# cargo-temp [![actions status][actions-badge]][actions-url] [![crate version][crates-version-badge]][crates-url] [![dependencies status][deps-badge]][deps-url] ![licenses][licenses-badge] A CLI tool that allows you to create a new rust project in a temporary directory with already installed dependencies. ![Cargo-temp demo][demo] ## Install Requires Rust 1.51. ``` cargo install cargo-temp ``` ## Usage Create a new temporary project: * With no additional dependencies: ``` cargo-temp ``` * With multiple dependencies: ``` cargo-temp rand tokio ``` * When specifying a version: ``` cargo-temp anyhow=1.0 ``` Using the [cargo's comparison requirements][comparison]: * Exact version: ``` cargo-temp anyhow==1.0.13 ``` * Maximal version: ``` cargo-temp anyhow=<1.0.2 ``` ### Repositories You can add repositories to your `Cargo.toml`. Examples: * HTTP: ``` cargo-temp anyhow=https://github.com/dtolnay/anyhow ``` * SSH ``` cargo-temp anyhow=ssh://git@github.com/dtolnay/anyhow.git ``` If you have some problems to add a dependency over SSH, please refer to this: [Support SSH Git URLs][ssh-issue]. If it doesn't help, please file an issue. * Without package name ``` cargo-temp https://github.com/dtolnay/anyhow.git ``` To choose a branch or a revision: * Branch: ``` cargo-temp anyhow=https://github.com/dtolnay/anyhow.git#branch=master ``` * Revision: ``` cargo-temp anyhow=https://github.com/dtolnay/anyhow.git#rev=7e0f77a38 ``` Without a branch or a revision, cargo will use the default branch of the repository. ### Dependencies features You can add features to a dependency with `+`. Examples: * A dependency with feature ``` cargo-temp serde+derive ``` * A dependency with version and feature ``` cargo-temp serde=1.0+derive ``` * A repository with branch and feature ``` cargo-temp serde=https://github.com/serde-rs/serde#branch=master+derive ``` * Without specifying package name ``` cargo-temp https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio#branch=compat+io_std ``` If you want to add multiple features you can do it with `+`, like this: ``` cargo-temp serde=1.0+derive+alloc ``` ## Features ### The TO_DELETE file If you change your mind and decide to keep the project, you can just delete the `TO_DELETE` file and the directory will not be deleted when the shell or the editor exits. ### Git Working Tree You can create a [git worktree][worktree] from the current repository using: ``` cargo-temp --worktree ``` This will create a new working tree at the current HEAD. You can specify a branch like this: ``` cargo-temp --worktree ``` When exiting the shell (or your editor) the working tree will be cleaned up. Equivalent to `git worktree prune`. ### Temporary Git Clone If you want to create a temporary project from a Git repository, you can use the `--git` option with the repository's URL: ``` cargo-temp --git ``` Cargo-temp truncates the history to the last commit by default. You can change this behavior in the config file: * You can choose how many commits will stay in the history. ```toml git_repo_depth = 3 ``` This will leave the 3 last commits of the history. * If you do not want to truncate the history, you can set the `git_repo_depth` to false. ```toml git_repo_depth = false ``` `git_repo_depth = true` is the same as the default behavior. ### Benchmarking If you want to create a temporary project with benchmarking using [`criterion-rs`][criterion], you can use the `--bench` option with an optional name for the benchmark file: ``` cargo-temp --bench my_benchmark ``` The resulting directory layout will look like this: ``` tmp-id/ ├── benches │   └── my_benchmark.rs ├── Cargo.toml ├── src │   └── main.rs └── TO_DELETE ``` This will also add these lines to the `Cargo.toml` of the project: ```toml [dev-dependencies] criterion = "*" [profile.release] debug = true [[bench]] name = "my_benchmark" harness = false ``` And finally, the benchmark file contains some imports and a `Hello, world!` example: ```rust use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion}; fn criterion_benchmark(_c: &mut Criterion) { println!("Hello, world!"); } criterion_group!( benches, criterion_benchmark ); criterion_main!(benches); ``` ### Edition If you want to specify a specific edition for the temporary project, you can use the `--edition` option: ``` cargo-temp --edition 2015 ``` The available options are: * `15` or `2015` * `18` or `2018` * `21` or `2021` If the argument doesn't match these options, the default is the latest edition. ### Project name If you want to provide a specific project name, you can use the `--name` option: ``` cargo-temp --name project ``` This name will be used as the suffix of the temporary project directory, like `tmp-wXyZ-project`. If you decide to preserve the project, the directory will be renamed to match the project's name. ## Settings The config file is located at `{CONFIG_DIR}/cargo-temp/config.toml`. When you run `cargo-temp` for the first time it will be created automatically. We use the [XDG system][xdg] for both Linux and OSX and the [Known Folder system][knownfolder] on Windows. ### Welcome message Each time you create a temporary project, a welcome message explain how to exit the temporary project and how to preserve