from `*.d` dep file // 0 0s debug HEAD λ cat rustcbuildx.d // $target_dir/debug/rustcbuildx: $cwd/src/ $cwd/src/ $cwd/src/ $cwd/src/ $cwd/src/ $cwd/src/ $cwd/src/ $cwd/src/ $cwd/src/ rustc_block.push_str(&format!("WORKDIR {pwd}\n")); rustc_block.push_str(&format!("COPY --from=cwd-{metadata} / .\n")); rustc_block.push_str("RUN \\\n"); let cwd_path = cwd_path.to_owned(); // TODO: do better to avoid copying >1 times local work dir on each cargo call => context-mount local content-addressed tarball? // test|cargo-green|0.8.0|f273b3fc9f002200] copying all git files under $HOME/wefwefwef/supergreen.git to /tmp/cargo-green_0.8.0/CWDf273b3fc9f002200 // bin|cargo-green|0.8.0|efe5575298075b07] copying all git files under $HOME/wefwefwef/supergreen.git to /tmp/cargo-green_0.8.0/CWDefe5575298075b07 let cwd_stage = Stage::try_new(format!("cwd-{metadata}")).expect("empty metadata?"); Some((cwd_path, cwd_stage)) }; if let Some(ref crate_out) = crate_out { let named = crate_out_name(crate_out); rustc_block.push_str(&format!(" --mount=from={named},target={crate_out} \\\n")); } md.contexts = [ input_mount.and_then(|(name, src, target)| { src.is_none().then_some((name.to_string(), target.to_string())) }), cwd.as_ref().map(|(cwd, cwd_stage)| (cwd_stage.to_string(), cwd.to_string())),|crate_out| (crate_out_name(&crate_out), crate_out)), ] .into_iter() .flatten() .map(|(name, uri)| BuildContext { name, uri }) .collect(); log::info!(target: &krate, "loading {} Docker contexts", md.contexts.len()); for BuildContext { name, uri } in &md.contexts { log::info!(target: &krate, "loading {name:?}: {uri}"); } log::debug!(target: &krate, "all_externs = {all_externs:?}"); if externs.len() > all_externs.len() { bail!("BUG: (externs, all_externs) = {:?}", (externs.len(), all_externs.len())) } let mut mounts = Vec::with_capacity(all_externs.len()); let extern_mds = all_externs .into_iter() .map(|xtern| { let Some((extern_md_path, xtern_stage)) = toml_path_and_stage(&xtern, &target_path) else { bail!("Unexpected extern name format: {xtern}") }; mounts.push((xtern_stage, format!("/{xtern}"), format!("{target_path}/deps/{xtern}"))); log::info!(target: &krate, "opening (RO) extern md {extern_md_path}"); let md_raw = fs::read_to_string(&extern_md_path).map_err(|e| { if e.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound { return anyhow!( r#" Looks like `{PKG}` ran on an unkempt project. That's alright! Let's remove the current target directory (note: $CARGO_TARGET_DIR={target_dir}) then run your command again. "#, target_dir = env::var("CARGO_TARGET_DIR").expect("cargo sets $CARGO_TARGET_DIR"), ); } anyhow!("Failed reading Md {extern_md_path}: {e}") })?; let extern_md = Md::from_str(&md_raw)?; Ok((extern_md_path, extern_md)) }) .collect::>>()?; let extern_md_paths = md.extend_from_externs(extern_mds)?; log::info!(target: &krate, "extern_md_paths: {} {extern_md_paths:?}", extern_md_paths.len()); for (name, source, target) in mounts { rustc_block .push_str(&format!(" --mount=from={name},target={target},source={source} \\\n")); } rustc_block.push_str(&format!(" env CARGO={:?} \\\n", "$(which cargo)")); for (var, val) in env::vars() { let (pass, skip, only_buildrs) = pass_env(var.as_str()); if pass || (crate_name == BUILDRS_CRATE_NAME && only_buildrs) { if skip { log::debug!(target: &krate, "not forwarding env: {var}={val}"); continue; } let val = safeify(val); if var == "CARGO_ENCODED_RUSTFLAGS" { let dec: Vec<_> = rustflags::from_env().collect(); log::debug!(target: &krate, "env is set: {var}={val} ({dec:?})"); } else { log::debug!(target: &krate, "env is set: {var}={val}"); } rustc_block.push_str(&format!(" {var}={val} \\\n")); } } rustc_block.push_str(" RUSTCBUILDX=1 \\\n"); // TODO: find a way to discover these // e.g? // e.g. // but actually no! The cargo directives get emitted when running compiled build script, // and this is handled by cargo, outside of the wrapper! // => cargo upstream issue "pass env vars read/wrote by build script on call to rustc" // => for var in ["NTPD_RS_GIT_REV", "NTPD_RS_GIT_DATE", "RING_CORE_PREFIX"] { if let Ok(v) = env::var(var) { log::warn!(target: &krate, "passing ${var}={v:?} env through"); rustc_block.push_str(&format!(" {var}={v:?