/*****************************************************************************/ /* CascTest.cpp Copyright (c) Ladislav Zezula 2014 */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Test module for CascLib */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Date Ver Who Comment */ /* -------- ---- --- ------- */ /* 29.04.14 1.00 Lad The first version of CascTest.cpp */ /*****************************************************************************/ #define _CRT_NON_CONFORMING_SWPRINTFS #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #define __INCLUDE_CRYPTOGRAPHY__ #define __CASCLIB_SELF__ // Don't use CascLib.lib #include #include #ifdef __has_include #if __has_include() #define PLATFORM_STD_THREAD #include #include #endif #endif #include "../src/CascLib.h" #include "../src/CascCommon.h" #include "TLogHelper.cpp" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable: 4505) // 'XXX' : unreferenced local function has been removed #include #pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib") #endif #ifdef CASCLIB_PLATFORM_LINUX #include #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Defines #ifdef CASCLIB_PLATFORM_WINDOWS #define CASC_PATH_ROOT "/Multimedia/CASC" #define CASC_WORK_ROOT "/Multimedia/CASC/Work" #endif #ifdef CASCLIB_PLATFORM_LINUX #define CASC_PATH_ROOT "/media/ladik/CascStorages/CASC" #define CASC_WORK_ROOT "/home/ladik/CASC/Work" #endif #ifdef CASCLIB_PLATFORM_MAC #define CASC_PATH_ROOT "/media/ladik/CascStorages" #define CASC_WORK_ROOT "/home/ladik/CASC/Work" // TODO #endif static const char szCircleChar[] = "|/-\\"; #define SHORT_NAME_SIZE 59 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local structures // For local storages typedef struct _STORAGE_INFO { LPCSTR szPath; // Path to the CASC storage LPCSTR szNameHash; // MD5 of all file names extracted sequentially LPCSTR szDataHash; // MD5 of all file data extracted sequentially LPCSTR szFileName; // file in the storage } STORAGE_INFO, *PSTORAGE_INFO; // For running tests on an open storage struct TEST_PARAMS { TEST_PARAMS() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(TEST_PARAMS)); dwFileDataId = CASC_INVALID_ID; } ~TEST_PARAMS() { if(hStorage != NULL) CascCloseStorage(hStorage); hStorage = NULL; if(fp1 != NULL) fclose(fp1); fp1 = NULL; if(fp2 != NULL) fclose(fp2); fp2 = NULL; } HANDLE hStorage; // Opened storage handle FILE * fp1; // Opened stream for writing list of file names FILE * fp2; // Opened stream for writing a content of a file LPCTSTR szListFile; LPCSTR szExpectedNameHash; LPCSTR szExpectedDataHash; LPCSTR szFileName; DWORD dwFileDataId; DWORD dwOpenFlags; DWORD bOnlineStorage:1; DWORD bCheckFileData:1; }; typedef struct _CASC_FIND_DATA_ARRAY { TEST_PARAMS * pTestParams; TLogHelper * pLogHelper; HANDLE hStorage; DWORD ItemIndex; // Next index of item that will be retrieved by a worker thread DWORD ItemCount; // Total number of items CASC_FIND_DATA cf[1]; } CASC_FIND_DATA_ARRAY, *PCASC_FIND_DATA_ARRAY; typedef DWORD (*PFN_RUN_TEST)(TLogHelper & LogHelper, TEST_PARAMS & Params); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local variables static LPCTSTR szListFile_CSV = _T("\\Ladik\\Appdir\\CascLib\\listfile\\listfile.csv"); static LPCTSTR szListFile_TXT = _T("\\Ladik\\Appdir\\CascLib\\listfile\\listfile.txt"); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Local functions // Compares the expected hash with the real one. If they match, returns "match" // If the expected hash is not available, returns empty string static LPCSTR GetHashResult(LPCSTR szExpectedHash, LPCSTR szFinalHash) { if(szExpectedHash != NULL) { return (_stricmp(szExpectedHash, szFinalHash) == 0) ? " (match)" : " (HASH MISMATCH)"; } else { return ""; } } static void MakeShortName(LPSTR szShortName, size_t ccShortName, CASC_FIND_DATA & cf) { LPSTR szShortNameEnd = szShortName + ccShortName - 1; size_t nLength; // Is the name too long? if((nLength = strlen(cf.szFileName)) >= ccShortName) { LPCSTR szPlainName = GetPlainFileName(cf.szFileName); size_t nFirstPart = (ccShortName / 3); size_t nRemaining; // Try to place the short name before the plain name if((szPlainName > cf.szFileName) && (szPlainName - cf.szFileName) > 5) { if(nFirstPart > (size_t)((szPlainName - cf.szFileName) - 5)) nFirstPart = (szPlainName - cf.szFileName) - 5; } // Copy the first part memcpy(szShortName, cf.szFileName, nFirstPart); szShortName += nFirstPart; // Copy "..." memcpy(szShortName, "...", 3); szShortName += 3; // Copy the rest nRemaining = szShortNameEnd - szShortName; memcpy(szShortName, cf.szFileName + nLength - nRemaining, nRemaining); szShortName[nRemaining] = 0; } else { CascStrCopy(szShortName, ccShortName, cf.szFileName); } } static LPTSTR CopyPath(LPTSTR szBuffer, LPTSTR szBufferEnd, LPCSTR szSource) { while(szBuffer < szBufferEnd && szSource[0] != 0) { if(szSource[0] == '\\' || szSource[0] == '/') *szBuffer++ = PATH_SEP_CHAR; else *szBuffer++ = szSource[0]; szSource++; } szBuffer[0] = 0; return szBuffer; } static LPTSTR MakeFullPath(LPTSTR szBuffer, size_t ccBuffer, LPCSTR szStorage) { LPTSTR szBufferEnd = szBuffer + ccBuffer - 1; LPCSTR szPathRoot = CASC_PATH_ROOT; // Does it look like a DOS path? if(isalpha(szStorage[0]) && szStorage[1] == ':' && szStorage[2] == '\\') { return CopyPath(szBuffer, szBufferEnd, szStorage); } // If we can not access the folder directly, we copy the path root if(_access(szStorage, 0) == -1) { szBuffer = CopyPath(szBuffer, szBufferEnd, szPathRoot); szBuffer = CopyPath(szBuffer, szBufferEnd, PATH_SEP_STRING); } // Copy the rest of the path return CopyPath(szBuffer, szBufferEnd, szStorage); } static LPCTSTR GetTheProperListfile(HANDLE hStorage, LPCTSTR szListFile) { DWORD dwFeatures = 0; // If the caller gave a concrete listfile, use that one if(szListFile != NULL) return szListFile; // Check the storage format. If WoW 8.2+, we need the CSV listfile CascGetStorageInfo(hStorage, CascStorageFeatures, &dwFeatures, sizeof(dwFeatures), NULL); if(dwFeatures & CASC_FEATURE_FNAME_HASHES_OPTIONAL) return szListFile_CSV; if(dwFeatures & CASC_FEATURE_FNAME_HASHES) return szListFile_TXT; return NULL; } static FILE * OpenOutputTextFile(HANDLE hStorage, LPCSTR szFormat) { CASC_STORAGE_PRODUCT ProductInfo; FILE * fp = NULL; char szOutFileName[MAX_PATH]; if(CascGetStorageInfo(hStorage, CascStorageProduct, &ProductInfo, sizeof(CASC_STORAGE_PRODUCT), NULL)) { CascStrPrintf(szOutFileName, _countof(szOutFileName), szFormat, ProductInfo.szCodeName, ProductInfo.BuildNumber); fp = fopen(szOutFileName, "wt"); } return fp; } static FILE * OpenExtractedFile(HANDLE /* hStorage */, LPCSTR szFormat, CASC_FIND_DATA & cf) { char szOutFileName[MAX_PATH]; CascStrPrintf(szOutFileName, _countof(szOutFileName), szFormat, GetPlainFileName(cf.szFileName)); return fopen(szOutFileName, "wb"); } static void TestStorageGetTagInfo(HANDLE hStorage) { PCASC_STORAGE_TAGS pTags = NULL; size_t cbTags = 0; CascGetStorageInfo(hStorage, CascStorageTags, pTags, cbTags, &cbTags); if(cbTags != 0) { pTags = (PCASC_STORAGE_TAGS)CASC_ALLOC(cbTags); if(pTags != NULL) { CascGetStorageInfo(hStorage, CascStorageTags, pTags, cbTags, &cbTags); CASC_FREE(pTags); } } } static void TestStorageGetName(HANDLE hStorage) { TCHAR szStorageParams[MAX_PATH]; size_t nLength = 0; CascGetStorageInfo(hStorage, CascStoragePathProduct, szStorageParams, sizeof(szStorageParams), &nLength); } static PCASC_FILE_SPAN_INFO GetFileInfo(HANDLE hFile, CASC_FILE_FULL_INFO & FileInfo) { PCASC_FILE_SPAN_INFO pSpans = NULL; // Retrieve the full file info if(CascGetFileInfo(hFile, CascFileFullInfo, &FileInfo, sizeof(CASC_FILE_FULL_INFO), NULL)) { if((pSpans = CASC_ALLOC(FileInfo.SpanCount)) != NULL) { if(!CascGetFileInfo(hFile, CascFileSpanInfo, pSpans, FileInfo.SpanCount * sizeof(CASC_FILE_SPAN_INFO), NULL)) { CASC_FREE(pSpans); pSpans = NULL; } } } return pSpans; } static const char * GetHash(LPBYTE md5_binary, char * szBuffer) { StringFromBinary(md5_binary, MD5_HASH_SIZE, szBuffer); return szBuffer; } static const char * GetHash(MD5_CTX & HashContext, char * szBuffer) { unsigned char md5_binary[MD5_HASH_SIZE]; // Finalize the hashing MD5_Final(md5_binary, &HashContext); return GetHash(md5_binary, szBuffer); } static DWORD ExtractFile(TLogHelper & LogHelper, TEST_PARAMS & Params, CASC_FIND_DATA & cf) { PCASC_FILE_SPAN_INFO pSpans; CASC_FILE_FULL_INFO FileInfo; LPCSTR szOpenName = cf.szFileName; HANDLE hFile = NULL; DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; char szShortName[SHORT_NAME_SIZE]; bool bHashFileContent = true; bool bReadOk = true; // Show the file name to the user if open succeeded //BREAKIF(_stricmp(cf.szPlainName, "base:BaseComplexTypeDescriptorSizes.dat") == 0); //BREAKIF(_stricmp(cf.szPlainName, "DivideAndConquer.w3m:war3map.doo") == 0); MakeShortName(szShortName, sizeof(szShortName), cf); // Did the open succeed? if(CascOpenFile(Params.hStorage, szOpenName, 0, Params.dwOpenFlags | CASC_STRICT_DATA_CHECK | CASC_OPEN_CKEY_ONCE, &hFile)) { // Retrieve the information about file spans. if((pSpans = GetFileInfo(hFile, FileInfo)) != NULL) { ULONGLONG FileSize = FileInfo.ContentSize; ULONGLONG TotalRead = 0; DWORD dwBytesRead = 0; // Print the current file //char szEKey[MD5_STRING_SIZE+1]; //char szCKey[MD5_STRING_SIZE+1]; //StringFromBinary(FileInfo.EKey, MD5_HASH_SIZE, szEKey); //StringFromBinary(FileInfo.CKey, MD5_HASH_SIZE, szCKey); //LogHelper.PrintMessage("%s -> %s: %u bytes", szEKey, szCKey, (DWORD)(FileInfo.ContentSize)); // Load the entire file, one read request per span. // Using span-aligned reads will cause CascReadFile not to do any caching, // and the amount of memcpys will be almost zero for(DWORD i = 0; i < FileInfo.SpanCount && dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS; i++) { PCASC_FILE_SPAN_INFO pFileSpan = pSpans + i; LPBYTE pbFileSpan; DWORD cbFileSpan = (DWORD)(pFileSpan->EndOffset - pFileSpan->StartOffset); // Do not read empty spans. // Storage: "2017 - Starcraft1/2457" // Example: "locales/itIT/Assets/SD/campaign/Starcraft/SWAR/staredit/scenario.chk" if(cbFileSpan == 0) continue; // Allocate span buffer pbFileSpan = CASC_ALLOC(cbFileSpan); if(pbFileSpan == NULL) { LogHelper.PrintProgress("Error: Not enough memory to allocate %u bytes", cbFileSpan); dwErrCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } // Show the progress, if open succeeded //LogHelper.PrintProgress("Extracting: (%u of %u) %s (%u%%) ...", LogHelper.FileCount, LogHelper.TotalFiles, szShortName, (DWORD)((TotalRead * 100) / FileInfo.ContentSize)); // CascReadFile will read as much as possible. If there is a frame error // (e.g. MD5 mismatch, missing encryption key or disc error), // CascReadFile only returns frames that are loaded entirely. bReadOk = CascReadFile(hFile, pbFileSpan, cbFileSpan, &dwBytesRead); if(bReadOk) { // If required, write the file data to the output file if(Params.fp2 != NULL) fwrite(pbFileSpan, 1, dwBytesRead, Params.fp2); // Per-file hashing. Don't do it if there is no CKey // Skip it