# Cargo simple todo ## Why Because [probablyclem/cargo-todo](https://github.com/ProbablyClem/cargo-todo) is a nice tool, but it does way too much for my taste. ## How to use it Install it with `cargo install cargo-simple-todo`. Every todo must be inside a `//` comment and must start with either `@todo` or `@todo:` (case insensitve) Example todo comments: ``` rust // @todo: Do this thing // @TodO do this weird thing // Something @todo Do this //@TODO : something else ``` Then execute `cargo todo`. Try with `cargo todo --help` for further usage info. ## Exit code - If any todos are found, exit code `1` is returned to allow use in CI. - For general errors, exit code `255` is returned. Thanks to [orenbenkiki/cargo-todox](https://github.com/orenbenkiki/cargo-todox) for the inspiration on this one. ## Warning [probablyclem/cargo-todo](https://github.com/ProbablyClem/cargo-todo) and `cargo-simple-todo` conflict, so you can't keep them both installed (they both use the `cargo-todo` bin name).