use std::cmp::PartialEq;
use std::string::ToString;
pub enum CargoMakeError {
to_string = "A cycle between different env variables has been detected \
(E001, see: for more information). {0}"
EnvVarCycle(String) = 100,
#[strum(to_string = "Detected cycle while resolving alias {0}: {1}")]
AliasCycle(String, String) = 101,
#[strum(to_string = "Circular reference found for task: {0:#?}")]
CircularReference(String) = 102,
#[strum(to_string = "Unable to run, minimum required version is: {0}")]
VersionTooOld(String) = 103,
#[strum(to_string = "Error while executing command, unable to extract exit code.")]
ExitCodeValidation = 104,
#[strum(to_string = "Error while executing command, exit code: {0}")]
ExitCodeError(i32) = 105,
#[strum(to_string = "Unable to parse internal descriptor: {0}")]
DescriptorParseFailed(String) = 106,
#[strum(to_string = "Unable to parse external file: {0:#?}, {1}")]
ParseFileFailed(String, String) = 107,
#[strum(to_string = "{0}")]
Arity(&'static str) = 108,
#[strum(to_string = "{0}")]
MethodCallRestriction(&'static str) = 109,
#[strum(to_string = "Task {0:#?} is {1}")]
TaskIs(String, &'static str) = 110,
#[strum(to_string = "{0}")]
NotFound(String) = 404,
#[strum(to_string = "`std::io::Error` error. {error:?}")]
StdIoError { error: std::io::Error } = 700,
#[strum(to_string = "`std::fmt::Error` error. {error:?}")]
StdFmtError { error: std::fmt::Error } = 709,
#[strum(to_string = "{0:?}")]
ExitCode(std::process::ExitCode) = 710,
#[strum(to_string = "`toml::de::Error` error. {error:?}")]
TomlDeError { error: toml::de::Error } = 720,
#[strum(to_string = "`fsio::error::FsIOError` error. {error:?}")]
FsIOError { error: fsio::error::FsIOError } = 730,
#[strum(to_string = "`cliparser::types::ParserError` error. {error:?}")]
ParserError {
error: cliparser::types::ParserError,
} = 731,
impl CargoMakeError {
fn discriminant(&self) -> u16 {
unsafe { *(self as *const Self as *const u16) }
impl From<std::io::Error> for CargoMakeError {
fn from(error: std::io::Error) -> Self {
Self::StdIoError { error }
impl From<std::fmt::Error> for CargoMakeError {
fn from(error: std::fmt::Error) -> Self {
Self::StdFmtError { error }
impl From<toml::de::Error> for CargoMakeError {
fn from(error: toml::de::Error) -> Self {
Self::TomlDeError { error }
impl From<fsio::error::FsIOError> for CargoMakeError {
fn from(error: fsio::error::FsIOError) -> Self {
Self::FsIOError { error }
} impl From<cliparser::types::ParserError> for CargoMakeError {
fn from(error: cliparser::types::ParserError) -> Self {
Self::ParserError { error }
impl From<std::process::ExitCode> for CargoMakeError {
fn from(error: std::process::ExitCode) -> Self {
impl std::process::Termination for CargoMakeError {
fn report(self) -> std::process::ExitCode {
if let CargoMakeError::ExitCode(exit_code) = self {
return exit_code;
let status_code = self.discriminant();
if status_code > u8::MAX as u16 {
eprintln!("exit code {}", status_code);
} else {
std::process::ExitCode::from(status_code as u8)
pub enum SuccessOrCargoMakeError<T> {
impl<T> From<Result<T, CargoMakeError>> for SuccessOrCargoMakeError<T> {
fn from(value: Result<T, CargoMakeError>) -> Self {
match value {
Ok(val) => SuccessOrCargoMakeError::Ok(val),
Err(error) => SuccessOrCargoMakeError::Err(error),
impl<T: std::any::Any> std::process::Termination for SuccessOrCargoMakeError<T> {
fn report(self) -> std::process::ExitCode {
const PROCESS_EXIT_CODE: fn(i32) -> std::process::ExitCode = |e: i32| {
if e > u8::MAX as i32 {
eprintln!("exit code {}", e);
} else {
std::process::ExitCode::from(e as u8)
match self {
if std::any::TypeId::of::<T>()
== std::any::TypeId::of::<std::process::ExitCode>() =>
*(&e as &dyn std::any::Any)
SuccessOrCargoMakeError::Ok(_) => std::process::ExitCode::SUCCESS,
SuccessOrCargoMakeError::Err(err) => match err {
CargoMakeError::StdIoError { error } if error.raw_os_error().is_some() => {
let e = unsafe { error.raw_os_error().unwrap_unchecked() };
eprintln!("{}", e.to_string());
CargoMakeError::ExitCode(error) => error,
_ => {
eprintln!("{}", err.to_string());
PROCESS_EXIT_CODE(err.discriminant() as i32)