if we loaded less data than required (MD5 will be always mismatch) if(bHashFileContent && dwBytesRead == cbFileSpan && CascIsValidMD5(pSpans->CKey)) { MD5_CTX md5_ctx; BYTE ContentKey[MD5_HASH_SIZE]; MD5_Init(&md5_ctx); MD5_Update(&md5_ctx, pbFileSpan, dwBytesRead); MD5_Final(ContentKey, &md5_ctx); if(memcmp(pFileSpan->CKey, ContentKey, MD5_HASH_SIZE)) { LogHelper.PrintMessage("Warning: %s: MD5 mismatch", szShortName); CopyMemory16(pFileSpan->CKey, ContentKey); } } // Increment the total bytes read TotalRead += dwBytesRead; // If we read less than expected, we report read error bReadOk = (dwBytesRead == cbFileSpan); } // Was there an error reading data? if(bReadOk == false) { // Do not report some errors; for example, when the file is encrypted, // we can't do much about it. Only report it if we are going to extract one file switch(dwErrCode = GetCascError()) { case ERROR_SUCCESS: break; case ERROR_FILE_ENCRYPTED: if(LogHelper.TotalFiles == 1) LogHelper.PrintMessage("Warning: %s: File is encrypted", szShortName); break; default: LogHelper.PrintMessage("Warning: %s: Read error (offset %08X:%08X)", szShortName, (DWORD)(TotalRead >> 32), (DWORD)(TotalRead)); break; } } // Free the memory occupied by the file span CASC_FREE(pbFileSpan); } // Check whether the total size matches if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS && TotalRead != FileSize) { LogHelper.PrintMessage("Warning: %s: TotalRead != FileSize", szShortName); dwErrCode = ERROR_FILE_CORRUPT; } // Increment the total number of files LogHelper.IncrementTotalBytes(TotalRead); // Free the span array CASC_FREE(pSpans); } // Increment the number of files processed CascInterlockedIncrement(&LogHelper.FileCount); // Close the handle CascCloseFile(hFile); } else { // Ignore the ERROR_CKEY_ALREADY_OPENED open error if((dwErrCode = GetCascError()) == ERROR_CKEY_ALREADY_OPENED) return ERROR_SUCCESS; LogHelper.PrintError("Warning: %s: Open error", szShortName); assert(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS); } return dwErrCode; } static DWORD GetNumberOfWorkerThreads() { DWORD dwThreadCount = 10; // // Retrieve the number of available cores on Windows // #ifdef CASCLIB_PLATFORM_WINDOWS SYSTEM_INFO si = {0}; DWORD dwFreeCPUs = 2; GetSystemInfo(&si); dwThreadCount = (si.dwNumberOfProcessors > dwFreeCPUs) ? (si.dwNumberOfProcessors - dwFreeCPUs) : 1; if(dwThreadCount > MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS) dwThreadCount = MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS; #endif #ifdef _DEBUG // Only 1 worker thread in debug version dwThreadCount = 1; #endif return dwThreadCount; } static PCASC_FIND_DATA GetNextFindData(PCASC_FIND_DATA_ARRAY pFiles) { TLogHelper * pLogHelper = pFiles->pLogHelper; DWORD ItemIndex; // Atomically increment the value in the file array ItemIndex = CascInterlockedIncrement(&pFiles->ItemIndex) - 1; if(ItemIndex < pFiles->ItemCount) { if(pLogHelper->TimeElapsed(1000)) pLogHelper->PrintProgress("Extracting file %u of %u", ItemIndex, pFiles->ItemCount); return &pFiles->cf[ItemIndex]; } // If we overflowed the total number of files, it means that we are done return NULL; } static DWORD WINAPI Worker_ExtractFiles(PCASC_FIND_DATA_ARRAY pFiles) { PCASC_FIND_DATA pFindData; // Retrieve the next-in-line found file while((pFindData = GetNextFindData(pFiles)) != NULL) { ExtractFile(*pFiles->pLogHelper, *pFiles->pTestParams, *pFindData); } return 0; } static void RunExtractWorkers(PCASC_FIND_DATA_ARRAY pFiles) { #ifdef PLATFORM_STD_THREAD std::vector threads; size_t dwCoresUsed = GetNumberOfWorkerThreads(); // Run up to 40 worker threads for(size_t i = 0; i < dwCoresUsed; i++) { threads.emplace_back(&Worker_ExtractFiles, pFiles); } // Let them threads finish their job for(auto &thread : threads) { thread.join(); } #else SYSTEM_INFO si = { 0 }; HANDLE ThreadHandles[MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS]; DWORD dwCoresUsed; DWORD dwThreadId; DWORD dwFreeCpus = 2; DWORD dwThreads = 0; // Retrieve the number of available cores GetSystemInfo(&si); dwCoresUsed = (si.dwNumberOfProcessors > dwFreeCpus) ? (si.dwNumberOfProcessors - dwFreeCpus) : 1; if(dwCoresUsed > _countof(ThreadHandles)) dwCoresUsed = _countof(ThreadHandles); // Run up to 40 worker threads for(DWORD i = 0; i < dwCoresUsed; i++) { ThreadHandles[dwThreads] = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)Worker_ExtractFiles, pFiles, 0, &dwThreadId); if(ThreadHandles[dwThreads] != NULL) dwThreads++; } // Let them threads finish their job WaitForMultipleObjects(dwThreads, ThreadHandles, TRUE, INFINITE); #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Testing functions static DWORD Storage_OpenFiles(TLogHelper & LogHelper, TEST_PARAMS & Params) { CASC_FIND_DATA cf = {0}; DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Setup the name structure CascStrCopy(cf.szFileName, _countof(cf.szFileName), Params.szFileName); cf.szPlainName = (char *)GetPlainFileName(cf.szFileName); // Setup the file to extract //Params.fp2 = OpenExtractedFile(Params.hStorage, "\\%s", cf); // Perform the extraction ExtractFile(LogHelper, Params, cf); LogHelper.PrintTotalTime(); // Close the output file if(Params.fp2 != NULL) fclose(Params.fp2); Params.fp2 = NULL; return dwErrCode; } static DWORD Storage_SeekFiles(TLogHelper & LogHelper, TEST_PARAMS & Params) { TFileStream * pStream; ULONGLONG TotalRead = 0; ULONGLONG FileSize = 0; HANDLE hFile; TCHAR