## cargo-suicide If you feel it's time to start living in a new way than this `cargo` subcommand is for you. ### Disclaimer > **WARNING!** Use this program at your own risk. It can drop recent changes of your project. ### Installation Install the tool using this command: ``` cargo install cargo-suicide ``` ### Running Move to your project's directory, add changes to the code and run: ``` cargo suicide ``` If your new code contains any warning it will run `git reset --hard`. If you had written shitcode before it will drop any changes everytime. ### God Mode If the subcommand dropped your changes, but you feel happy because your editor remains open than try `--god` mode. It will kill you editor as well: ``` cargo suicide --god ``` ![Gif with a Cat](https://media.giphy.com/media/uzglgIsyY1Cgg/giphy.gif)