use std::{env::var, fs::write, path::PathBuf}; const TOKEN_PATH: &str = if cfg!(not(windows)) { "$HOME/.config/cargo-unmaintained/token.txt" } else { "%LOCALAPPDATA%\\\\cargo-unmaintained\\\\token.txt" }; fn main() { println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=__warnings"); #[cfg(all(feature = "cache-repositories", not(feature = "on-disk-cache")))] println!("cargo:warning=Feature `cache-repositories` has been renamed to `on-disk-cache`"); let out_dir = var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let path_buf = PathBuf::from(out_dir).join(""); let contents = format!( r#"const AFTER_HELP: &str = "\ The `GITHUB_TOKEN_PATH` environment variable can be set to the path of a file containing a \ personal access token. If set, cargo-unmaintained will use this token to authenticate to GitHub \ and check whether packages' repositories have been archived. Alternatively, the `GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variable can be set to a personal access token. \ However, use of `GITHUB_TOKEN_PATH` is recommended as it is less likely to leak the token. If neither `GITHUB_TOKEN_PATH` nor `GITHUB_TOKEN` is set, but a file exists at {TOKEN_PATH}, \ cargo-unmaintained will use that file's contents as a personal access token. Unless --no-exit-code is passed, the exit status is 0 if no unmaintained packages were found and \ no irrecoverable errors occurred, 1 if unmaintained packages were found, and 2 if an irrecoverable \ error occurred."; "#, ); write(path_buf, contents).unwrap(); }