use clap::{CommandFactory, Parser}; use colored::*; use reqwest::blocking::Client; use reqwest::header::{HeaderMap, HeaderValue, USER_AGENT}; use semver::Version; use serde_json::Value; use toml::Value as TomlValue; use toml_edit::{DocumentMut, Item}; use std::{ fmt, fs, io::{self, Write}, ops::Deref, process::{exit, Command}, sync::LazyLock, }; #[derive(Parser)] #[clap(name = "cargo-validate", bin_name = "cargo")] #[clap(version, about = "Cargo publish with confirmation")] enum Cli { Validate { /// Arguments to pass to the original cargo publish command #[clap(last = true)] args: Vec, }, } struct Package { name: ColoredString, version: ColoredString, edition: ColoredString, license: Option, description: Option, repository: Option, name_exists: bool, version_exists: bool, version_raw: String, } struct ColoredLazy(LazyLock); impl Deref for ColoredLazy { type Target = ColoredString; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &*self.0 } } impl fmt::Display for ColoredLazy { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt::Display::fmt(&**self, f) } } static INVALID: ColoredLazy = ColoredLazy(LazyLock::new(|| "✖".red())); static VALID: ColoredLazy = ColoredLazy(LazyLock::new(|| "✔".green())); fn bump_version(version: &str) -> io::Result { let mut v = Version::parse(version).map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e))?; v.patch += 1; Ok(v.to_string()) } fn update_version(new_version: &str) -> io::Result<()> { let cargo_toml_content = fs::read_to_string("Cargo.toml")?; let mut doc = cargo_toml_content .parse::() .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, format!("Failed to parse Cargo.toml: {}", e)))?; doc["package"]["version"] = Item::Value(new_version.into()); fs::write("Cargo.toml", doc.to_string())?; Ok(()) } fn get_or_prompt_username() -> io::Result { let home_dir = home::home_dir().ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::NotFound, "Home directory not found"))?; let username_file = home_dir.join(".cargo").join("username"); if username_file.exists() { return fs::read_to_string(username_file); } print!("Please enter your username: "); io::stdout().flush()?; let mut username = String::new(); io::stdin().read_line(&mut username)?; let username = username.trim().to_string(); fs::create_dir_all(username_file.parent().unwrap())?; fs::write(&username_file, &username)?; Ok(username) } fn check_crate_exists(name: &str, version: &str) -> io::Result<(bool, bool, Vec)> { let client = Client::new(); let crate_url = format!("{}", name); let owners_url = format!("{}/owner_user", name); let mut headers = HeaderMap::new(); headers.insert(USER_AGENT, HeaderValue::from_static("cargo-validate")); // Check if crate exists and get version information let crate_response = client .get(&crate_url) .headers(headers.clone()) .send() .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("Failed to send request to API: {}", e)))?; match crate_response.status().as_u16() { 200 => { let body: Value = crate_response .json() .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, format!("Failed to parse API response: {}", e)))?; let versions = body["versions"] .as_array() .ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Invalid API response: 'versions' field is missing or not an array"))?; let version_exists = versions.iter().any(|v| v["num"].as_str() == Some(version)); let owners_response = client .get(&owners_url) .headers(headers) .send() .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("Failed to send request to API: {}", e)))?; if !owners_response.status().is_success() { return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("Failed to get crate owners. Status: {}", owners_response.status()))); } let owners_body: Value = owners_response .json() .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, format!("Failed to parse API response: {}", e)))?; let owners = owners_body["users"] .as_array() .ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Invalid API response: 'users' field is missing or not an array"))? .iter() .filter_map(|user| user["login"].as_str().map(String::from)) .collect(); Ok((true, version_exists, owners)) } 404 => Ok((false, false, Vec::new())), 403 => Err(io::Error::new( io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, "Access forbidden. This could be due to IP-based rate limiting or other restrictions by", )), 429 => Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Rate limit exceeded for API. Please try again later.")), status => Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("Unexpected response from API. Status code: {}", status))), } } fn get_package_info() -> io::Result { let cargo_toml = std::fs::read_to_string("Cargo.toml")?; let parsed_toml: TomlValue = toml::from_str(&cargo_toml).map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e))?; let package = parsed_toml["package"] .as_table() .ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Missing [package] section"))?; let name = package.get("name").and_then(|v| v.as_str()); let version = package.get("version").and_then(|v| v.as_str()); let edition = package.get("edition").and_then(|v| v.as_str()); let (name, version, edition) = match (name, version, edition) { (Some(n), Some(v), Some(e)) => (n, v, e), _ => return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Publish cancelled: name, version, or edition do not exist in Cargo.toml")), }; let current_username = get_or_prompt_username()?; let (crate_exists, version_exists, owners) = check_crate_exists(name, version)?; let version_raw = package.get("version").and_then(|v| v.as_str()).unwrap().to_string(); let name_exists = crate_exists && !owners.contains(¤t_username); let name = if name_exists { format!("{name} {INVALID}") } else { format!("{name} {VALID}") }.into(); let version = if version_exists { format!("{version} {INVALID}") } else { format!("{version} {VALID}") }.into(); let edition = if edition != "2021" { format!("{edition} {}", "(did you mean 2021?)".bright_yellow()) } else { format!("{edition} {VALID}") } .into(); let license = package.get("license").and_then(|v| v.as_str()).map(|s| s.normal()); let description = package.get("description").and_then(|v| v.as_str()).map(|s| s.normal()); let repository = package.get("repository").and_then(|v| v.as_str()).map(|s| s.normal()); Ok(Package { name, version, edition, license, description, repository, name_exists, version_raw, version_exists, }) } fn get_git_status() -> io::Result { let output = Command::new("git").args(&["status", "--porcelain"]).output()?; Ok(String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).to_string()) } fn run(args: Vec) -> io::Result<()> { let mut pkg = get_package_info()?; println!("{}", "Package Information:".magenta().bold()); println!(" {}: {}", "Name".bright_magenta(),; println!(" {}: {}", "Version".bright_magenta(), pkg.version); println!(" {}: {}", "Edition".bright_magenta(), pkg.edition); let mut missing_fields = Vec::new(); if let Some(license) = pkg.license { println!(" {}: {}", "License".bright_magenta(), license); } else { missing_fields.push("license"); } println!("\n{}", " Metadata:".magenta().bold()); if let Some(repository) = pkg.repository { println!(" {}: {}", "Repository".bright_magenta(), repository); } else { missing_fields.push("repository"); } if let Some(description) = pkg.description { println!(" {}: {}", "Description".bright_magenta(), description); } else { missing_fields.push("description"); } if !missing_fields.is_empty() { println!("\n{} {}", "Package is missing:".bright_yellow(), missing_fields.join(", ").bright_yellow()); } let git_status = get_git_status()?; if git_status.is_empty() { println!("\n{}", "No uncommitted git changes".bright_green().bold()); } else { println!("\n{}", "Uncommitted git changes:".red().bold()); for line in git_status.lines() { let (status, file) = line.split_at(2); println!(" {} {}", status.trim().bright_red(), file.trim()); } } let mut full_command = Vec::from(["publish".to_string()]); full_command.extend(args); if pkg.version_exists { print!( "\n{} {}{} ", "Version already exists. Do you want to bump the patch version?".bright_blue().bold(), "(y/n)".bright_cyan(), ":" ); io::stdout().flush()?; let mut input = String::new(); io::stdin().read_line(&mut input)?; if input.trim().eq_ignore_ascii_case("y") { let current_version = pkg.version_raw.trim(); let new_version = bump_version(¤t_version)?; println!( "\n{} {} {} {}", "Bumping version from".bright_blue(), current_version.bright_yellow(), "to".bright_blue(), new_version.bright_cyan() ); update_version(&new_version)?; println!("{}", "Updated Cargo.toml with new version".green()); pkg.version =; } else { return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Interrupted, "Publish cancelled.")); } } if pkg.name_exists { return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists, "\nPublish cancelled: name already exists")); } else if !git_status.is_empty() { print!("\n{} {}{} ", "Are you sure you want to publish with dirty directory?".bright_blue().bold(), "(y/n)".bright_cyan(), ":"); full_command.push("--allow-dirty".to_string()); } else { print!("\n{} {}{} ", "Are you sure you want to publish?".bright_blue().bold(), "(y/n)".bright_cyan(), ":"); } io::stdout().flush()?; let mut input = String::new(); io::stdin().read_line(&mut input)?; if !input.trim().eq_ignore_ascii_case("y") { return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Interrupted, "Publish cancelled.")); } println!("{}", "Proceeding with cargo publish...".green().bold()); if !Command::new("cargo").args(&full_command).status()?.success() { return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Interrupted, "Cargo publish failed")); } Ok(()) } fn main() { let args: Vec = std::env::args().collect(); if args.len() >= 2 && args[1] == "validate" { let publish_args = args[2..].to_vec(); if let Err(err) = run(publish_args) { eprintln!("{}", err.to_string().red().bold()); exit(1); } } else { let mut cmd = Cli::command(); let _ = cmd.print_help(); } }