# tell cargo-dist to stage # NOTE: it is assumed that AXO_RELEASES_STAGING_TOKEN is set by the caller! $env:STAGE_INTO_THE_ABYSS=1 # clean up previous runs rm -Force target/distrib/dist-manifest.json # install latest cargo-dist (should make this optional/configurable) irm https://github.com/axodotdev/cargo-dist/releases/latest/download/cargo-dist-installer.ps1 | iex # run cargo-dist as lies echo "reconfiguring to push to axo staging" cargo dist init -y --hosting=axodotdev echo "building + releasing to staging" cargo dist host --steps=create cargo dist build --artifacts=lies cargo dist host --steps=upload --steps=release --steps=announce echo "done! (you might want to git clean/stash the changes we just made)"