# Cargo Upgrade This tool is designed to help you upgrade your globally installed cargo binaries to the latest version. ## Installation ```bash cargo install cargo-upgrade-command ``` ## Available Commands ### `cargo upgrade` This command will upgrade all of your globally installed cargo binaries to the latest version. ![upgrade.gif](https://github.com/Araxeus/cargo-upgrade/raw/master/assets/upgrade.gif "Upgrade command") ### `cargo upgrade --outdated` This command will show you if any of your globally installed cargo binaries are out of date. alias: `cargo upgrade -o` or `cargo upgrade o` or `cargo upgrade list` ![outdated.gif](https://github.com/Araxeus/cargo-upgrade/raw/master/assets/outdated.gif "--outdated command") ### How it works To get outdated binaries, it will parse `cargo install --list` and then compare the version of each crate with the version in `cargo search --limit=1`. Then if upgrading, it will run `cargo install --locked `.