# # Copyright (c) 2012 Martin Sustrik All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2013 GoPivotal, Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Jack R. Dunaway. All rights reserved. # Copyright 2016 Franklin "Snaipe" Mathieu # Copyright 2018 Staysail Systems, Inc. # Copyright 2018 Capitar IT Group BV # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom # the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.1) project (nng C) include (CheckFunctionExists) include (CheckSymbolExists) include (CheckStructHasMember) include (CheckLibraryExists) include (CheckCSourceCompiles) include (CheckCCompilerFlag) include (CMakeDependentOption) include (GNUInstallDirs) include (TestBigEndian) include (FindUnixCommands) set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake) if (POLICY CMP0042) # Newer cmake on MacOS should use @rpath cmake_policy (SET CMP0042 NEW) endif () if (POLICY CMP0028) # Double colon targets are only alias or imports. cmake_policy (SET CMP0028 NEW) endif () set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD 99) set (CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE) list (FIND CMAKE_PLATFORM_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}" isSystemDir) if ("${isSystemDir}" STREQUAL "-1") set (CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") endif ("${isSystemDir}" STREQUAL "-1") set (NNG_DESCRIPTION "High-Performance Scalability Protocols NextGen") set (ISSUE_REPORT_MSG "Please consider opening an issue at https://github.com/nanomsg/nng") # Determine library versions. set (NNG_ABI_SOVERSION 1) set (NNG_ABI_VERSION "1.1.0") # Determine package version. find_package (Git QUIET) if (GIT_FOUND AND EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/.git") # Working off a git repo, using git versioning # Get version from last tag execute_process ( COMMAND "${GIT_EXECUTABLE}" describe --always# | sed -e "s:v::" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE NNG_PACKAGE_VERSION OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) # If the sources have been changed locally, add -dirty to the version. execute_process ( COMMAND "${GIT_EXECUTABLE}" diff --quiet WORKING_DIRECTORY "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" RESULT_VARIABLE res) if (res EQUAL 1) set (NNG_PACKAGE_VERSION "${NNG_PACKAGE_VERSION}-dirty") endif() else () set (NNG_PACKAGE_VERSION "Unknown") endif() if ("${NNG_PACKAGE_VERSION}" MATCHES "v[0-9]") string(SUBSTRING "${NNG_PACKAGE_VERSION}" 1 -1 NNG_PACKAGE_VERSION) endif() string(REGEX REPLACE "([0-9]+).[0-9]+.+" "\\1" NNG_VERSION_MAJOR "${NNG_PACKAGE_VERSION}") string(REGEX REPLACE "[0-9]+.([0-9]+).[0-9].+" "\\1" NNG_VERSION_MINOR "${NNG_PACKAGE_VERSION}") string(REGEX REPLACE "[0-9]+.[0-9]+.([0-9]+).*" "\\1" NNG_VERSION_PATCH "${NNG_PACKAGE_VERSION}") # User-defined options. option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared library" ${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS}) if (CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) set (NNG_NATIVE_BUILD OFF) else() set (NNG_NATIVE_BUILD ON) endif() # We only build command line tools and tests if we are not in a # cross-compile situation. Cross-compiling users who still want to # build these must enable them explicitly. option (NNG_TESTS "Build and run tests" ${NNG_NATIVE_BUILD}) option (NNG_TOOLS "Build extra tools" ${NNG_NATIVE_BUILD}) option (NNG_ENABLE_NNGCAT "Enable building nngcat utility." ${NNG_TOOLS}) option (NNG_ENABLE_COVERAGE "Enable coverage reporting." OFF) # Enable access to private APIs for our own use. add_definitions (-DNNG_PRIVATE) # We can use rlimit to configure the stack size for systems # that have too small defaults. This is not used for Windows, # which can grow thread stacks sensibly. (Note that NNG can get # by with a smallish stack, but application callbacks might require # larger values if using aio completion callbacks.) if (NOT WIN32) option (NNG_SETSTACKSIZE "Use rlimit for thread stack size" OFF) if (NNG_SETSTACKSIZE) add_definitions(-DNNG_SETSTACKSIZE) endif() mark_as_advanced(NNG_SETSTACKSIZE) endif() option (NNG_ENABLE_TLS "Enable TLS protocol (requires mbedTLS)" OFF) if (NNG_ENABLE_TLS) add_definitions(-DNNG_SUPP_TLS) set(NNG_SUPP_TLS ON) endif() option (NNG_ENABLE_STATS "Enable statistics" ON) if (NNG_ENABLE_STATS) add_definitions(-DNNG_ENABLE_STATS) endif() mark_as_advanced(NNG_ENABLE_STATS) # Platform checks. if (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") set(NNG_WARN_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -fno-omit-frame-pointer") elseif (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") set(NNG_WARN_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -fno-omit-frame-pointer") elseif (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "AppleClang") set(NNG_WARN_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -fno-omit-frame-pointer") endif() include (CheckSanitizer) CheckSanitizer() if (NOT NNG_SANITIZER STREQUAL "none") set (NNG_SANITIZER_FLAGS "-fsanitize=${NNG_SANITIZER}") endif() if (NNG_ENABLE_COVERAGE) # NB: This only works for GCC and Clang 3.0 and newer. If your stuff # is older than that, you will need to find something newer. For # correct reporting, we always turn off all optimizations. if (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") set(NNG_COVERAGE_FLAGS "-g -O0 --coverage") elseif (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") set(NNG_COVERAGE_FLAGS "-g -O0 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage") elseif (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "AppleClang") set(NNG_COVERAGE_FLAGS "-g -O0 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to enable coverage for your compiler.") endif() endif() set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${NNG_WARN_FLAGS} ${NNG_COVERAGE_FLAGS} ${NNG_SANITIZER_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${NNG_WARN_FLAGS} ${NNG_COVERAGE_FLAGS} ${NNG_SANITIZER_FLAGS}") TEST_BIG_ENDIAN(NNG_BIG_ENDIAN) if (NNG_BIG_ENDIAN) add_definitions (-DNNG_BIG_ENDIAN) else() add_definitions (-DNNG_LITTLE_ENDIAN) endif() # If the compiler is not on Windows, does it support hiding the # symbols by default? For shared libraries we would like to do this. if (NOT WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN) check_c_compiler_flag(-fvisibility=hidden NNG_HIDDEN_VISIBILITY) if (NNG_HIDDEN_VISIBILITY) add_definitions (-DNNG_HIDDEN_VISIBILITY) endif() endif() if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_POSIX) add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_LINUX) add_definitions (-DNNG_USE_EVENTFD) # Windows subsystem for Linux -- smells like Linux, but it has # some differences (SO_REUSEADDR for one). if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION MATCHES "Microsoft") add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_WSL) endif() set(NNG_PLATFORM_POSIX ON) elseif (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Android") add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_POSIX) add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_LINUX) add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_ANDROID) add_definitions (-DNNG_USE_EVENTFD) set(NNG_PLATFORM_POSIX ON) elseif (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Darwin") add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_POSIX) add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_DARWIN) # macOS 10.12 and later have getentropy, but the older releases # have ARC4_RANDOM, and that is sufficient to our needs. add_definitions (-DNNG_USE_ARC4_RANDOM) # macOS added some of CLOCK_MONOTONIC, but the implementation is # broken and unreliable, so don't use it. add_definitions (-DNNG_USE_CLOCKID=CLOCK_REALTIME) set(NNG_PLATFORM_POSIX ON) elseif (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "FreeBSD") add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_POSIX) add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_FREEBSD) set(NNG_PLATFORM_POSIX ON) elseif (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "NetBSD") add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_POSIX) add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_NETBSD) set(NNG_PLATFORM_POSIX ON) elseif (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "OpenBSD") add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_POSIX) add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_OPENBSD) set(NNG_PLATFORM_POSIX ON) elseif (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "SunOS") add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_POSIX) add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_SUNOS) set(NNG_PLATFORM_POSIX ON) elseif (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Windows") add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_WINDOWS) add_definitions (-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) add_definitions (-D_CRT_RAND_S) set(NNG_PLATFORM_WINDOWS ON) # Target Windows Vista and later add_definitions (-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600) list (APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600) elseif (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "QNX") add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_POSIX) add_definitions (-D__EXT_BSD) add_definitions (-D_QNX_SOURCE) add_definitions (-DNNG_PLATFORM_QNX) set(NNG_PLATFORM_POSIX ON) else () message (AUTHOR_WARNING "WARNING: This platform may not be supported: ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}") message (AUTHOR_WARNING "${ISSUE_REPORT_MSG}") # blithely hope for POSIX to work add_definitions (-DPLATFORM_POSIX) endif () macro (nng_check_func SYM DEF) check_function_exists (${SYM} ${DEF}) if (${DEF}) add_definitions (-D${DEF}=1) endif () endmacro (nng_check_func) macro (nng_check_sym SYM