========= Changelog ========= Version 0.6.12 =========== - Feature: Initialize project created with newcpp project with ```git init``` upon creation - Better cli argument parsing and better "hand testing" using symlinks. Cargo will automatically detected the binaries with cargo- prefix if it is in your $PATH ```ln -s $(pwd)/target/debug/cargo-gtest ~/.local/bin/``` - Known Issues: ```cargo gtest`` will only work when debug target is built (i.e. build tree is in target/debug ) Version 0.6.3 =========== - REFACTOR: remove hardcoded strings in to codebase in favor of templates loaded by ```include_str!() `` macro - Damn I ❤️ Rust ^^^ - Version 0.5.45 =========== - FIX: nasty bug fixed This was related to optional args passed to the buildcpp that worked fine in testing the component but did not work after I published it. This is difficult to unit test due to the nature of these plugins. I removed clap for now until I understand the problem better. Version 0.5.41-44 =========== - Yanked from crates.io (buggy buildcpp) Version 0.5.x =========== - First update in a while - Updated depedancies (handlebars, etc) - Add support for release and debug builds - buildcpp [--release | {--debug} ] - Add cleancpp subcommand Version 0.4.x =========== - Stable release - Improvements to: - project creation (newcpp) - buildcpp - Version 0.3.x =========== - Basic scaffolding and CMake - Create new C++ project only - Added documentation Version 0.2.x =========== - First release to crates.io (almost usable) - Version 0.1 =========== - Early Proof of concept