szPlainName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwBytesRead; DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; BYTE Buffer[0x1000]; // Check whether the file name was given if(Params.szFileName == NULL) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; // Setup the name structure CascStrCopy(szPlainName, _countof(szPlainName), GetPlainFileName(Params.szFileName)); // Extract the file to a local file if((pStream = FileStream_OpenFile(szPlainName, 0)) == NULL) pStream = FileStream_CreateFile(szPlainName, 0); if(pStream != NULL) { if(CascOpenFile(Params.hStorage, Params.szFileName, 0, Params.dwOpenFlags, &hFile)) { // // Phase 1: Create local copy of the file // LogHelper.PrintProgress("Extracting file ..."); CascGetFileSize64(hFile, &FileSize); while(TotalRead < FileSize) { // Show the progress to the user if(LogHelper.TimeElapsed(1000)) LogHelper.PrintProgress("Extracting file (%u %%) ...", (DWORD)((TotalRead * 100) / FileSize)); // Get the amount of bytes to read DWORD dwBytesToRead = sizeof(Buffer); if((TotalRead + dwBytesToRead) > FileSize) dwBytesToRead = (DWORD)(FileSize - TotalRead); // Read the chunk CascReadFile(hFile, Buffer, dwBytesToRead, &dwBytesRead); if(dwBytesRead != dwBytesToRead) { LogHelper.PrintMessage("Error: Failed to read %u bytes at offset %llX.", dwBytesToRead, TotalRead); dwErrCode = GetCascError(); break; } // Write to the target file if(!FileStream_Write(pStream, &TotalRead, Buffer, dwBytesRead)) { LogHelper.PrintMessage("Error: Failed to write %u bytes at offset %llX.", dwBytesToRead, TotalRead); dwErrCode = GetCascError(); break; } TotalRead += dwBytesRead; } // // Phase 2: Compare the loaded data from the random positions in the file // if(dwErrCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Always set random number generator to the same value srand(0x12345678); // Perform several random offset reads and compare data for(DWORD i = 0; i < 0x1000; i++) { ULONGLONG ByteOffset; ULONGLONG RandomHi = rand(); DWORD RandomLo = rand(); DWORD Length = rand() % sizeof(Buffer); BYTE Buffer2[0x1000]; // Show the progress if(LogHelper.TimeElapsed(1000)) LogHelper.PrintProgress("Testing seek operations (%u of %u) ...", i, 0x1000); // Determine offset and length ByteOffset = ((RandomHi << 0x20) | RandomLo) % FileSize; if((ByteOffset + Length) > FileSize) ByteOffset = FileSize - Length; // Load the data from CASC file CascSetFilePointer64(hFile, ByteOffset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); CascReadFile(hFile, Buffer, Length, &dwBytesRead); if(dwBytesRead != Length) { LogHelper.PrintMessage("Error: Failed to read %u bytes from CASC file (offset %llX).", Length, ByteOffset); dwErrCode = GetCascError(); break; } // Load data from the local file if(!FileStream_Read(pStream, &ByteOffset, Buffer2, Length)) { LogHelper.PrintMessage("Error: Failed to read %u bytes from LOCAL file (offset %llX).", Length, ByteOffset); dwErrCode = GetCascError(); break; } // Compare the loaded data blocks if(memcmp(Buffer, Buffer2, Length)) { LogHelper.PrintMessage("Error: Data mismatchat offset %llX, length %u.", ByteOffset, Length); dwErrCode = GetCascError(); break; } } } // Close the file handle CascCloseFile(hFile); } FileStream_Close(pStream); //_tunlink(szPlainName); } // Perform the extraction LogHelper.PrintTotalTime(); return dwErrCode; } static DWORD Storage_EnumFiles(TLogHelper & LogHelper, TEST_PARAMS & Params) { PCASC_FIND_DATA_ARRAY pFiles; PCASC_FIND_DATA pFindData; CASC_FIND_DATA cf; MD5_CTX NameHashCtx; MD5_CTX DataHashCtx; LPCTSTR szListFile = GetTheProperListfile(Params.hStorage, Params.szListFile); LPCSTR szNameHash; LPCSTR szDataHash; HANDLE hStorage = Params.hStorage; HANDLE hFind; size_t cbToAllocate = 0; DWORD dwTotalFileCount = 0; DWORD dwFileIndex = 0; DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; char szHashString[MD5_STRING_SIZE+1]; char szTotalBytes[0x20]; // char szShortName[SHORT_NAME_SIZE]; bool bFileFound = true; // Create the output file for dumping all file names //Params.fp1 = OpenOutputTextFile(hStorage, "\\list-%s-%u-001.txt"); // Dump the storage // LogHelper.PrintProgress("Dumping storage ..."); // CascDumpStorage(hStorage, "E:\\storage-dump.txt"); // Retrieve the total number of files CascGetStorageInfo(hStorage, CascStorageTotalFileCount, &dwTotalFileCount, sizeof(dwTotalFileCount), NULL); LogHelper.TotalFiles = dwTotalFileCount; // Retrieve the tags TestStorageGetTagInfo(hStorage); TestStorageGetName(hStorage); // Init both hashers MD5_Init(&NameHashCtx); MD5_Init(&DataHashCtx); #ifdef CASCLIB_WRITE_VERIFIED_FILENAMES Params.bCheckFileData = 0; #endif // Allocate the structure holding all file information cbToAllocate = sizeof(CASC_FIND_DATA_ARRAY) + (dwTotalFileCount * sizeof(CASC_FIND_DATA)); if((pFiles = (PCASC_FIND_DATA_ARRAY)(CASC_ALLOC(cbToAllocate))) != NULL) { // Init the structure pFiles->pTestParams = &Params; pFiles->pLogHelper = &LogHelper; pFiles->hStorage = hStorage; pFiles->ItemIndex = 0; pFiles->ItemCount = 0; // Iterate over the storage LogHelper.PrintProgress("Searching storage ..."); hFind = CascFindFirstFile(hStorage, "*", &pFiles->cf[dwFileIndex], szListFile); if(hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // Keep searching as long as we found something while(bFileFound) { // Increment the index if(LogHelper.TimeElapsed(1000)) LogHelper.PrintProgress("Searching storage (%u of %u) ...", dwFileIndex, dwTotalFileCount); dwFileIndex++; // Prevent array overflow pFindData = (dwFileIndex < dwTotalFileCount) ? &pFiles->cf[dwFileIndex] : &cf; bFileFound = CascFindNextFile(hFind, pFindData); } // Finalize searching pFiles->ItemCount = dwFileIndex; CascFindClose(hFind); // Extract the found file if available locally if(pFiles->ItemCount && Params.bCheckFileData) { RunExtractWorkers(pFiles); } // Get the compound name and data hash for(DWORD i = 0; i < pFiles->ItemCount; i++) { // Print the file name, if needed if(Params.fp1 != NULL) fprintf(Params.fp1, "%s\n", pFiles->cf[i].szFileName); assert(pFiles->cf[i].szFileName[0] != 0); // Update name hash and data hash MD5_Update(&NameHashCtx, pFiles->cf[i].szFileName, (unsigned long)(strlen(pFiles->cf[i].szFileName) + 1)); MD5_Update(&DataHashCtx, pFiles->cf[i].CKey, MD5_HASH_SIZE); } // Show the total number of extracted data if(Params.bCheckFileData) { LogHelper.FormatTotalBytes(szTotalBytes, _countof(szTotalBytes)); LogHelper.PrintMessage("Extracted: %u of %u files (%s bytes total)", LogHelper.FileCount, LogHelper.TotalFiles, szTotalBytes); } // Show the name hash if((szNameHash = GetHash(NameHashCtx, szHashString)) != NULL) { LogHelper.PrintMessage("Name Hash: %s%s", szNameHash, GetHashResult(Params.szExpectedNameHash, szNameHash)); } // Show the data hash if((szDataHash = GetHash(DataHashCtx, szHashString)) != NULL) { LogHelper.PrintMessage("Data Hash: %s%s", szDataHash, GetHashResult(Params.szExpectedDataHash, szDataHash)); } LogHelper.PrintTotalTime(); } else { LogHelper.PrintMessage("Error: Failed to enumerate the storage."); dwErrCode = GetCascError(); } // Free the file array CASC_FREE(pFiles); } else { LogHelper.PrintMessage("Error: Failed to allocate buffer for files enumeration."); dwErrCode = GetCascError(); } if(Params.fp1) fclose(Params.fp1); return dwErrCode; } static DWORD Storage_ReadFiles(TLogHelper & LogHelper, TEST_PARAMS & Params) { Params.bCheckFileData = true; return Storage_EnumFiles(LogHelper, Params); } static DWORD LocalStorage_Test(PFN_RUN_TEST PfnRunTest, STORAGE_INFO & StorInfo) { TLogHelper LogHelper(StorInfo.szPath); HANDLE hStorage; TCHAR szFullPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Prepare the full path of the storage MakeFullPath(szFullPath, _countof(szFullPath), StorInfo.szPath); // Open the CASC storage LogHelper.PrintProgress("Opening storage ..."); if(CascOpenStorage(szFullPath, 0, &hStorage)) { TEST_PARAMS Params; // Configure the test parameters Params.hStorage = hStorage; Params.szExpectedNameHash = StorInfo.szNameHash; Params.szExpectedDataHash = StorInfo.szDataHash; Params.szFileName = StorInfo.szFileName; dwErrCode = PfnRunTest(LogHelper, Params); } else { LogHelper.PrintError("Error: Failed to open storage %s", StorInfo.szPath); assert(GetCascError() != ERROR_SUCCESS); dwErrCode = GetCascError(); } return dwErrCode; } static DWORD SpeedStorage_Test(PFN_RUN_TEST PfnRunTest, LPCSTR szStorage, LPCSTR szExpectedNameHash = NULL, LPCSTR szExpectedDataHash = NULL, LPCSTR szFileName = NULL) { TLogHelper LogHelper(szStorage); HANDLE hStorage; TCHAR szFullPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; int nOpenCount = 100; // Keep compiler happy CASCLIB_UNUSED(PfnRunTest); CASCLIB_UNUSED(szExpectedNameHash); CASCLIB_UNUSED(szExpectedDataHash); CASCLIB_UNUSED(szFileName); // Prepare the full path of the storage MakeFullPath(szFullPath, _countof(szFullPath), szStorage); // Open the storage for the first time to load all files to the cache LogHelper.PrintProgress("Opening storage (caching-in) ..."); if(CascOpenStorage(szFullPath, 0, &hStorage)) { // Close right away CascCloseStorage(hStorage); hStorage = NULL; // Set the start time of the operation LogHelper.SetStartTime(); // Now open the storage again, many times in order to measure how fast can we load it for(int i = 0; i < nOpenCount; i++) { LogHelper.PrintProgress("Opening storage (%u /%u) ...", i, nOpenCount); if(!CascOpenStorage(szFullPath, 0, &hStorage)) { LogHelper.PrintError("Error: Failed to open storage %s", szStorage); break; } CascCloseStorage(hStorage); hStorage = NULL; } // Print the total time LogHelper.PrintTotalTime(); } else { LogHelper.PrintError("Error: Failed to open storage %s", szStorage); assert(GetCascError() != ERROR_SUCCESS); dwErrCode = GetCascError(); } return dwErrCode; } // Get the English version of the progress message static LPCSTR GetProgressMessageAsText(CASC_PROGRESS_MSG Message) { switch(Message) { case CascProgressLoadingFile: return "Loading file: %s"; case CascProgressLoadingManifest: return "Loading manifest: %s"; case CascProgressDownloadingFile: return "Downloading file: %s"; case CascProgressLoadingIndexes: return "Loading index files"; case CascProgressDownloadingArchiveIndexes: return "Downloading archive indexes"; default: assert(false); return NULL; } } static bool WINAPI OnlineStorage_OpenCB( void * PtrUserParam, // User-specific parameter passed to the callback CASC_PROGRESS_MSG Message, // Progress message LPCSTR szObject, // (optional) name of the object tied to the activity (example: index file name) DWORD, // (optional) current object being processed DWORD) // (optional) If non-zero, this is the total number of objects to process { TLogHelper * pLogHelper = (TLogHelper *)PtrUserParam; if(pLogHelper != NULL) { // Get the English version of the progress message LPCSTR szWork = GetProgressMessageAsText(Message); // Show the progress message, if any if(szWork != NULL) { pLogHelper->PrintProgress(szWork, szObject); } } return false; } static bool WINAPI OnlineStorage_OpenCB_Simple( void * /* PtrUserParam */, // User-specific parameter passed to the callback CASC_PROGRESS_MSG Message, // Progress message LPCSTR szObject, // (optional) name of the object tied to the activity (example: index file name) DWORD dwValue, // (optional) current object being processed DWORD dwTotal) // (optional) If non-zero, this is the total number of objects to process { LPCSTR szFmtx = (dwTotal != 0) ? ("%s (%u of %u) \r") : ("%s \r"); LPCSTR szWork; char szFormat[256]; if((szWork = GetProgressMessageAsText(Message)) != NULL) { CascStrPrintf(szFormat, _countof(szFormat), szFmtx, szWork, dwValue, dwTotal); printf(szFormat, szObject); } return false; } static DWORD OnlineStorage_Test(PFN_RUN_TEST PfnRunTest, STORAGE_INFO & StorInfo) { CASC_OPEN_STORAGE_ARGS OpenArgs = {sizeof(CASC_OPEN_STORAGE_ARGS)}; TLogHelper LogHelper(StorInfo.szPath); HANDLE hStorage; TCHAR szParams[MAX_PATH+0x40]; DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; LogHelper.PrintMessage("Root File: %s", StorInfo.szPath); LogHelper.PrintProgress("Opening storage ..."); // Prepare the path CascStrPrintf(szParams, _countof(szParams), _T("%hs/%hs"), CASC_PATH_ROOT, StorInfo.szPath); // Prepare the callbacks OpenArgs.PfnProgressCallback = OnlineStorage_OpenCB; OpenArgs.PtrProgressParam = &LogHelper; // Enable or disable reusing VERSIONS and CDNS if(strstr(StorInfo.szPath, "current") != NULL) OpenArgs.dwFlags |= CASC_FEATURE_FORCE_DOWNLOAD; // Open the online storage if(CascOpenStorageEx(szParams, &OpenArgs, true, &hStorage)) { TEST_PARAMS Params; // Check a specific file if(StorInfo.szFileName != NULL) { CASC_FILE_FULL_INFO FileInfo = {0}; HANDLE hFile = NULL; char szBuffer[MD5_STRING_SIZE + 1]; bool bSucceeded = false; // Just get the file info LogHelper.PrintProgress("Querying file \"%s\" ...", GetPlainFileName(StorInfo.szFileName)); if(CascOpenFile(hStorage, StorInfo.szFileName, 0, CASC_OPEN_BY_NAME, &hFile)) { if(CascGetFileInfo(hFile, CascFileFullInfo, &FileInfo, sizeof(CASC_FILE_FULL_INFO), NULL)) { LogHelper.PrintMessage(" File name: %s", StorInfo.szFileName); LogHelper.PrintMessage(" File hash: %s", GetHash(FileInfo.CKey, szBuffer)); LogHelper.PrintMessage(" File size: %08X", FileInfo.ContentSize); LogHelper.PrintMessage(" Locale flags: %08X", FileInfo.LocaleFlags); LogHelper.PrintMessage(" Content flags: %08X", FileInfo.ContentFlags); bSucceeded = true; } CascCloseFile(hFile); } // Get error code on failure if(bSucceeded == false) { dwErrCode = GetCascError(); LogHelper.PrintError("Failed to retrieve file information.", StorInfo.szFileName); } } // Configure the test parameters Params.szExpectedNameHash = StorInfo.szNameHash; Params.szExpectedDataHash = StorInfo.szDataHash; Params.hStorage = hStorage; Params.szFileName = NULL; Params.bOnlineStorage = true; dwErrCode = PfnRunTest(LogHelper, Params); CascCloseStorage(hStorage); } else { LogHelper.PrintError("Error: Failed to open storage %s", StorInfo.szPath); assert(GetCascError() != ERROR_SUCCESS); dwErrCode = GetCascError(); } return dwErrCode; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Storage list static STORAGE_INFO StorageInfo1[] = { //- Storage folder name -------- - Compound file name hash -------- - Compound file data hash -------- - Example file to extract --- {"Beta TVFS/00001", "be2ba8b6d02279a1b68c4ee28f07641f", "96e6457b649b11bcee54d52fa4be12e5", "ROOT"}, {"Beta TVFS/00002", "09fd84ef909ad314d84dc1f037e87ca3", "4da83fa60e0e505d14a5c21284142127", "ENCODING"}, {"CoD4/3376209", "e01180b36a8cfd82cb2daa862f5bbf3e", "79cd4cfc9eddad53e4b4d394c36b8b0c", "zone/base.xpak" }, {"CoD4-MW/8042902/.build.info", "cd54a9444812e168b3b920b1479eff71", "033f77f6309bf6c21984fc10d09e5a72" }, {"Diablo II Resurrected/71776", "8518f7457729368bcbfc8db60203de78", "180984fc02ee90875d0504952f177f9a", "ENCODING"}, {"Diablo III/30013", "86ba76b46c88eb7c6188d28a27d00f49", "19e37cc3c178ea0521369c09d67791ac", "ENCODING"}, {"Diablo III/50649", "18cd3eb87a46e2d3aa0c57d1d8f8b8ff", "9225b3fa85dd958209ad20495ff6457e", "ENCODING"}, {"Diablo III/58979", "3c5e033739bb58ce1107e59b8d30962a", "901dd9dde4e793ee42414c81874d1c8f", "ENCODING"}, {"Diablo III/68722", "34cb5a5cea775b7194d9cd0ec3458d3b", "eeaa6a963aa19d93bdafc049fe6d3aaf", "ENCODING"}, {"Diablo IV/39517", "5ed287e1ad3b5f1a08f3551eaecc66fb", "e646133acbc9c664ab5b1947578250c4", "Diablo IV.exe"}, {"Diablo IV/39812-open-beta", "8f50184d3c5aa5050996c4ebb61cb7ad", "5711f0b48ac785fc81590574527482cc", "Diablo IV.exe"}, {"Heroes of the Storm/29049", "98396c1a521e5dee511d835b9e8086c7", "b37e7edc07d465a8e97b47cabcd3fc04", "mods\\core.stormmod\\base.stormassets\\assets\\textures\\aicommand_autoai1.dds"}, {"Heroes of the Storm/30027", "6bcbe7c889cc465e4993f92d6ae1ee75", "978f6332a2f2149d74d48414b834c8f6", "mods\\core.stormmod\\base.stormassets\\assets\\textures\\aicommand_claim1.dds"}, {"Heroes of the Storm/30414", "4b377fa69dab736b2ae495920663832e", "367eef337676c902bf6855f54bbda182", "mods\\heromods\\murky.stormmod\\base.stormdata\\gamedata\\buttondata.xml"}, {"Heroes of the Storm/31726", "f997a06b3f8c10d9095e542f1ef83a74", "0eb064b28fc6203a48321a15d17f7df8", "mods\\heroes.stormmod\\base.stormassets\\Assets\\modeltextures.db"}, {"Heroes of the Storm/39445", "c672b26f8f14ab2e68a9f9d7d6ca6062", "62376a66045c7806e865ef4b056c7060", "versions.osxarchive\\Versions\\Base39153\\Heroes.app\\Contents\\_CodeSignature\\CodeResources"}, {"Heroes of the Storm/50286", "d1d57e83cbd72cbecd76916c22f6c4b6", "c1fe97f5fc04a2824449b6c43cf31ce5", "mods\\gameplaymods\\percentscaling.stormmod\\base.stormdata\\GameData\\EffectData.xml"}, {"Heroes