# ⚠️ WARNING!!! ⚠️ ## This crate is no longer supported and is here only because I cannot fully pull it out of crates.io(yanking doesn't count) # Cargo-vika ## Special tool to ease UEFI development ### WARNING!!! Only x86_64 and AArch64 support for now! Cargo-vika is a cargo command that can be obtained by executing "cargo install cargo-vika". Can be used like this: "cargo vika [COMMAND] [ARGS]" It supports few commands: #### run qemu: builds & runs application in QEMU Args: #### new <NAME> creates new package with template inside, just like "cargo new" #### build builds application Args: P.S. I really don't mind if you send to my email(check Cargo.toml.authors) your own variant of this README, 'cause I'm not a good designer :)