rhack(1) # NAME rhack - easily edit external crates that your Rust project depends on. # SYNOPSIS *rhack* # EDITING To check out a local copy of your dependency run: *rhack* This will make a copy of the crate in your _RHACK_DIR_, and patch your *Cargo.toml*. For example running *rhack reqwest* might result in a local copy at _~/.rhack/reqwest-0.11.1_, and an amendment to your *Cargo.toml* like this: \[patch.crates-io\]++ reqwest = { path = "/home/you/.rhack/reqwest-0.11.1" } # UNDO To remove changes made by *rhack* to *Cargo.toml*, run: *rhack undo* This will _not_ remove any copies of crates in your _RHACK_DIR_. # CONFIGURATION rhack stores copies of crates in the directory specified by the _RHACK_DIR_ environment variable. Where this is unset, the default is _$HOME/.rhack_ # AUTHORS Ryo Nakao # PROJECT HOMEPAGE Sources can be found, and bugs or patches submitted at https://github.com/nakabonne/rhack