use cargo_update::ops::get_index_url; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::env::temp_dir; use std::fs; static TEST_DATA: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../../test-data/cargo.config"); #[test] fn default_vs_sparse() { for suffix in &["config", "config.toml"] { let crates_file = prep_config("default_vs_sparse", suffix); fs::remove_file(crates_file.with_file_name(suffix)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(get_index_url(&crates_file, "", false), Ok(("".to_string(), false, "crates-io".into()))); assert_eq!(get_index_url(&crates_file, "", true), Ok(("".to_string(), true, "crates-io".into()))); } } #[test] fn nonexistent() { for suffix in &["config", "config.toml"] { let crates_file = prep_config("nonexistent", suffix); fs::remove_file(crates_file.with_file_name(suffix)).unwrap(); assert_eq!(get_index_url(&crates_file, "", false), Err(format!(" registry specified and no config file found at {} or {}. Due to a Cargo limitation we will not be able to \ install from there until it's given a [source.NAME] in that file!", crates_file.with_file_name("config").display(), crates_file.with_file_name("config.toml").display()) .into())); } } #[test] fn unknown() { for suffix in &["config", "config.toml"] { let crates_file = prep_config("unknown", suffix); assert_eq!(get_index_url(&crates_file, "", false), Err(format!(" registry specified and couldn't be found in the config file at {}. \ Due to a Cargo limitation we will not be able to install from there until it's given a [source.NAME] in that file!", crates_file.with_file_name(suffix).display()) .into())); } } #[test] fn default() { for suffix in &["config", "config.toml"] { assert_eq!(get_index_url(&prep_config("default", suffix), "", false), Ok(("outside-the-scope-of-this-document".to_string(), false, "tralternative".into()))); } } #[test] fn from_alt_url() { for suffix in &["config", "config.toml"] { assert_eq!(get_index_url(&prep_config("from_alt_url", suffix), "file:///usr/local/share/cargo", false), Ok(("outside-the-scope-of-this-document".to_string(), false, "tralternative".into()))); } } #[test] fn from_name() { for suffix in &["config", "config.toml"] { assert_eq!(get_index_url(&prep_config("from_name", suffix), "alternative", false), Ok(("outside-the-scope-of-this-document".to_string(), false, "tralternative".into()))); } } #[test] fn sus() { for suffix in &["config", "config.toml"] { assert_eq!(get_index_url(&prep_config("sus", suffix), "sus", false), Ok(("zupa".to_string(), true, "sussy".into()))); } } #[test] fn dead_end() { for suffix in &["config", "config.toml"] { let crates_file = prep_config("dead_end", suffix); assert_eq!(get_index_url(&crates_file, "dead-end", false), Err(format!("Couldn't find appropriate source URL for dead-end in {} (resolved to \"death\")", crates_file.with_file_name(suffix).display()) .into())); } } fn prep_config(subname: &str, suffix: &str) -> PathBuf { let td = temp_dir().join("cargo_update-test").join(format!("get_index_url-{}-{}", subname, suffix)); let _ = fs::create_dir_all(&td); fs::write(td.join(suffix), TEST_DATA).unwrap(); td.join(".crates.toml") }