of the Storm/65943", "c5d75f4e12dbc05d4560fe61c4b88773", "f046b2ed9ecc7b27d2a114e16c34c8fd", "mods\\gameplaymods\\percentscaling.stormmod\\base.stormdata\\GameData\\EffectData.xml"}, {"Heroes of the Storm/75589", "ae2209f1fcb26c730e9757a42bcce17e", "a7f7fbf1e04c87ead423fb567cd6fa5c", "mods\\gameplaymods\\percentscaling.stormmod\\base.stormdata\\GameData\\EffectData.xml"}, {"Heroes of the Storm/81376", "25597a3f8adc3fa79df243197fecd1cc", "2c36eb3dde7d545a0fa413ccebf84202", "mods\\gameplaymods\\percentscaling.stormmod\\base.stormdata\\GameData\\EffectData.xml"}, {"Heroes of the Storm/88936", "e3a4794fcb627f0768ff97834119d20a", "7d2cec9779e9c8baf0f1304df5921858"}, {"Overwatch/024919/data/casc", "379e5c9082c2a6bec78c71e5a77d46c9", "78cb77bf93d4563643b01f00831b3321", "ROOT"}, {"Overwatch/047161", "816d8adb3da20493e79f64559843f2d6", "2e935d3f8cc4cf62b94c1ba90214f7c8", "TactManifest\\Win_SPWin_RCN_LesMX_EExt.apm"}, {"Overwatch/072127", "a239ec86b6e94c512d37c4836d47bfe1", "26df45c35df2a9530f1912b5a88b2794", "TactManifest\\Win_SPWin_RCN_LesMX_EExt.apm"}, {"Overwatch/115380", "b4b03294e70ed0ef01235a312b46879d", "f8225c828c66e0c839dcf81e31827bdc", "ContentManifestFiles\\Windows-RDEV\\enUS\\speech\\05d0000000000093"}, {"Starcraft/2457", "3eabb81825735cf66c0fc10990f423fa", "ce752a323819c369fba03401ba400332", "music\\radiofreezerg.ogg"}, {"Starcraft/4037", "bb2b76d657a841953fe093b75c2bdaf6", "2f1e9df40da0f6f682ffecbbd920d4fc", "music\\radiofreezerg.ogg"}, {"Starcraft/4261", "59ea96addacccb73938fdf688d7aa29b", "4e07a768999c7887c8c21364961ab07a", "music\\radiofreezerg.ogg"}, {"Starcraft/6434", "e3f929b881ad07028578d202f97c107e", "9bf9597b1f10d32944194334e8dc442a", "music\\radiofreezerg.ogg"}, {"Starcraft/8713", "57da9e2768368d3e31473a70a9286a69", "6a425e9d9e7f3b44773a021ea89f85e3", "music\\radiofreezerg.ogg"}, {"Starcraft II/45364/\\/", "28f8b15b5bbd87c16796246eac3f800c", "f9cd7fc20fa53701846109d3d6947d08", NULL}, {"Starcraft II/75025", "79c044e1286b7b18478556e571901294", "e290febb90e06e97b4db6f0eb519ca91", NULL}, {"Starcraft II/81102", "cb6bea299820895f6dcbc72067553743", "63b47f03b1717ded751e0d24d3ddff4f", NULL}, {"Starcraft II/89720", "67d69f09ea73431b22165443c416c1dc", "8a494ff3baaa9a410950f9361a7fb044", "mods\\novastoryassets.sc2mod\\base2.sc2maps\\maps\\campaign\\nova\\nova04.sc2map\\base.sc2data\\GameData\\ActorData.xml"}, {"Warcraft III/09655", "a6b6a6fc519cd1071df65caa56ee7c33", "e45792b7459dc0c78ecb25130fa34d88", "frFR-War3Local.mpq:Maps/FrozenThrone/Campaign/NightElfX06Interlude.w3x:war3map.j" }, {"Warcraft III/11889", "5c6bd442c248bad0db50303e0505f147", "4cba488e57f7dccfb77eca8c86578a37", "frFR-War3Local.mpq:Maps/FrozenThrone/Campaign/NightElfX06Interlude.w3x:war3map.j" }, {"Warcraft III/13369", "3212bcad20f7c6ad0eb0864ca9444bb6", "4ac831db9bf0734f01b9d20455a68ab6", "ENCODING" }, {"Warcraft III/14883", "773180e32ac2fac8bd4cd4dfc2ab30a6", "3fd108674117ad4f93885bdd1a525f30", NULL }, {"Warcraft III/15801", "ad571ee968f77bbddc811fd215ee1d37", "f162cd3448219fd9956f9ff8fb5ba915", NULL }, {"WoW/18125", "b31531af094f78f58592249c4d216a8e", "e5c9b3f0da7806d8b239c13bff1d836e", "Sound\\music\\Draenor\\MUS_60_FelWasteland_A.mp3"}, {"WoW/18379", "fab30626cf94ed1523519729c3701812", "606e4bfd6f8100ae875eb4c00789233b", "Sound\\music\\Draenor\\MUS_60_FelWasteland_A.mp3"}, {"WoW/18865", "7f252a8c6001938f601b0c91abbb0f2a", "cee96fa43cddc008f564b4615fdbd109", "Sound\\music\\Draenor\\MUS_60_FelWasteland_A.mp3"}, {"WoW/18888", "a007d0433c71ddc6e9acaa45cbdc4e61", "a093c596240a6b71de125eaa83ea8568", "Sound\\music\\Draenor\\MUS_60_FelWasteland_A.mp3"}, {"WoW/19116", "a3be9cfd4a15ba184e21eed9ec90417b", "11a973871aef6ab3236676a25381a1e6", "Sound\\music\\Draenor\\MUS_60_FelWasteland_A.mp3"}, {"WoW/19342", "66f0de0cff477e1d8e982683771f1ada", "69b4c91c977b875fd0a6ffbf89b06408", "Sound\\music\\Draenor\\MUS_60_FelWasteland_A.mp3"}, {"WoW/21742", "a357c3cbed98e83ac5cd394ceabc01e8", "90ce1aac44299aa2ac6fb44d249d2561", "Sound\\music\\Draenor\\MUS_60_FelWasteland_A.mp3"}, {"WoW/22267", "101949dfbed06d417d24a65054e8a6b6", "4ef8df3cf9b00b5c7b2c1b9f4166ec0d", "Sound\\music\\Draenor\\MUS_60_FelWasteland_A.mp3"}, {"WoW/23420", "e62a798989e6db00044b079e74faa1eb", "854e58816e6eb2795d14fe81470ad19e", "Sound\\music\\Draenor\\MUS_60_FelWasteland_A.mp3"}, {"WoW/29981", "e939d6bfb739eda7049c7ef74efccf60", "3cba30b5e439a6e59b0953d17da9ac6c", "dbfilesclient\\battlepetspeciesstate.db2"}, {"WoW/31299*wow", "72a7210d758f613424be322bce256899", "05627c131969bd9394fb345f4037e249", "Sound\\music\\Draenor\\MUS_60_FelWasteland_A.mp3"}, {"WoW/31299*wowt", "cc2cba58dbbf95c3d5d0bc07dbc173cb", "423c1b99b14a615a02d8ffc7a7eff4ef", "Sound\\music\\Draenor\\MUS_60_FelWasteland_A.mp3"}, {"WoW/31299*wow_classic", "54f2491ce97f1eae0a57d02aa16f0e43", "b46bd2f81ead285e810e5a049ca2db74", "Sound\\music\\Draenor\\MUS_60_FelWasteland_A.mp3"}, {"WoW/37497-classic", "f7bf0942184f4ff727b2f539fa6ceff0", "102511c7ef53af35b5c3d4a837f076b9"}, {"WoW/38598-classic-tbcbeta", "777021f77c2ad16349d9b68484df40e2", "97423f756948e9437defc32b3bec4895"}, {"WoW/38707-classic-tbc", "70d621467a36bd768cdbaf0527ef1863", "08cc37803156adaddca74a09211106bd"}, {"WoW/40892-classic-tbc/.build.info", "5e9dc8fdb7ffba6c22bcad2330618d1e", "5ae578d0f8986c709477106fa63d8cfb"}, {"WoW/49821-classic", "e54423b6514443aa8d4c326d01db9f87", "0f72450e6f4c7c4dcd06c121bc334d9b", "Sound\\Music\\GlueScreenMusic\\wow_main_theme.mp3"}, {"WoW/47067*wow", "8dff8888c1c50dee17073f3a6f6b0767", "70a641d4100b97d77b9b6b3e5a07ee13", "Sound\\music\\Draenor\\MUS_60_FelWasteland_A.mp3"}, {"WoW/47067*wowt", "1af31b60f438be0c66cea9f42b3caf46", "ef347dfc36cbbef09587384cb9095839", "Sound\\music\\Draenor\\MUS_60_FelWasteland_A.mp3"}, {"WoW/47067*wow_classic", "92e498a7ed7fb6e6cc52b8292dd0864b", "3aae26808a5255477ab49df20b95fb18", "Sound\\music\\Draenor\\MUS_60_FelWasteland_A.mp3"}, {"WoW/47067*wow_classic_ptr", "7cc806b043c18c59dd024ec13bf5c2f1", "cd68e3fd59c97c4b69265bd949b77959", "Sound\\music\\Draenor\\MUS_60_FelWasteland_A.mp3"}, {"WoW/47067*wow_classic_era", "10c8c72c16c55ee44c5554aabe4284da", "47071bdea7e593e5481e2775c4813626", "Sound\\music\\Draenor\\MUS_60_FelWasteland_A.mp3"}, {"WoW/47067*wow_classic_era_ptr", "13792a23d629af232febfe9dc00a6958", "a0736b9aa5dfcd68dcc1fd2b3247ed1d", "Sound\\music\\Draenor\\MUS_60_FelWasteland_A.mp3"}, {"WoW/51187*wowt", "84f02e337fe85806180d935252153f2b", "e10061cb5cafbaf16926f898929a352a"}, }; static STORAGE_INFO StorageInfo2[] = { {"Hearthstone/160183/hearthstone-*hsb*us", "34b821747a7911eb98c9141153470fdd", "85096ab761616e1069a4fa5c1da28d9d"}, {"Hearthstone/160183*hsb*us", "34b821747a7911eb98c9141153470fdd", "85096ab761616e1069a4fa5c1da28d9d"}, {"WoW/45745-custom-cdn*http://us.falloflordaeron.com:8000*wow*us", "f0f3686925c71d46c9d681baad866fa3", "e5c03ef3dd196ec24054dbc370fb2fc5", "interface/framexml/localization.lua"}, {"WoW/45745-meta/wow-45745-custom-cdn.versions*wow*us", "f0f3686925c71d46c9d681baad866fa3", "e5c03ef3dd196ec24054dbc370fb2fc5", "interface/framexml/localization.lua"}, {"WoW/45745-meta/wow-45779-tvfs.versions", "34db7de6a728deb1fd5592f9b595963d", "dab6a1f3586a2a1408a8152ad7f9f1ad"}, {"WoW/45745-meta/wow-46144-tvfs.versions", "dde4a3c3709a005923e2ed41a397708e", "24d04d1f9f516979a51102f479027c70"}, {"WoW/45745-meta/wow-46902-classic.versions*wow_classic*us", "92e498a7ed7fb6e6cc52b8292dd0864b", "3aae26808a5255477ab49df20b95fb18"}, {"WoW/45745-meta/wow-47186-ptr.versions", "ee1a4868dde8e3261d5fb98c276bf82a", "e1fff62f0147dd079a0cf73890255863", "interface/framexml/localization.lua"}, {"WoW/45745-meta*wowt*us", "ee1a4868dde8e3261d5fb98c276bf82a", "e1fff62f0147dd079a0cf73890255863", "interface/framexml/localization.lua"}, {"WoW/5####-current*wow*us", "049627e5db398fd336e8c685cbcd49a0", "7683c27407ad6b051e6d1e4f6409f94e", "interface/framexml/localization.lua"}, }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main //#define LOAD_STORAGES_SINGLE_DEV #define LOAD_STORAGES_CMD_LINE #define LOAD_STORAGES_LOCAL #define LOAD_STORAGES_ONLINE int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { DWORD dwErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; CASCLIB_UNUSED(argc); CASCLIB_UNUSED(argv); printf("\n"); //printf("%llx\n", CalcFileNameHash("interface/icons/inv_helm_armor_explorer_d_01.blp")); //printf("%llx\n", CalcNormNameHash("interface\\icons\\inv_helm_armor_explorer_d_01.blp", 48)); #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_DEBUG) _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF); #endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_DEBUG) #ifdef LOAD_STORAGES_SINGLE_DEV { CASC_OPEN_STORAGE_ARGS OpenArgs = {sizeof(CASC_OPEN_STORAGE_ARGS)}; //CASC_FIND_DATA cf; HANDLE hStorage; //HANDLE hFind; HANDLE hFile; LPCSTR szFile = "interface/icons/inv_armor_explorer_d_01_helm.blp"; // FileDataId = 2965132 //LPCSTR szFile = "interface/icons/inv_helm_armor_explorer_d_01.blp"; // FileDataId = 2965132 BYTE Buffer[0x100]; OpenArgs.PfnProgressCallback = OnlineStorage_OpenCB_Simple; OpenArgs.PtrProgressParam = NULL; if(CascOpenStorageEx(_T("E:\\Multimedia\\CASC\\Work\\bna*bna*us"), &OpenArgs, true, &hStorage)) { //hFind = CascFindFirstFile(hStorage, szFile, &cf, szListFile_TXT); //if(hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if(CascOpenFile(hStorage, szFile, 0, CASC_OVERCOME_ENCRYPTED | CASC_OPEN_CKEY_ONCE, &hFile)) { CascReadFile(hFile, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), NULL); CascCloseFile(hFile); } //CascFindClose(hFind); } CascCloseStorage(hStorage); } } #endif #ifdef LOAD_STORAGES_CMD_LINE // // Run tests for each storage entered on command line // for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { STORAGE_INFO StorInfo = {argv[i]}; // Attempt to open the storage and extract single file dwErrCode = LocalStorage_Test(Storage_ReadFiles, StorInfo); if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS && dwErrCode != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) break; } #endif #ifdef LOAD_STORAGES_LOCAL // // Run the tests for every local storage in my collection // for(size_t i = 0; i < _countof(StorageInfo1); i++) { // Attempt to open the storage and extract single file dwErrCode = LocalStorage_Test(Storage_ReadFiles, StorageInfo1[i]); if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS && dwErrCode != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) break; } #endif #ifdef LOAD_STORAGES_ONLINE // // Run the tests for every available online storage in my collection // for(size_t i = 0; i < _countof(StorageInfo2); i++) { // Attempt to open the storage and extract single file dwErrCode = OnlineStorage_Test(Storage_EnumFiles, StorageInfo2[i]); if(dwErrCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; } #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_DEBUG) _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); #endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_DEBUG) return (int)dwErrCode; }