use std::process::{Command, exit}; use std::iter; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::ffi::OsStr; use cargo_shim::{ Profile, CargoResult, TargetKind }; use build::{BuildArgs, Backend}; use error::Error; use utils::{ CommandExt, find_cmd, read, write }; use test_chromium::test_in_chromium; use project_dirs::PROJECT_DIRS; pub const TEST_RUNNER: &'static str = include_str!( "test_runner.js" ); fn test_in_nodejs( backend: Backend, build: CargoResult, arg_passthrough: &Vec< &OsStr >, any_failure: &mut bool ) -> Result<(), Error> { let possible_commands = if cfg!( windows ) { &[ "node.exe" ][..] } else { &[ "nodejs", "node" ][..] }; let nodejs_name = find_cmd( possible_commands ).ok_or_else( || { Error::EnvironmentError( "node.js not found; please install it!".into() ) })?; let cache_path = PROJECT_DIRS.cache_dir().join( "bin" ); fs::create_dir_all( &cache_path ).unwrap(); let runner_path = cache_path.join( "test_runner.js" ); if !runner_path.exists() || read( &runner_path ).expect( "cannot read test runner" ) != TEST_RUNNER { write( &runner_path, &TEST_RUNNER ).expect( "cannot write test runner" ); } let js_files: Vec< _ > = build.artifacts() .iter() .filter( |artifact| artifact.extension().map( |ext| ext == "js" ).unwrap_or( false ) ) .collect(); if js_files.is_empty() { panic!( "internal error: no .js file found" ); } let artifact = if let Some( artifact ) = js_files.iter().find( |artifact| !artifact.iter().any( |chunk| chunk == "deps" ) ) { artifact } else { js_files[ 0 ] }; let test_args = iter::once( runner_path.as_os_str() ) .chain( iter::once( OsStr::new(backend.triplet()) ) ) .chain( iter::once( artifact.as_os_str() ) ) .chain( arg_passthrough.iter().cloned() ); let previous_cwd = env::current_dir().unwrap(); if backend.is_emscripten_wasm() { // On the Emscripten target the `.wasm` file is in a different directory. let wasm_artifact = build.artifacts().iter() .find( |artifact| artifact.extension().map( |ext| ext == "wasm" ).unwrap_or( false ) ) .expect( "internal error: no .wasm file found" ); env::set_current_dir( wasm_artifact.parent().unwrap() ).unwrap(); } else { env::set_current_dir( artifact.parent().unwrap() ).unwrap(); } let mut command = Command::new( nodejs_name ); command.args( test_args ); debug!( "Launching: {:?}", command ); let status =; *any_failure = *any_failure || !status.is_ok(); debug!( "Status: {:?}", status ); env::set_current_dir( previous_cwd ).unwrap(); Ok(()) } pub fn command_test<'a>( build_args: BuildArgs, use_nodejs: bool, no_run: bool, arg_passthrough: &Vec<&OsStr>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let project = build_args.load_project()?; let targets = project.target_or_select( |target| { target.kind == TargetKind::Lib || target.kind == TargetKind::CDyLib || target.kind == TargetKind::Bin || target.kind == TargetKind::Test })?; let config = project.aggregate_configuration( Profile::Test )?; let mut builds = Vec::new(); for target in targets { builds.push( &config, target )? ); } if no_run { exit( 0 ); } let mut any_failure = false; if use_nodejs { for build in builds { test_in_nodejs( project.backend(), build, &arg_passthrough, &mut any_failure )?; } } else { for build in builds { test_in_chromium( project.backend(), build, &arg_passthrough, &mut any_failure )?; } } if any_failure { exit( 101 ); } else { if project.backend().is_native_wasm() { eprintln!( "All tests passed!" ); // At least **I hope** that's the case; there are no prints // when running those tests, so who knows what happens. *shrug* } } Ok(()) }