// // Copyright 2018 Staysail Systems, Inc. // Copyright 2018 Capitar IT Group BV // // This software is supplied under the terms of the MIT License, a // copy of which should be located in the distribution where this // file was obtained (LICENSE.txt). A copy of the license may also be // found online at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. // #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #define SOCKET int #else #define poll WSAPoll #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #include #include #include #endif #include "convey.h" #include "nng.h" #include "protocol/reqrep0/rep.h" #include "protocol/reqrep0/req.h" #include "stubs.h" #include "supplemental/util/platform.h" bool isready(SOCKET fd) { struct pollfd pfd; pfd.fd = fd; pfd.events = POLLRDNORM; pfd.revents = 0; switch (poll(&pfd, 1, 0)) { case 0: return (false); case 1: return (true); default: printf("BAD POLL RETURN!\n"); abort(); } } TestMain("REQ pollable", { atexit(nng_fini); Convey("Given a REQ/REP pair", { nng_socket req; nng_socket rep; nng_ctx ctx; So(nng_req0_open(&req) == 0); So(nng_rep0_open(&rep) == 0); So(nng_ctx_open(&ctx, req) == 0); Reset({ nng_ctx_close(ctx); nng_close(req); nng_close(rep); }); So(nng_listen(rep, "inproc://ctx1", NULL, 0) == 0); Convey("REQ ctx not pollable", { int fd; So(nng_ctx_open(&ctx, req) == 0); Reset({ nng_ctx_close(ctx); }); So(nng_ctx_getopt_int(ctx, NNG_OPT_SENDFD, &fd) == NNG_ENOTSUP); So(nng_ctx_getopt_int(ctx, NNG_OPT_RECVFD, &fd) == NNG_ENOTSUP); }); Convey("REQ starts not writable", { int fd; So(nng_getopt_int(req, NNG_OPT_SENDFD, &fd) == 0); So(isready(fd) == false); Convey("And becomes writable on connect", { So(nng_dial(req, "inproc://ctx1", NULL, 0) == 0); nng_msleep(100); So(isready(fd) == true); Convey("Not writable with message pending", { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { nng_msg *m; So(nng_msg_alloc(&m, 0) == 0); // Fill intermediate queues. if (nng_sendmsg(req, m, NNG_FLAG_NONBLOCK) != 0) { nng_msg_free(m); } } So(isready(fd) == false); }); }); }); Convey("REQ starts not readable", { int fd; So(nng_getopt_int(req, NNG_OPT_RECVFD, &fd) == 0); So(isready(fd) == false); Convey("And doesn't become readable on connect", { So(nng_dial(req, "inproc://ctx1", NULL, 0) == 0); nng_msleep(100); So(isready(fd) == false); }); }); Convey("REQ becomes readable", { int fd; nng_msg *msg; So(nng_dial(req, "inproc://ctx1", NULL, 0) == 0); So(nng_msg_alloc(&msg, 0) == 0); So(nng_getopt_int(req, NNG_OPT_RECVFD, &fd) == 0); So(isready(fd) == false); So(nng_msg_append(msg, "xyz", 3) == 0); So(nng_sendmsg(req, msg, 0) == 0); So(nng_recvmsg(rep, &msg, 0) == 0); // recv on rep So(nng_sendmsg(rep, msg, 0) == 0); // echo it back nng_msleep(200); // give time for message to arrive So(isready(fd) == true); Convey("And is no longer readable after receive", { So(nng_recvmsg(req, &msg, 0) == 0); nng_msg_free(msg); So(isready(fd) == false); }); }); }); })