#compdef cargo-watch setopt localoptions extended_glob local cmd local -a args local -a _comp_priv_prefix cmd="$words[1]" args=( '(-c --clear)'{-c,--clear}'[Clear screen before executing command]' '(-h --help)'{-h,--help}'[Print help information]' '(-V --version)'{-V,--version}'[Print version information]' '(-x --exec)'{-x+,--exec=}'[Cargo subcommand to execute on changes]:cargo-command:_cargo_cmds' '(-s --shell)'{-s+,--shell=}'[Shell command to execute on changes]:command' '(-i --ignore)'{-i+,--ignore=}'[Ignore changes to paths matching the pattern]:pattern' '(-w --watch)'{-w+,--watch=}'[Watch a specific directory]:path:_path_files -/' '(-C --workdir)'{-C+,--workdir=}'[Change working directory of command]:path:_path_files -/' '(-E --env-var)'{-E+,--env-var=}'[Add an environment variable to the command]:pattern' '-B=[Inject RUST_BACKTRACE=value into the environment]:value' '-L=[Inject RUST_LOG=value into the environment]:value' '--no-dot-ignores[Skip .ignore files]' '--no-vcs-ignores[Skip .gitignore files]' '--ignore-nothing[Ignore nothing, not even target/ and .git/]' '--use-shell=[Change the wrapping shell]:program' '--postpone[Wait until first change to execute command]' '--no-restart[Do not restart while the command isstill running]' '--watch-when-idle[Ignore events while the command is still running]' '--quiet[Suppress all cargo-watch output]' '--debug[Print debugging to stderr]' '--why[Print changed paths to stderr]' '--delay=[File updates debounce delay]:seconds' '--poll=[Forces polling mode]:interval' '--features=[List of features passed to cargo invocations]:features' '--env-file=[Inject environment variables from a file]:path:_path_files -/' '(-)1:command: _command_names -e' '*::arguments:{ _comp_priv_prefix=( $cmd -n ${(kv)opt_args[-u]} ) ; _normal }' ) _arguments -s -S $args