use std::{ path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::Command, }; use anyhow::{Context, Error}; use cargo_metadata::{Metadata, Package, Target}; use clap::Parser; use serde::Deserialize; use wapm_toml::{Manifest, Module}; use crate::metadata::MetadataTable; /// Compile a Rust crate to a WAPM package. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```rust,no_run /// use clap::Parser; /// use cargo_wapm::Pack; /// /// # fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { /// let pack = Pack::parse(); /// let meta = pack.metadata()?; /// /// for pkg in pack.resolve_packages(&meta) { /// let dest = pack.generate_wapm_package(pkg, meta.target_directory.as_ref())?; /// println!("Wrote the WAPM package for {} to {}",, dest.display()); /// } /// # Ok(()) /// # } /// ``` #[derive(Debug, Default, Parser)] #[non_exhaustive] pub struct Pack { #[command(flatten)] pub manifest: clap_cargo::Manifest, #[command(flatten)] pub workspace: clap_cargo::Workspace, #[command(flatten)] pub features: clap_cargo::Features, /// Compile in debug mode. #[clap(long)] pub debug: bool, /// Where to save the compiled WAPM package(s) #[clap(long, env)] pub out_dir: Option, } impl Pack { /// Use the `cargo metadata` subcommand to learn about the workspace. #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub fn metadata(&self) -> Result { let mut cmd = self.manifest.metadata(); self.features.forward_metadata(&mut cmd); let meta = cmd.exec()?; Ok(meta) } /// Figure out which packages the user wants to pack. #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub fn resolve_packages<'meta>(&self, metadata: &'meta Metadata) -> Vec<&'meta Package> { let (packages, _excluded) = self.workspace.partition_packages(metadata); packages } /// Compile a crate to a WAPM package and save it on disk. #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub fn generate_wapm_package( &self, pkg: &Package, target_dir: &Path, ) -> Result { let dest = self.out_dir(pkg, target_dir); tracing::debug!(dest=%dest.display(), "Generating the WAPM package"); if dest.exists() { tracing::debug!( dir=%dest.display(), "Removing previous generated package", ); std::fs::remove_dir_all(&dest) .with_context(|| format!("Unable to remove \"{}\"", dest.display()))?; } let target = determine_target(pkg)?; let manifest: Manifest = generate_manifest(pkg, target)?; let modules = manifest .module .as_deref() .expect("We will always compile one module"); let wasm_path = self.compile_to_wasm(pkg, target_dir, &modules[0], target)?; pack(&dest, &manifest, &wasm_path, pkg)?; Ok(dest) } /// Figure which directory to save the compiled artefacts to. /// /// This will default to using `$target_dir/wapm/`, but will try to /// use the output directory if one was specified. Namespacing using the /// package name is added when the build would generate multiple WAPM /// packages. fn out_dir(&self, pkg: &Package, target_dir: &Path) -> PathBuf { let dir = self .out_dir .clone() .unwrap_or_else(|| target_dir.join("wapm")); if self.workspace.all || self.workspace.workspace || !self.workspace.package.is_empty() { // Add some sort of namespacing so package directories don't collide. dir.join(& } else { dir } } fn compile_to_wasm( &self, pkg: &Package, target_dir: &Path, module: &Module, target: &Target, ) -> Result { let mut cmd = Command::new(cargo_bin()); let target_triple = match module.abi { wapm_toml::Abi::Emscripten => "wasm32-unknown-emscripten", wapm_toml::Abi::Wasi => "wasm32-wasi", wapm_toml::Abi::None | wapm_toml::Abi::WASM4 => "wasm32-unknown-unknown", }; cmd.arg("build") .arg("--quiet") .args(["--manifest-path", pkg.manifest_path.as_str()]) .args(["--target", target_triple]); let clap_cargo::Features { all_features, no_default_features, ref features, .. } = self.features; if all_features { cmd.arg("--all-features"); } if no_default_features { cmd.arg("--no-default-features"); } if !features.is_empty() { cmd.arg(format!("--features={}", self.features.features.join(","))); } if !self.debug { cmd.arg("--release"); } tracing::debug!(?cmd, "Compiling the WebAssembly package"); let status = cmd.status().with_context(|| { format!( "Unable to start \"{}\". Is it installed?", cmd.get_program().to_string_lossy() ) })?; if !status.success() { match status.code() { Some(code) => anyhow::bail!("Cargo exited unsuccessfully with exit code {}", code), None => anyhow::bail!("Cargo exited unsuccessfully"), } } let binary = target_dir .join(target_triple) .join(if self.debug { "debug" } else { "release" }) .join(wasm_binary_name(target)) .with_extension("wasm"); anyhow::ensure!