## cargo-whichp A CLI for dianosing executable lookup issues. ## Installation ```console $ cargo install cargo-whichp ``` ## Use ```console $ cargo whichp bundle Program "bundle" found at "/Users/rschneeman/.gem/ruby/3.1.3/bin/bundle" Warning: Executables with the same name found on the PATH: > [OK] "/Users/rschneeman/.gem/ruby/3.1.3/bin/bundle" - [OK] "/Users/rschneeman/.rubies/ruby-3.1.3/bin/bundle" - [OK] "/usr/local/bin/bundle" - [OK] "/usr/local/bin/bundle" - [OK] "/usr/bin/bundle" Help: Ensure the one you want comes first and is [OK] Explanation of keys: [OK] - File found matching program name with executable permissions. Valid executable. Info: These executables have the closest spelling to "bundle" but did not match: "uname", "bundler", "uuname" Info: The following directories on PATH were searched (top to bottom): > [OK ] "/Users/rschneeman/.gem/ruby/3.1.3/bin" - [MISSING] "/Users/rschneeman/.rubies/ruby-3.1.3/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/bin" - [OK ] "/Users/rschneeman/.rubies/ruby-3.1.3/bin" - [OK ] "/Users/rschneeman/.cargo/bin" - [OK ] "/usr/local/bin" - [OK ] "/usr/local/sbin" - [OK ] "/usr/local/bin" - [OK ] "/System/Cryptexes/App/usr/bin" - [OK ] "/usr/bin" - [OK ] "/bin" - [OK ] "/usr/sbin" - [OK ] "/sbin" - [OK ] "/Users/rschneeman/.cargo/bin" Explanation of keys: [OK ] - Path part is a valid, non-empty, directory [MISSING] - Path part does not exist exist on disk, no such directory ``` For more options ```console $ cargo whichp --help ``` ## Dev execute ```console $ cargo run -p cargo-whichp -- whichp --help ```