} \\\n")); } } // TODO: keep only paths that we explicitly mount or copy if false { // for var in ["PATH", "DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH", "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "LIBPATH"] { let Ok(val) = env::var(var) else { continue }; log::debug!(target: &krate, "system env set (skipped): ${var}={val:?}"); if !val.is_empty() && debug.is_some() { rustc_block.push_str(&format!("# {var}={val:?} \\\n")); } } } rustc_block.push_str(&format!(" rustc '{}' {input} \\\n", args.join("' '"))); rustc_block.push_str(&format!(" 1> >(sed 's/^/{MARK_STDOUT}/') \\\n")); rustc_block.push_str(&format!(" 2> >(sed 's/^/{MARK_STDERR}/' >&2)\n")); md.push_block(&rustc_stage, rustc_block); if let Some(ref incremental) = incremental { let mut incremental_block = format!("FROM scratch AS {incremental_stage}\n"); incremental_block.push_str(&format!("COPY --from={rustc_stage} {incremental} /\n")); md.push_block(&incremental_stage, incremental_block); } let mut out_block = format!("FROM scratch AS {out_stage}\n"); out_block.push_str(&format!("COPY --from={rustc_stage} {out_dir}/*-{metadata}* /\n")); // NOTE: -C extra-filename=-${metadata} (starts with dash) // TODO: use extra filename here for fwd compat md.push_block(&out_stage, out_block); let md = md; // Drop mut let mut blocks = String::new(); let mut visited_cratesio_stages = BTreeSet::new(); for extern_md_path in extern_md_paths { log::info!(target: &krate, "opening (RO) extern's md {extern_md_path}"); let md_raw = fs::read_to_string(&extern_md_path) .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed reading Md {extern_md_path}: {e}"))?; let extern_md = Md::from_str(&md_raw)?; extern_md.append_blocks(&mut blocks, &mut visited_cratesio_stages)?; blocks.push('\n'); } md.append_blocks(&mut blocks, &mut visited_cratesio_stages)?; { let md_path = Utf8Path::new(&target_path).join(format!("{crate_name}-{metadata}.toml")); let md_ser = md.to_string_pretty()?; log::info!(target: &krate, "opening (RW) crate's md {md_path}"); // TODO? suggest a `cargo clean` then fail if internal::log().map(|x| x == "debug").unwrap_or_default() { match fs::read_to_string(&md_path) { Ok(existing) => pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(&existing, &md_ser), Err(e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound => {} Err(e) => bail!("Failed reading {md_path}: {e}"), } } fs::write(&md_path, md_ser) .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed creating crate's md {md_path}: {e}"))?; } let dockerfile = { // TODO: cargo -vv test != cargo test: => the rustc flags will change => Dockerfile needs new cache key // => otherwise docker builder cache won't have the correct hit // //=> a filename suffix with content hash? let dockerfile = Utf8Path::new(&target_path).join(format!("{crate_name}-{metadata}.Dockerfile")); let syntax = syntax().await.trim_start_matches("docker-image://"); let mut header = format!("# syntax={syntax}\n"); header.push_str("# check=error=true\n"); header.push_str(&format!("# Generated by {REPO} version {VSN}\n")); let root = md.rust_stage().expect("Stage 'rust' is the root stage"); header.push_str(&format!("{}\n", root.script)); header.push_str(&blocks); log::info!(target: &krate, "opening (RW) crate dockerfile {dockerfile}"); // TODO? suggest a `cargo clean` then fail if internal::log().map(|x| x == "debug").unwrap_or_default() { match fs::read_to_string(&dockerfile) { Ok(existing) => pretty_assertions::assert_eq!(&existing, &header), Err(e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound => {} Err(e) => bail!("Failed reading {dockerfile}: {e}"), } } fs::write(&dockerfile, header) .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed creating dockerfile {dockerfile}: {e}"))?; // Don't remove this file let ignore = format!("{dockerfile}.dockerignore"); fs::write(&ignore, "") .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed creating dockerignore {ignore}: {e}"))?; if debug.is_some() { log::info!(target: &krate, "dockerfile: {dockerfile}"); match fs::read_to_string(&dockerfile) { Ok(data) => data, Err(e) => e.to_string(), } .lines() .filter(|x| !x.is_empty()) .for_each(|line| log::debug!(target: &krate, "❯ {line}")); } dockerfile }; // TODO: use tracing instead: // // // // TODO: `cargo green -v{N+1} ..