HDR DEF) check_symbol_exists (${SYM} ${HDR} ${DEF}) if (${DEF}) add_definitions (-D${DEF}=1) endif () endmacro (nng_check_sym) macro (nng_check_lib LIB SYM DEF) check_library_exists (${LIB} ${SYM} "" ${DEF}) if (${DEF}) add_definitions (-D${DEF}=1) list(APPEND NNG_LIBS ${LIB}) endif () endmacro (nng_check_lib) macro (nng_check_struct_member STR MEM HDR DEF) check_struct_has_member ("struct ${STR}" ${MEM} ${HDR} ${DEF}) if (${DEF}) add_definitions (-D${DEF}=1) endif () endmacro (nng_check_struct_member) if (WIN32) # Windows is a special snowflake. list(APPEND NNG_LIBS ws2_32 mswsock advapi32) nng_check_sym (InitializeConditionVariable windows.h NNG_HAVE_CONDVAR) nng_check_sym (snprintf stdio.h NNG_HAVE_SNPRINTF) if (NOT NNG_HAVE_CONDVAR OR NOT NNG_HAVE_SNPRINTF) message (FATAL_ERROR "Modern Windows API support is missing. " "Versions of Windows prior to Vista are not supported. " "Further, the 32-bit MinGW environment is not supported. " "Ensure you have at least Windows Vista or newer, and are " "using either Visual Studio 2013 or newer or MinGW-W64.") endif() else () # Unconditionally declare the following feature test macros. These are # needed for some platforms (glibc and SunOS/illumos) and are harmless # on the others. add_definitions (-D_GNU_SOURCE) add_definitions (-D_REENTRANT) add_definitions (-D_THREAD_SAFE) add_definitions (-D_POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS) list(APPEND NNG_PKGS Threads) find_package(Threads REQUIRED) nng_check_func (lockf NNG_HAVE_LOCKF) nng_check_func (flock NNG_HAVE_FLOCK) nng_check_lib (rt clock_gettime NNG_HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME) nng_check_lib (pthread sem_wait NNG_HAVE_SEMAPHORE_PTHREAD) nng_check_lib (nsl gethostbyname NNG_HAVE_LIBNSL) nng_check_lib (socket socket NNG_HAVE_LIBSOCKET) nng_check_sym (AF_UNIX sys/socket.h NNG_HAVE_UNIX_SOCKETS) nng_check_sym (backtrace_symbols_fd execinfo.h NNG_HAVE_BACKTRACE) nng_check_sym (alloca alloca.h NNG_HAVE_ALLOCA) nng_check_struct_member(msghdr msg_control sys/socket.h NNG_HAVE_MSG_CONTROL) nng_check_sym (eventfd sys/eventfd NNG_HAVE_EVENTFD) nng_check_sym (kqueue sys/event.h NNG_HAVE_KQUEUE) nng_check_sym (port_create port.h NNG_HAVE_PORT_CREATE) nng_check_sym (epoll_create sys/epoll.h NNG_HAVE_EPOLL) nng_check_sym (epoll_create1 sys/epoll.h NNG_HAVE_EPOLL_CREATE1) nng_check_sym (getpeereid unistd.h NNG_HAVE_GETPEEREID) nng_check_sym (SO_PEERCRED sys/socket.h NNG_HAVE_SOPEERCRED) nng_check_struct_member (sockpeercred uid sys/socket.h NNG_HAVE_SOCKPEERCRED) nng_check_sym (LOCAL_PEERCRED sys/un.h NNG_HAVE_LOCALPEERCRED) nng_check_sym (getpeerucred ucred.h NNG_HAVE_GETPEERUCRED) nng_check_sym (atomic_flag_test_and_set stdatomic.h NNG_HAVE_STDATOMIC) endif () nng_check_sym (strlcat string.h NNG_HAVE_STRLCAT) nng_check_sym (strlcpy string.h NNG_HAVE_STRLCPY) nng_check_sym (strnlen string.h NNG_HAVE_STRNLEN) nng_check_sym (strcasecmp string.h NNG_HAVE_STRCASECMP) nng_check_sym (strncasecmp string.h NNG_HAVE_STRNCASECMP) # Set a static symbol. We do this for testing, so that tests can # be skipped if they would rely on symbols that might not be exported. # For example, idhash depends on private symbols, so don't test it # when using a shared library on Windows because the symbols won't # resolve. if (NOT(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS)) set (NNG_STATIC_LIB ON) message(STATUS "Building static libs") endif() add_subdirectory (src) foreach(_PKG IN ITEMS ${NNG_PKGS}) find_package(${_PKG} REQUIRED) endforeach () add_definitions(${NNG_DEFS}) if (NNG_TESTS) enable_testing() set(all_tests, "") add_subdirectory (tests) add_subdirectory (perf) endif() # Build the tools if (NNG_ENABLE_NNGCAT) add_subdirectory (tools/nngcat) endif () add_subdirectory (docs/man) set (CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME ${PROJECT_NAME}) set (CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION ${NNG_PACKAGE_VERSION}) set (CPACK_PACKAGE_CONTACT "nanomsg@freelists.org") set (CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR "nanomsg.org") set (CPACK_PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SUMMARY "nanomsg next generation library") set (CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR "TBZ2;TGZ;ZIP") set (CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES "/build/;/.git/;~$;${CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES}") set (CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME "${PROJECT_NAME}-v${NNG_PACKAGE_VERSION}-src") set (CPACK_RESOURCE_FILE_LICENSE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/LICENSE.txt) set (CPACK_PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIRECTORY "nng") set (CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME "${PROJECT_NAME}-v${NNG_PACKAGE_VERSION}") add_custom_target(dist COMMAND ${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM} package_source) include (CPack)