cargo-with ========== `cargo-with` is a cargo-subcommand making it easy to run the build artifacts produced by `cargo run`, `cargo build` or `cargo bench` through other tools such as `gdb`, `strace`, `valgrind`, `rr`, or whatever else you may come up with. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( Installation ----------- Install with the usual `cargo install` magic: ```shell cargo install cargo-with ``` Usage ----- The core idea of `cargo-with` is to fit well into your development workflow using `cargo `. All you have to do is add `with -- ` in front of your usual `cargo` commands. `cargo-with` will then try it's best to identify the created artifact and run it with your command. E.g. in order to run your binary through `gdb` do: ```shell cargo with gdb -- run ``` This will firstly build the binary using `cargo build`, and then run `gdb {bin} {args}`, where `{bin}` is the path to the produced artifact and `{args}` is the arguments provided to cargo after the last `--` (in this case none). ### Moving arguments around Instead of implicitly appending the artifact path and arguments to the provided command, you could also use placeholders to tell `cargo-with` where to place them. This can be done by using `{bin}` and `{args}` in the provided command. ``` cargo with "echo {args} {bin}" -- run -- --argument1 --argument2 ``` I the above command, `{bin}` will be replaced by the path to the built artifact while `{args}` will be replaced by `--argument1 --argument2`. ### Disambiguating multiple binaries There are often mulitiple candiate artifacts when cargo builds your project, especially when building tests. Therefore `cargo-with` may in some situations need more information to select your preferred candidate. This is done via explicitly specificing to cargo which artifact to build through the use of `--bin `, `--example `, `--lib `* or `--test `*. ``` cargo with "gdb --args {bin} {args}" -- test --bin my-app cargo with "gdb --args {bin} {args}" -- test --lib my-library cargo with "gdb --args {bin} {args}" -- test --test my-unit-test cargo with "gdb --args {bin} {args}" -- test --example my-example ``` *Only avaliable when using `cargo test` ### Examining tests Cargo will run tests in parallel, hence running `cargo with gdb -- test --lib my-library` is probably not what you want. You can examine a single test by giving the name of the test function to cargo; `cargo with gdb -- test --lib my-library my_test_function_name`. Note about `cargo run` ---------------------- In the case of `cargo run` `cargo-with` does replace `run` with `build` implicitly in order to avoid execution of the binary after compilation. Future of this crate -------------------- There are currently [open issues]( upstream in cargo which might make this crate redundant in the future. Contributors ------------ This crate would not be what it is today without the many contributions by [@barskern](!