( binary.exists(), "Expected \"{}\" to exist", binary.display() ); Ok(binary) } } fn determine_target(pkg: &Package) -> Result<&Target, Error> { let candidates: Vec<_> = pkg .targets .iter() .filter(|t| is_webassembly_library(t) || t.is_bin()) .collect(); match *candidates.as_slice() { [single_target] => Ok(single_target), [] => anyhow::bail!( "The {} package doesn't contain any binaries or \"cdylib\" libraries", ), [..] => anyhow::bail!( "Unable to decide what to publish. Expected one executable or \"cdylib\" library, but found {}", candidates.iter() .map(|t| format!("{} ({:?})",, t.kind)) .collect::>() .join(", ") ), } } fn is_webassembly_library(target: &Target) -> bool { target.kind.iter().any(|k| k == "cdylib") } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] fn pack(dest: &Path, manifest: &Manifest, wasm_path: &Path, pkg: &Package) -> Result<(), Error> { std::fs::create_dir_all(dest) .with_context(|| format!("Unable to create the \"{}\" directory", dest.display()))?; let manifest_path = dest.join("wapm.toml"); let toml = toml::to_string(manifest).context("Unable to serialize the wapm.toml")?; tracing::debug!( path = %manifest_path.display(), bytes = toml.len(), "Writing manifest", ); std::fs::write(&manifest_path, toml.as_bytes()) .with_context(|| format!("Unable to write to \"{}\"", manifest_path.display()))?; let new_wasm_path = dest.join(wasm_path.file_name().unwrap()); copy(wasm_path, new_wasm_path)?; let base_dir = pkg.manifest_path.parent().unwrap(); if let Some(license_file) = pkg.license_file.as_ref() { if let Some(filename) = license_file.file_name() { let dest = dest.join(filename); let license_file = base_dir.join(license_file); copy(license_file, dest)?; } } if let Some(readme) = pkg.readme.as_ref() { if let Some(filename) = readme.file_name() { let dest = dest.join(filename); let readme = base_dir.join(readme); copy(readme, dest)?; } } for module in manifest.module.as_deref().unwrap_or_default() { if let Some(bindings) = &module.bindings { let base_dir = base_dir.as_std_path(); for path in bindings.referenced_files(base_dir)? { // Note: we want to maintain the same location relative to the // Cargo.toml file let relative_path = path.strip_prefix(base_dir).with_context(|| { format!( "\"{}\" should be inside \"{}\"", path.display(), base_dir.display(), ) })?; let dest = dest.join(relative_path); copy(path, dest)?; } } } Ok(()) } fn copy(from: impl AsRef, to: impl AsRef) -> Result<(), Error> { let from = from.as_ref(); let to = to.as_ref(); tracing::debug!( from = %from.display(), to = %to.display(), "Copying file", ); std::fs::copy(from, to).with_context(|| { format!( "Unable to copy \"{}\" to \"{}\"", from.display(), to.display() ) })?; Ok(()) } fn wasm_binary_name(target: &Target) -> String { // Because reasons, `rustc` will leave dashes in a binary's name but // libraries are converted to underscores. if target.is_bin() { } else {'-', "_") } } fn cargo_bin() -> String { std::env::var("CARGO").unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("cargo")) } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] fn generate_manifest(pkg: &Package, target: &Target) -> Result { tracing::trace!(?target, "Generating manifest"); let MetadataTable { wapm: crate::metadata::Wapm { wasmer_extra_flags, fs, abi, namespace, package, bindings, }, } = MetadataTable::deserialize(&pkg.metadata) .context("Unable to deserialize the [metadata] table")?; match pkg.description.as_deref() { Some("") => anyhow::bail!("The \"description\" field in your Cargo.toml is empty"), Some(_) => {} None => anyhow::bail!("The \"description\" field in your Cargo.toml wasn't set"), } let package_name = format!("{}/{}", namespace, package.as_deref().unwrap_or(&; let module = Module { name:, source: PathBuf::from(wasm_binary_name(target)).with_extension("wasm"), abi, bindings, interfaces: None, kind: None, }; let command = if target.is_bin() { let cmd = wapm_toml::Command::V1(wapm_toml::CommandV1 { module:, name:, package: Some(package_name.clone()), main_args: None, }); Some(vec![cmd]) } else { None }; // Note: the readme and license will be hoisted to the top-level directory let license_file = pkg .license_file() .as_ref() .and_then(|p| p.file_name()) .map(PathBuf::from); let readme = pkg .readme() .as_ref() .and_then(|p| p.file_name()) .map(PathBuf::from); Ok(Manifest { package: wapm_toml::Package { name: package_name, version: pkg.version.clone(), description: pkg.description.clone().unwrap_or_default(), license: pkg.license.clone(), license_file, readme, repository: pkg.repository.clone(), homepage: pkg.homepage.clone(), wasmer_extra_flags, disable_command_rename: false, rename_commands_to_raw_command_name: false, }, module: Some(vec![module]), command, fs, dependencies: None, base_directory_path: PathBuf::new(), }) }