it when exiting. This message is enabled by default and can be disabled using the `welcome_message` setting: ```toml welcome_message = false # You can also remove this line from the config file ``` ### Temporary project directory The path where the temporary projects are created. Set on the cache directory by default. ```toml temporary_project_dir = "/home/name/.cache/cargo-temp/" ``` If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created with all of its parent components if they are missing. ### Cargo target directory Cargo's target directory override. This setting is unset by default and will be ignored if the `CARGO_TARGET_DIR` environment variable is already set. ```toml cargo_target_dir = "/home/name/repos/tmp" ``` ### Editor You can use `editor` to start an IDE instead of a shell and `editor_args` to provide its arguments. These settings are unset by default. * Example to run VS Code on Unix ```toml editor = "/usr/bin/code" editor_args = [ "--wait", "--new-window" ] ``` * Example to run VS Code on Windows ```toml editor = "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft VS Code\\Code.exe" editor_args = [ "--wait", "--new-window" ] ``` ### Use a VCS By default, cargo-temp will use the default cargo VCS for your projects (which is normally git), you can change that in the config file with the `vcs` option. ```toml vcs = "pijul" ``` The possible values are * pijul * fossil * hg * git * none The `--vcs` value will be passed as is to cargo. ### Confirmation prompt before deleting the project cargo-temp will automatically delete the temporary project if the flag file `TO_DELETE` exists in the project when exiting the shell. If you prefer to enable a prompt that asks you if you want to delete the project, you can add this to your `config.toml`: ```toml prompt = true ``` ### Subprocesses You can spawn subprocess along your temporary shell like this: ```toml [[subprocess]] command = "alacritty -e cargo watch -x run" foreground = false ``` The `command` field is a shell command like `echo Hello`. The `foreground` field allows to run the program in foreground instead of background. #### Additional settings * `working_dir` overrides the default working directory. The default is to use the temporary directory that has been created. * `keep_on_exit` is used to keep the process alive after exiting the shell. The default is to kill the process when the shell exits. This setting doesn't work with foreground process. ##### Platform specific Unix: * `stdout` and `stderr` settings allows enabling or disabling outputs. With a background process, the default will be false, with a foreground process, the default will be true. The `stdin` setting doesn't exist since it's always disabled. Windows: * `inherit_handles` allows handles inheritance - If this parameter is true, each inheritable handle in the calling process is inherited by the new process. If the parameter is false, the handles are not inherited (see [CreateProcessW][CreateProcessW]). #### Examples * Unix: ```toml [[subprocess]] command = "cargo run" foreground = true [[subprocess]] command = "firefox" foreground = false ``` * Windows ```toml [[subprocess]] command = "cargo.exe run" foreground = true [[subprocess]] command = "firefox.exe" foreground = false ``` ## Configuration file example ```toml # Print a welcome message when creating a new temporary project. Enabled by default. welcome-message = true # Path where the temporary projects are created. Cache directory by default. temporary_project_dir = "/home/me/repos/temp" # Cargo's target directory override. Optional. cargo_target_dir = "/home/me/repos/target" # Open the temporary project with VS Code. Optional. editor = "/usr/bin/code" editor_args = ["--wait", "--new-window"] # Specify the VCS you want to use within the project. Default is `git`. vcs = "pijul" # Specify the path to the directory where you want to preserve a saved project. Optional (default is `temporary_project_dir`). preserved_project_dir = "/home/me/projects/" # Use a confirmation prompt before deleting a project prompt = true # Watch over changes in the project using `cargo watch` [[subprocess]] command = "cargo watch" foreground = true ``` [actions-badge]: https://github.com/yozhgoor/cargo-temp/workflows/main/badge.svg [actions-url]: https://github.com/yozhgoor/cargo-temp/actions [crates-version-badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/cargo-temp [crates-url]: https://crates.io/crates/cargo-temp [deps-badge]: https://deps.rs/repo/github/yozhgoor/cargo-temp/status.svg [deps-url]: https://deps.rs/crate/cargo-temp [licenses-badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/l/cargo-temp [demo]: t-rec.gif [comparison]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/specifying-dependencies.html#comparison-requirements [criterion]: https://docs.rs/criterion/latest/criterion [xdg]: https://docs.rs/xdg/latest/xdg/ [knownfolder]: https://docs.rs/dirs-2/latest/dirs_2/ [ssh-issue]: https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/1851 [worktree]: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-worktree [CreateProcessW]: https://docs.rs/CreateProcessW/latest/CreateProcessW/struct.Command.html#method.inherit_handles