# Cash (Money, Millionaires) `cash` is a command line tool to cache program output so you can grep/awk/whatever without polluting local dir. ## Usage ``` $ cash find / #this caches the output # output $ cash | grep 'xyz' #this pipes output to grep ``` ## Build Requires cargo. ``` $ cargo build --release $ sudo ln -s $(pwd)/target/release/cash /usr/local/bin/cash ``` ## Args ### -n \ This can be used to name the output. Usage with this is similar to above, ``` $ cash -n test find / # output $ cash -n test | grep 'xyz' ``` ### -d \ If you want to use a special dir for caching, use this flag. If you want to permanently use this dir then use an alias with your shell. ## License [![License: Artistic-2.0](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Artistic%202.0-0298c3.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/Artistic-2.0) ## authors @[tony-o](https://github.com/tony-o)