## 0.5.14 - 2017-07-31 Pull up dependencies ## 0.5.13 - 2017-10-20 No need for openssl on macOS ## 0.5.12 - 2017-09-02 Pull up dependencies ## 0.5.11 - 2017-07-05 Pull up dependencies ## 0.5.10 - 2017-06-05 Drop unused -s/--summary option ## 0.5.9 - 2017-04-09 Respin for another dependency update ## 0.5.8 - 2017-04-06 Dependency updates ## 0.5.7 - 2017-02-12 Fix badges ## 0.5.6 - 2017-02-12 Add crates.io categories and badges Update dependencies ## 0.5.5 [Internal] Adjust request headers (crates.io wants 'Accept: application/json') ## 0.5.4 Update to use pager 0.9.3 which allows things like 'PAGER=less -S' ## 0.5.3 Fix displaying yanked versions ## 0.5.2 Report brief crate version history by default ## 0.5.1 Fix incorrect 'update at' timestamp ## 0.5.0 Handle network error and give appropriate error description if any Pipe output through an external pager ## 0.4.3 Fix dependency issue ## 0.4.2 Report timestamp in humanized form ## 0.4.0 Report crate version history with -V/--versions flag ## 0.3.4 Decode timestamps and report in more human readable form ## 0.3.3 No new functionality - dependency updates ## 0.3.2 No new functionality - dependency updates ## 0.3.1 Make -jv print pretty JSON ## 0.3.0 Add support for raw JSON output (-j) Replace serde with json for JSON decode Support stable Rust channel ## 0.2.0 Add flags for getting a specific crate detail -H - homepage -d - documentation -D - downloads -r - repository ## 0.1.2 Add support for -v ## 0.0.1 Initial drop