` starts a TUI showing colored logs on above `cargo -v{N} ..` let command = runner(); if command == "none" { return fallback.await; } let code = build(krate, command, &dockerfile, out_stage, &md.contexts, out_dir).await?; if let Some(incremental) = incremental { let _ = build(krate, command, &dockerfile, incremental_stage, &md.contexts, incremental) .await .inspect_err(|e| log::warn!(target: &krate, "Error fetching incremental data: {e}")); } if code != Some(0) && debug.is_none() { log::warn!(target: &krate, "Falling back..."); let res = fallback.await; // Bubble up actual error & outputs if res.is_ok() { log::error!(target: &krate, "BUG found!"); eprintln!("Found a bug in this script! Falling back... (logs: {debug:?})"); } return res; } Ok(exit_code(code)) } fn safeify(val: String) -> String { (!val.is_empty()) .then_some(val) .map(|x: String| format!("{x:?}")) .unwrap_or_default() .replace('$', "\\$") } #[test] fn test_safeify() { assert_eq!(safeify("$VAR=val".to_owned()), "\"\\$VAR=val\"".to_owned()); } #[inline] fn file_exists(path: &Utf8Path) -> Result { match path.metadata().map(|md| md.is_file()) { Ok(b) => Ok(b), Err(e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound => Ok(false), Err(e) => Err(anyhow!("Failed to `stat {path}`: {e}")), } } #[inline] fn file_exists_and_is_not_empty(path: &Utf8Path) -> Result { match path.metadata().map(|md| md.is_file() && md.len() > 0) { Ok(b) => Ok(b), Err(e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound => Ok(false), Err(e) => Err(anyhow!("Failed to `test -s {path}`: {e}")), } } #[test] fn toml_path_and_stage_for_rlib() { let xtern = "libstrsim-8ed1051e7e58e636.rlib"; let res = toml_path_and_stage(xtern, "./target/path".into()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.0, "./target/path/strsim-8ed1051e7e58e636.toml".to_owned()); assert_eq!(res.1, "out-8ed1051e7e58e636".to_owned()); } #[test] fn toml_path_and_stage_for_libc() { let xtern = "liblibc-c53783e3f8edcfe4.rmeta"; let res = toml_path_and_stage(xtern, "./target/path".into()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.0, "./target/path/libc-c53783e3f8edcfe4.toml".to_owned()); assert_eq!(res.1, "out-c53783e3f8edcfe4".to_owned()); } #[test] fn toml_path_and_stage_for_weird_extension() { let xtern = "libthing-131283e3f8edcfe4.a.2.c"; let res = toml_path_and_stage(xtern, "./target/path".into()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.0, "./target/path/thing-131283e3f8edcfe4.toml".to_owned()); assert_eq!(res.1, "out-131283e3f8edcfe4".to_owned()); } #[inline] fn toml_path_and_stage(xtern: &str, target_path: &Utf8Path) -> Option<(Utf8PathBuf, String)> { // TODO: drop stripping ^lib assert!(xtern.starts_with("lib"), "BUG: unexpected xtern format: {xtern}"); let pa = xtern.strip_prefix("lib").and_then(|x| x.split_once('.')).map(|(x, _)| x); let st = pa.and_then(|x| x.split_once('-')).map(|(_, x)| format!("out-{x}")); let pa =|x| target_path.join(format!("{x}.toml"))); } #[test] fn crate_out_name_for_some_pkg() { let crate_out = "/home/pete/wefwefwef/buildxargs.git/target/debug/build/quote-adce79444856d618/out"; let res = crate_out_name(crate_out); assert_eq!(res, "crate_out-adce79444856d618".to_owned()); } fn crate_out_name(name: &str) -> String { Utf8Path::new(name) .parent() .and_then(|x| x.file_name()) .and_then(|x| x.rsplit_once('-')) .map(|(_, x)| x) .map(|x| format!("crate_out-{x}")) .expect("PROOF: suffix is /out") } fn copy_dir_all>(src: P, dst: P) -> Result<()> { let dst = dst.as_ref(); let src = src.as_ref(); if dst.exists() { return Ok(()); } fs::create_dir_all(dst).map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed `mkdir -p {dst:?}`: {e}"))?; // TODO: deterministic iteration for entry in fs::read_dir(src).map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed reading dir {src:?}: {e}"))? { let entry = entry?; let fpath = entry.path(); let fname = entry.file_name(); let ty = entry.file_type().map_err(|e| anyhow!("Failed typing {entry:?}: {e}"))?; if ty.is_dir() { if fname == ".git" { continue; // Skip copying .git dir } copy_dir_all(fpath, dst.join(fname))?; } else { fs::copy(&fpath, dst.join(fname)).map_err(|e| { anyhow!("Failed `cp {fpath:?} {dst:?}` ({:?}): {e}", entry.metadata()) })?; } } Ok(()) }