use std::env; use std::fmt; use std::fs; use std::io; use std::process::{Command, Output}; use anyhow::bail; use anyhow::Result; use camino; use camino::{Utf8Path, Utf8PathBuf}; use cargo_vendor_filterer::{SELF_NAME, VERSIONED_DIRS}; // Return the project root pub(crate) fn project_root() -> Result { let mut path = build_root()?; while path.exists() && path.is_dir() { let found_lock_file = path .read_dir_utf8()? .filter_map(|e| e.ok()) .any(|e| e.file_name().eq("Cargo.lock")); if found_lock_file { return Ok(path); } path.pop(); } bail!(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::NotFound)) } // Return the root of the executable's build directory pub(crate) fn build_root() -> Result { let mut path: Utf8PathBuf = env::current_exe()?.try_into()?; path.pop(); if path.ends_with("deps") { path.pop(); } Ok(path) } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub(crate) enum VendorFormat { Dir, Tar, TarGz, TarZstd, } impl fmt::Display for VendorFormat { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!( f, "{}", match self { VendorFormat::Dir => "dir", VendorFormat::Tar => "tar", VendorFormat::TarGz => "tar.gz", VendorFormat::TarZstd => "tar.zstd", } ) } } #[derive(Default)] pub(crate) struct VendorOptions<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e> { pub output: Option<&'a Utf8Path>, pub platforms: Option<&'b [&'b str]>, pub tier: Option<&'static str>, pub exclude_crate_paths: Option<&'c [&'c str]>, pub format: Option, pub manifest_path: Option<&'d Utf8Path>, pub sync: Vec<&'e Utf8Path>, pub versioned_dirs: bool, pub keep_dep_kinds: Option<&'static str>, } /// Run a vendoring process pub(crate) fn vendor(options: VendorOptions) -> Result { use once_cell::sync::OnceCell; use std::sync::Mutex; // Ensure we only run a vendoring process one at a time to avoid // excessive CPU usage. static LOCK: OnceCell> = OnceCell::new(); let mut program = build_root()?; program.push(format!("cargo-{SELF_NAME}")); let mut cmd = Command::new(&program); cmd.current_dir(project_root()?).arg(SELF_NAME); if let Some(platforms) = options.platforms { cmd.args(platforms.iter().map(|&p| format!("--platform={p}"))); } if let Some(tier) = options.tier { cmd.args(["--tier", tier]); } if let Some(exclude_crate_paths) = options.exclude_crate_paths { cmd.args( exclude_crate_paths .iter() .map(|&p| format!("--exclude-crate-path={p}")), ); } if let Some(format) = options.format { cmd.arg(format!("--format={format}")); } if let Some(manifest_path) = options.manifest_path { cmd.arg(format!("--manifest-path={manifest_path}")); } for s in options.sync { cmd.arg(format!("--sync={s}")); } if let Some(keep_dep_kinds) = options.keep_dep_kinds { cmd.args(["--keep-dep-kinds", keep_dep_kinds]); } if let Some(output) = options.output { cmd.arg(output); } if options.versioned_dirs { cmd.arg(VERSIONED_DIRS); } Ok({ let mutex = LOCK.get_or_init(|| Mutex::new(())); #[allow(unused)] let guard = mutex.lock().unwrap(); println!("{:?}", cmd.get_args()); let output = cmd.output()?; // io::stdout().write_all(&output.stdout)?; // io::stderr().write_all(&output.stderr)?; // use std::{thread, time}; // thread::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(200)); output }) } /// Allocate a temporary directory and also gather its UTF-8 path. pub(crate) fn tempdir() -> Result<(tempfile::TempDir, Utf8PathBuf)> { let td = tempfile::tempdir()?; let path = Utf8Path::from_path(td.path()).unwrap(); let path = path.to_owned(); Ok((td, path)) } pub(crate) fn write_file_create_parents( dir: &Utf8Path, path: &str, contents: &str, ) -> Result { let path = dir.join(path); println!("writing {path}"); fs::create_dir_all( path.parent() .ok_or(io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::NotFound))?, )?; std::fs::write(&path, contents.as_bytes())?; Ok(path) } pub(crate) fn verify_no_windows(dir: &Utf8Path) { let mut windows_lib = dir.join("windows-sys/src/"); assert!(windows_lib.exists()); assert_eq!(windows_lib.metadata().unwrap().len(), 0); // check that only one file exists windows_lib.pop(); assert_eq!(windows_lib.read_dir_utf8().unwrap().count(), 1); } pub(crate) fn verify_no_macos(dir: &Utf8Path) { let mut macos_lib = dir.join("core-foundation-sys/src/"); assert!(macos_lib.exists()); assert_eq!(macos_lib.metadata().unwrap().len(), 0); // check that only one file exists macos_lib.pop(); assert_eq!(macos_lib.read_dir_utf8().unwrap().count(), 1); } pub(crate) fn verify_crate_is_no_stub(output_folder: &Utf8Path, name: &str) { let crate_dir = output_folder.join(name); assert!( crate_dir.exists(), "Package does not show up in the vendor dir" ); let crate_lib = crate_dir.join("src/"); assert!( crate_lib.exists(), "Package has no src/ in the vendor dir" ); // Check that this was not filtered out assert_ne!( crate_lib.metadata().unwrap().len(), 0, "Package was filtered out, when it shouldn't have been!" ); }